Fighting Games General /fgg/
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How do I win with Juri?
Last of the screenshots.
Now this is how you do an /fgg/ OP.
nani the fuck
pls be in fighterz
Why isn't you playing Geese right now?
Still waiting...for the Menat frontal pantyshot...
Pray the other guy doesn't know the matchup
I have not fapped to Juri before.
what fighting game is this?
Post succ.
Morrigan can succ me.
Asagi Battle Arena
Please play me in Power Instinct Matrimelee I'll do anything
why do people like this gross slut?
I am playing Geese in Neo Geo Battle Coliseum, that is
I wish, but if we at least get a good green black and white recolor for Gohan I'll be happy.
time to choose /fgg/ sniffs or reddit
someone see me in st rn
What if Great Saiyaman was playable instead?
Does Mai like dick now? Or is she bi
Back the fucc off!?
they weren't a pack
woooooooooooooo so hard
How do I get boobies and a vagina like him?
>Finally buy a fightstick for the very first time
>Its an old PS3 Madcatz stick that doesn't work on PC
>Play on the PS3 version of SFIV to start learning stick and don't waste the money
>It feels like i'm a complete novice once again
Such a strange feeling, i don't even know if i will be able to actually learn the stick for fighting games
Literally the best persona.
>close to 7800 games played and almost at SuperBronze with 784 LP
Hold me fgg, I am improving
That's what i was hoping for, but it's definitely not happening.
Just imagine the possibilites though, maybe he could pose to build meter like Dan, or it could be a separate meter that would power him up when filled (think Junpei's baseball meter from P4A), he could even have a level 3 where Videl pops in to help
But alas, it is not meant to be
How did Capcom make an even uglier game than Skullgirls?
I blame goober!
>trying to learn new character in jive
>went to casuals to practice my hitconfirms and footsies
>people in casuals are the ones who afraid losing points in ranked so they trying to win by any means
>Akumas, kens, bisons
>random lp spam and shoryus
How the fuck I'm supposed to learn a character, I don't want 1000 times punish dp
I'm sure you mean Casual games and you're just starting Ranked, right?
You mean last year? Then what did I buy last year?
Kolin is pretty overrated tbtqhf
>Devil Summoner screenshot
im gay anyone wanna st or 3s
no wonder why Gill is gay...
Just play ranked, the points don't matter anyway
Succubus is also a persona though.
sniffs win
so when do we talk about fighting games???
play a smurf like everyone else, dumbass
Nobody here plays fighting games, we just talk shit about them on the rare occasion we're not too busy talking about anime girls.
Combos are the original kuso mechanic.
>other thread deleted
right now.
What do you think of Blazblue?
The costumes were clearly rushed. Kolin's forehead is atricious.
anyone want to play t7/rev2? ps4 ec
Find a flaw.
dont listen to the antisemitic replies kolin is a beautiful jewish princess
I am on PS4 and have 7 different accounts: Laura, Mika, Karin, Vega, Guile, Menat and Nash.
dead shit with stupid dubfags for fans
muh english voices
He's a fucking gorilla. Fuck Alex players and fuck anyone who wants him to get buffed.
I like Hakumen, but airdashes in any game always catch me cuz I go in too hard and get punished
>tfw still stuck at beginner after 274 matches
Anyone want some easy wins?
Enough with costumes new stages when?
There is no god. really Kolin?!?!
never, retarded newage waifufags and SNIFFboys wont buy them over chun-li costumes
did howard stern dye his hair
what kind of crap ass mod is this?
>Not getting both.
best DS girl.
is thattoffee a tranny?
Alex is literally a male stripper
damn birdie looks like THAT!???
that nigga looks suspect
Well, he does like to rip off his shirt
stop bullying little girls
Anyone tekken 7 PC?
why does leg wear turn me on so much guys? At least it's a better fetish than the foot fags.
i hate kolin so effing much
calm the heck down user
Follow a leg to its end, and what do you find? A foot. In the end, you will also become a footfag. I am sorry, my son, but you must be purged among with them while you still retain your humanity.
but if I move up the leg I can be an ass man
How do I start my own locals?
Power Instinct Matrimelee is actually pretty good
Yo Necalli's CPT costume on v-trigger is actually like staring into the sun
>tfw you post a pic of Kolin come back to see the replies
Or you can keep moving up and get to the tits.
It's next level yomi bruh
Night Morrigan!
>Posting Kolin instead of Karin
You did this to yourself, user.
use that shitty facebook event set up
make fake accounts to share the event and sign up for it to build hype
you could also just tell your "real" friends to share the event