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Do you take commissions?
Is it still possible to get ahead of the curve? I remember people kept saying the raid for Helya were going to be taken away when the next raid came out, but it didn't happen for a while.
Holy FUCK. But the handle looks REALLY tiny.
trolls are like 8 feet tall unhunched, making them the biggest playable race
Someone post slutty pandas quick!
Nelfs are cute, elves are cute. United elf faction when
Unfortunately not. But I can sketch something up real quick I guess. Just eavesdropping on RP in the Cathedral atm.
You guys weren't kidding. There's a fuckton of military RP guilds.
>tfw just wanna adventure; fight some gnolls and kobolds and occasionally get stuck dealing with something way over my char's head
>blood elves making fun of the night elves for their troll ancestry in the suramar campaign
does tmorph work yet? i got no reason to play without it
>LFG groups already wanting 940+, AOTC and Argus achievement for normal
>Tfw you dont have thousands of beta orbiters watching your stream to carry you through the content on a whim
Truly suffering, guess I'll just wait for LFR
>blood elves don't know their own history
Why does /wowg/ hate fem humans?
Probably because they live like animals in the forest naked and shit like trolls.
If they do they're wrong. Fem humans are p great
who is the zandalari leader for the player zandalari?
what's a suitable m+ for a 930 Frost Mage?
it's like whites calling blacks monkeys
"you're less evolved" etc
doesn't matter though because it turns out all the trolling was actually suramar infiltrators
Mage is so shit to level compared to a lock.
wtf is a netherlight crucible
It's because Night Elves are still a bunch of savages
>turns out all the trolling was actually suramar infiltrators
>descendants of trolls pretending to be descendants of trolls making fun of another group of descendants of trolls for being descendants of trolls
windrunnerposters jealous they can't have all the human dick to themselves
we don't know yet
probably that princess though
my guess is it'll be Rastakhan's daughter
>another chick leader
Goes out of their way to help others gets fucked by another race of meth addicts. I am surprised they have kill all horde on sight at this point.
King Rastakhan
I hear there's no darkspear representative at the new orgrimmar emissary area thing in BfA but Rastakhan is there so he might be the leader of horde trolls in general.
Reminder that Tirion died for this
>I hear there's no darkspear representative at the new orgrimmar emissary area thing in BfA
Rokhan is the darkspear representative now.
>you're a step closer to our troll ancestry than us, you unevolved savages
not really that inconsistent
the light......... wiLL............
stop this garbage
rastakhan is alive
Poor tirion but that was hilarious
healing is difficult
these model mods look so ridiculously bad why do people do this to their characters?
right I think I got Rastakhan and Rokhan mixed up.
Wasn't Rokhan just some literally who from the founding of durotar prologue? I guess they don't have many relevant darkspear character to choose from
>doing portal keeper hasabel
>big aoe line goes across the middle
>watch a resto shaman in the center of it after about 2 seconds start backpedaling
>then he starts keyboard turning to try to run forward
>all the while casting nothing
>he's doing 700k hps
jesus I wish I didn't just see that
Just fell for the resub meme...
What is there to do this game other than the mythic reset shit on Tuesday? Is this game literally one days worth of content every week?
How do we stop elves from stealing all our men?
its honestly the most frustrating thing about asmongold, he has this elitist attitude yet hes bottom of the meter going off his antorus, he thinks LFR has no place and its okay if people dont see content, yet will make a 30 man group of the same class and gear up entirely within an hour.
he'd be a fucking LFR baby if he didnt have all his viewers wanting to suck his dick and raid with him, when in all honesty theyre probably a much better player than he is.
this is why you should never look up to autists like him, he has no fucking idea outside of his bubble.
>wow user, you think you have a - hahah - you think you have a chance with me?
>you actually think that I'd say yes to YOU asking me out? are you serious?!
>legitimately bothered that Tirion's getting fucking killed
>that voiceline plays
Hurt to laugh, man
women aren't good leaders
>Doing mage tower as guardian druid
>Sometimes go through P1 without any bullshit
>Often get knocked off the platform in P1, despite Infernals KO'd on the other side of Inquisitor and eyes dead
>Kruul himself just heals to 70%~ out of nowhere when I manage to get him down a bit, and kills me with an Annihilate
What else can a tank druid do here? I'm using 3/3/1/1/2/2/1 as my talents, I've got Luffa Wrappings for making P1 easy, Prydaz is my only other legendary since fucking launch, I'm 924 without tier and 919 with tier. I'm using incapacitating roar to stun those arcane things when I rarely don't kill them before their little aoe shit, I bash the infernal when it gets close or Kruul just before he hits me with Annihilate for those extra few seconds, and I use Incarnation + drums + pot every time I get into the start of Kruul's phase.
What else can I do? Other legendaries aren't an option with how generous Blizzard is, and I don't have gear from Antorus yet since I'm not raiding til Friday (MT won't even be up anymore). I just want this shit done, but I can't seem to beat it.
No he died that so Turalyon could become the new token human paladin.
Then after Turalyon dies the new token human paladin will be Anduin's queen.
im going to kill greymane and wear his fur as my armour
user who was wanted to make an alliance clothie go for the Dwarf chick and make her a priest
>t. drumpf supporter
>Unfortunately not.
Why? Do you suck or are you a big fish trying to keep a low profile? Post some samples of your work.
I wish Night Elves still had claws and fangs like in WC3 :(
worst leaders
It has to be an elf paladin
use drums on first phase so you get less infernals, you shouldn't be dying to kruul now with argus gear so removing knockbacks is the main goal
kruul heals from his interruptible ability, don't let him get it off
Does anyone have a dps chart from this most recent patch?
I am just curious and want to see.
I mainly want to see which Rogue is the best atm.
Anduin is not a disgusting racemixer. He is pure.
Play alliance if you want to be human fucking retard
I just want straight backs for my Undead. The fact that in Vanilla all four Horde races were slouched for no fucking reason was stupid as hell.
Just believe in the Light
I wonder how Tirion would have reacted to Xera
Didn't realize his interruptable did the heal. Guess I missed that. In P2, I only have 1 infernal (2 if I really fucking suck), so they're not really a huge issue. I'll still give it a go with drums when the useless debuff falls off this time.
Kill yourself
I bet you play blood elf
Neck your mother
I bet you play Tauren
Anybody on MG Alliance wanna carry my ass to 2k arena rating for 360k? I'm an assassination rogue.
I opened his stream the other day and he was crying about stream snipers trying to kill him saying how their so scummy etc etc. 20 minutes later he came across a PvP flagged dwarf doing the same quest as him and he asked chat to come kill him so he could do the quest without competing for mobs, refusing to toggle PvP himself.
>playing tauren on horde is a bad thing
>curbstomp brm, paladin, druid, and bdk mage tower
>literally can't get inquis past 50% on war
2s or 3s?
Tirion wasn't lightforged and led to believe Xera was more powerful and important than she really was
Even Velen doesn't seem to bothered by it, given his interactions with Illidan
>Wanting unripped robes and unrended armor is a bad thing
What's the easiest way to get Vicious Saddle's and can I get multiple per season?
More annoying than his shitty opinions is his way of masking them with this kind of "trolling", LARPing as a white trash scumbag or devil's advocacy. I dislike LFR and the fundamental problem is nu-WoW's shitty social dynamics for which it's a good enough bandaid, but I'm really glad it'll never be removed just to spite people like him.
Either works for me
>Illidan sacrifice himself for Azeroth
>Malfurion "He was selfish"
>Tyrande "Not sure if he really mean it"
Are you fucking kidding me?
>warrior carrying in 2s or 3s
>tanking dungeons to level up my paladin
>get a healer from either the BR or Latin realms
>right click leave party
fucking hate this
stfu warlock fag
they're written like assholes to make it seem like illidan was more justified for his actions over time
that being said, he's definitely a better character than his brother in many ways
I'm going into Goldshire, boys.
Male Human or male Worgen? I'm not a furry, I just want action.
seems kind of dumb and emotional to slow down your leveling process because of that
im in a pug and the RL has a fucking massive lisp and noone can understand him kek
>Slow down
I have been in plenty of latin groups and you be surprise how much they can fuck up basic shit. You usually end up wasting more time working with them.
Don't make fun of him just because he has a speech impediment. You don't know what he's been through.
i fuckin hate elves
i fuckin hate pandas
>friend is almost 110
>says you have to quest through every zone to get there
>can't leave some for alts to explore
Is this true?
Why not Orc?
i fuckin hate h*mans
Turalyon didn't seem too bothered by her death five minutes later either, the whole Argus story was so fucking stupid in favor of their poster child Illidan. So glad he's gone for the moment, they ruined an actually decent character just for this expansion which would've been fine without him.
what's this little faggot up to
This is your healer for tonight
What are you talking about?