It's 1947. USA did not partake in WW2. After German capitualtion in 1946, Japan surrendered to USSR in 1947 after being fully occupied.
What does this mean for international relationships?
It's 1947. USA did not partake in WW2. After German capitualtion in 1946, Japan surrendered to USSR in 1947 after being fully occupied.
What does this mean for international relationships?
The U.S. wouldn't have the pretext to develop nuclear weapons. The Soviets meanwhile would have most of Europe and huge parts of Asia under their control. The Soviets would most probably spur and support revolutionairy activities in European colonies and gain a huge amount of loyal vassal states in the debeloping world. Meanwhile the western world ( South America, Britain, US, Australia) would form an alliance in order to maintain their independence. Depending wether or not the Soviets have any intent for expansionism, WW3 might very possibly break out.
Britain and Canada would have moved into France and maybe Italy as the Russians closed in on Germany.
Red flag triumphant.
I don't know, without the fault line in Europe things might be a lot calmer.
Soviets would have a lot of occupation work on their hands and might not have resources or energy for expansion.
Source of tension might be US funding resistance movements in Europe.
you're a walking stereotype or you're a troll
I think he means also not helping through production. a lot more cykas would probably have died then.
OP here
>Soviets would have a lot of occupation work on their hands and might not have resources or energy for expansion.
I'm thinking this. Also ... Uk and Canada would probably still perform Overlord and take France and possibly Italy.
A few millions more, yes.
>He doesn't use tumblr
It's a cool site tbqh.
>ussr taking germany by itself
>ussr taking japan by itself with no boats
this is a pretty shit scenario, they might as well take everyone else over with the magical power of communism
>Japan surrendered to USSR in 1947 after being fully occupied.
wew, didn't notice that. OP is memeing isn't he.
how'd it really play out, wouldn't they both basically just become overextended and fucked?
Zhukov uses a part of the army to create a human bridge while the other part walks over it.
Didn't the USSR have plans to invade Japan?
I haven't looked into how legit they were, but I remember them existing. Sounds like more of a 1950s thing in a 'no US aid' timeline though.
Yes, they had plans to invade Hokkaido, but the first step of that plan was Project Hula, which was basically the U.S. giving ships to the Soviets to enable such an invasion.
>Pussy ass Brits
>Able to do anything without their American overlord
Pick one
They'd have Dunkirked even faster than in 1940
>my epic /int/ memees are historical substance
Brits and Candaians were 58% of the landing force at d-day. Them doing it alone is not in anyway absurd
Cool story, cuck
>most of east is absorbed into ussr
>french anti-communist resistance is fucking massive and the new communist government is unpopular
>spain has coup to depose franco
>Diaz instated
>ussr begins funding guerilla activities in india, indochina and africa
>ho chi minh instated in indochina
>us, british empire, south america, turkey and china form anti communist defensive pact
>massive funds to chiang kai shek
>America and Britain join Chiang in china in mid 50's
>vietnam at 10x the scale
>america and Britain finish joint nuclear project
>ussr begins their own
>cold war
>ussr collapses mid 1990's due to guerilla warfare and economic stagnation
>most of europe left a shithole
>think france with the economy of poland
Nice /pol/ meme.
please fuck off if you aren't going to discuss history properly but instead just argue with country is best
that pic you posted was axis propaganda to make brits and aussies try and fight back, in reality women thought americans were actual retards. and you are.
Would the U.S. still develop nuclear power? Without the stigma associated with nuclear energy's destructive potential, would the world today look different after cheap and (relatively) clean energy floods the nation?
Britain started the nuke program before the war, the americans basically took over when they joined due to britain's economy being close to collapse.
We would still see nukes, just later on. Maybe 1953.
t. ""British"" internet warrior who really is the great grandson of an American soldier who stationned in England in 1945 and who cucked the man you bear the family name of
nice argument
i was in atlanta a month ago and banged 3 girls
best part is i'm an ugly smelly cunt, your girls are just sluts
>a high level of discourse is expected.
I don't think that the Soviets would be able to hold and consolidate such gigantic territorial gains after the massive bleeding out caused by fighting the war without US help. They had serious trouble holding the entire Eastern Europe alone after all.
It's been calculated that USSR would be able to sustain armies and production even at higher levels than IRL and would have won singlehandedly. The human cost of that victory would be extremely high though.
Full communism and world peace
Without the US, Germany would had won against the soviet union
Even Guderian if I recall said it,the even in 1943 the war could had been won
If the US didn't enter the war, Germany would have won.
Japan as well
american revisonism: the post
germans were retreating into poland before d-day
sorry, It was Von Manstein
Bagration took place two weeks after D-Day
>overlord was the first thing America did in Europe.
Not even him, but that's a stupid assumption.
regardless, it's silly to assume the german's could've won against the soviets after 43
hell, after 42 more like
If the US didnt' partake in the WW2, then USSR and the Western Europe would've fallen. Why the fuck would Japan surrender to USSR? They're not even at war. The only reason USSR declared war against Japan in the first place was after the US had nuked Japan and Japanese empire had already collapsed.
No, but there's a huge range between
>Germans win a total victory and occupy Moscow and obliterate the Soviet Union
>Soviets win a total victory and occupy Berlin and obliterate Nazi Germany.
Just because Germany doesn't win doesn't mean they'd lose, or at least not lose completely.
>ITT people who underestimate the damage of the strategic bombing campaign and the Italian theater
Axis would have rolled the ussr without lend lease.
Sorry that's not what putin told you comrade.
Even without the US Germany could never have won, Britain alone lost like what, only 49k civilians only after the Germans threw almost their entire air command at Britain and
countless resources on early rockets?
Nowhere did OP say the US stopped lend lease, and Britain didn't even have to go into maximum overdrive for the war, if shit went badly the UK would have easily sent 20 million Indians and a million Sikhs armed with US and Russian weaponry and either shipped them to Africa or marched them straight through Persia, possibly through the caucuses, or straight to Turkey
And if they went with the sea transport option, they Brits could have done it unmolested, the Indian ocean to the west coast of Africa was uncontested, if anything Hitler might have lost more so cause his lack of naval build up
Not to mention, napalm was invented in ww2, 1942 to be specific, by Americans and Brits at Harvard
I'm sorry, but ww2 was almost unwinnable by Nazi germany
so you fucked a bunch of nigs?
Good job!
Norway should be red. Nazis occupied it and USSR invaded it when Nazis went downwards. Only reason they didn't completely take it over is because of USA/UK objection.
proper map incoming
africa, central, west and southeast asia was biologically nuked
Communism would have easily engulfed the world if America didn't enter. Dont be fooled by people who say we entered just to defeat Nazi Germany, the real reason was to halt the expansion of communism, Germany was just a pretext. There were even plans for the invasion of the Soviet Union by the UK, France, and America after Germany's fall.
Are you stupid? If the US didn't get itself involved with the war, then how are the Allies going to get their war supplies from? How are they going to push the Germans? How are the Japs going to enter the war?
This. The Soviets never had the naval force to land in Japan, and if the Americans didn't intervene, Japan still has one of the world's most powerful navies to stop them. The Soviets definitely would have steamrolled Japan out of Manchuria/Siberia/northern China, but Japan could have carried on with their southern strategy just fine.
nukes by 49, britain would probably use nukes to enforce the retention of its empire and the freedom of france.
although if the USSR and the germans are going all out on the eastern front enough troops would likely be withdrawn from france to make the vichy consider switching sides and in concert with the british retaking france, provided they stopped at the old german border its unlikely the germans could resist