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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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Banner when
Faye is very cute.
Fjorm's pussy
>tharshit but white hair.
Hopefully never.
How should I build Nowi lads? Steady Breath+QR3?
Zephiel was right
How do you get more refining shards? Is it just quests.
I want to forge her weapon and some other heroes too and can't decide who needs it more.
Building +Atk/-Res Nowi. Assuming no immediate access to Steady Breath, is Fury QR/SB her best build?
So what else does this nipple princess want?
that seems to be the standard
All banners are bait
SB + QR3 + Aether + Lightning Breath++
Steady Breath + QR3
TA + QR3
Fury + Swordbreaker
Your choice lad
Who /nigga/ here?
>steady stance
Why not just keep her bond skill?
+Speed Maria, +Speed cocks imouto or +Atk Serra? I want to do healer memes and got a spare Genny.
Piss off nuFE faggot
>last thread had people nonstop arguing about best nowi IVs
>Nowi OP now
Alright nigs Imma try this one more time, Im dumping 100k feathers for make a beefy nowi, whats my best options?
>+atk - def
>+atk -spd
>+spd -def
>+def -hp
I keep seeing people argue +spd or -spd with QR is better, help a bro decide once and for all?
An attack ploy?
I hope you learned aether from bike when you gave her steady stance.
Swap that in and let her roll in tempest and chain challenges.
Keep the Genny
Did you even play the DLC user
Because bond skills are hot trash
>+def -hp
This is the best one.
build corrin instead!
How I build her?
She is -HP/+SPD
-hp or -spd
Ideally +Atk/-Hp
>Rhajat is literally about to come out with Christmas tharja shortly after, both with great art
You're being PLENTY pandered to already dude
You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Mommy Milkies is coming to town~
She's making a map
And checking it twice
Gonna find out how to give more Skill Points
Mommy Milkies is coming to town~
She sees you when you're sleeping
She knows when you're awake
She knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for Anankos' sake!
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Mommy Milkies is coming to town~
Mommy Milkies is coming to town~
It's better than steady stance but ok
Gonna ask again.
I have two extra Hectors floating around with shit IVs. (Yes, I'm a lucky bastard) Anyway, I was thinking about making my main Hector a +2, but the allure of Distant Counter made me reconsider. Who deserves it?
Promising candidates:
Spring Chrom (+Spd/-HP) Saber (+Spd/-HP) Chrom (+Res/-Spd) Sigurd (+Atk/-Spd) Azura (+Def/-Atk) Effie (+HP/-Atk) Minerva (+Spd/-Def) Summer Tiki (+Spd/-Res) or Valter or Zeph.
Hol up
I just know lacheslut roamed a dessert or some shit.
True. Better to space out banners I want so I don't go bankrupt.
Not it's not, but keep thinking wrong
Breed Nowi!
Fury, SB, DC; you can even go TA
Vantage, QR, Breaker
I don't trust skills that require adjacent positioning. Too strict.
It's Steady Stance, not Breath. I have my Brave Ike still, I used SS from BK so that if I got another Ike, I could inherit both SB and Aether.
DC and QR for new Seliph?
With the above, he could make pretty good use of Sacred cowl and also distant defense
He wouldn't be good reinbait, of course. But maybe you'd want to use Deflect magic anyway? Deflect missile would probably be better now that I think about it
How are you all going to build him? And what IVs?
time to be more cancerous i guess
I don't know why I like this song so much, but I love it.
what's the source of that gif? I find that shit hilarious for some reason, it's different when it's animated than when it's just a recording
It’s meh due to the positional requirement. I would say it’s better than stance at least, but definitely not breath.
I ended up getting spooked on the Halloween banner a week or so ago by a completely neutral Priscilla. Is she okay to use because horse buffs or is no boon fucking her over?
>all while keeping your spur-having teammates close by like anyone with a brain does in the first place
I'm glad no one listens to you.
Fjorm's strong! STRONG!
>She is -HP/+SPD
Get an A.Tiki with good IV instead, you're royal fucked because she is 5*
ATK Smoke fodder
I don't understand. How badly would -Spd cripple Fjorm's performance?
+Spd is amazing for Y.Tiki, allowing her to avoid and even double Naga users.
Post tempest trial MVPs.
Good posture!
This is best case scenario, faggot. You can't play this way 100% of the time. Good job being a fucking brainlet
>not putting both of them on the same defense team
Her Speed is already trash so making it worse makes her get doubled by every unit in the game
her speed is already shit, it literally doesn't matter
God I hope she's a TT reward
If we get YET ANOTHER SWORD I'm going to flip
I agree
>wewlad Celica
>-atk but she still kills everything
Tell me, /feg/, what is +atk Celica like?
She doesn't need bonus unit stats
Wouldn't -spd be ideal for a steady breath + quick riposte build?
I rolled a -spd/+atk one and will keep that over the neutral one.
I wish I had more merges.
Do you know what the stat does? Every single point in it matters and can be the difference between your opponent attacking you twice while you only get to attack them once as opposed to the other way around.
They arent TT units
Good luck getting KO with all those Falchions user now that the dragon meta will be stronger.
-HP/+DEF is the definitive IV for all the dragons
guess what happens when you're put in a position where you have no one next to you? YOU HAVE AN A SKILL THAT GIVES 0 STATS
>new arena changes
every month that goes by I feel myself making my standards for my ranking lower and lower just to avoid smashing my phone in frustration
>tfw used to be able to cycle between 19-20 before CYL and it's only gotten worse
fuck this
Second best, only to +Spd.
55 Atk before buffs. 38 Speed. She's pretty fucking scary.
My sons didn't make it. I feel sad.
Uh, anyone? I don't have Sigurd so I'd appreciate some help
>mfw +Spd/-Atk Serika
I just slapped Atk+3 and ooooh boy.
Sigurd, Noish, Alec, Arden, Azel, Lex, Midayle, Dew, Ayra, Jamke, Chulainn, Beowulf, Lewyn and Claude all die.
Aideen fled to Isaach to help raise the kids.
Lachesis drops Delmud off with Aideen, goes to Leonster to help raise Ares but Eldigan's waifu tells her to fuck off, she stays with Finn for a bit and then dies crossing the desert.
Sylvia escapes somewhere.
Erinys escapes but gets sick and dies.
Tailtiu is captured.
Brigid apparently dies but ends up in Thracia somehow.
I have a +ATK -SPD good Tiki and I think +SPD -HP would be my ideal. Speed would help prevent getting doubled by even common Fury'd +SPD Julias/Deirdres.
Without speed, webm related can happen.
I've been bouncing between 18 and 20 since CYL. Before that I was solidly in tier 20
>3 orbs left
really hope they don't release another lucina soon
Whats the best nowi build, Fury + QR?
With the new lightning breath she doesnt really want threaten res anymore so just generic party buffs or threaten atk?
I guess the reason why I'm confused is because QR+Iceberg is something I'd expect on Fjorm, with other skills and stuff like Close Def and spurs from teammates turning her into a wall because of her mediocre speed.
why can't Fae inherit the boquet bros?
I'm still using my same team since CYL quite fine. You just need to equip high level seals like Panic ploy and DD3 for more points. I bounce around 19-20 comfortably too.
>doesn't attack first when there would be no consequence in doing so
I seriously don't get what this webm is trying to prove
Because she is not a mage which is the class required to inherit the bouquet.
outdated webm
Doesn't account for Lightning breath upgrades
t. shitter who just started dragon emblem today
Why are there no traps in FEH?
>Being so bad at the game you can't even control your teams positioning
I legitimately am kind of bewildered by you matter of fact you stating that you're terrible at the basics of fire emblem
>get first unit from the 8% banner
>+Def, -Atk Genny
I got a +Def, -HP Fjorm after that, is that better than the neutral one or what
Steady Breath is ideal, but without killing a Brave Ike Fury works well
Because they're so good at it that you don't realize
>Lacheslut would rather raise mini Eldigan than her own kid.
>You will always be able to attack first, without consequences and never have to bait at any point
I know you're retarded but please at least try.
Why do you post in threads about series you know nothing about?