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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>/feg/ doubted Nowi's tier placement over Reinhardt
This is my wife. No one else can have her.
I'm so sorry i ever doubted you nowi sama
All I got from the 8% banner was 2 Hectors. Who wants DC?
I'm looking through the asset dump for the new update and Laevateinn/Surtr both just have 2 attacking quotes, 2 damage quotes, their skill proc quotes, and defeat quotes standard as a villain only character, but Loki has all that plus 2 quotes as if you were tapping her on the stats screen.
No select quotes like Fjorm does though.
Still kind of odd she has those 2.
This one's not very funny but I'm still very happy to see official meta-humor
Ishtar is a well-written and complex character, but she's a terrible Camus.
Nice, taimanin yukikaze crossover
Nobody cares for your shitty neckbeard-bait.
>2 swords in Tier 1
Do I want extra def or res on my Nowi's cum breath?
Is Deirdre better than Julia in every possible way?
soren is so gay
>Voiced by Kugimiya Rie
Don't worry, no else wants her.
Which one of you faggots is this?
More like fishtar!
Wash that pussy mjolnir wielder!
All Camus's are shit. Even the original since he doesn't even die and fucks off to be Rudolf's bitch. I'm sick of this meme archetype.
My translation was better.
i'm shocked to see non-fateswakening characters getting a comic
Sigurd. Not joking either
Julia's a virgin
Game now has some new generics, I hope you've turned on your battle animations at least a little!
Why does public woman sound like a robot trying it's best to act human? Why does she remind me of my ex
I think Res is slightly better. Nowi can't survive top tier Reins without that boost + DD3.
Do I?
>yeah I'm going to go die fighting the army of light alongside literal fucking zombies because they killed my family (who were all supporting the literal antichrist) for no other reason than fuck you
Ishtar should have been recruitable right then. She had a chance at being sympathetic before that, but it all goes out the window in that one moment.
I got a +ATK -DEF Amelia and lately she's been rather lame, especially now that I have a Henry.
How do I make Amelia good?
>All these new animations are way cooler than the launch ones
I want her in Heroes already.
I liked Selena and Eldigan, and the Tellius ones weren't that bad, even if Levail was a bit bland
>Both of his units are garbage
>Put him into 3 voting gauntlets just to lose
>Doesn't get a weapon forge upgrade
>Imouto has better stats and does his job better than him now with Gravity+
Why does ISIS hate him?
can't be raul because he would have requested black dicks along with it, unless he's going to take it and then go to another thread to ask for it to have dicks inserted
probably is berukafag desu
>Fates has never got an actual banner ever in Heroes, the Children of Fates one is the first
>Jugdral, Magvel and New Mystery have had dedicated banners before Fates and Awakening
Some lady Wyvern riders, still maintaining their lustful wears
Yes if that's a spare
Ganondorf should be able to walk on lava desu.
she's a troubled girl trying to sound cheerful
How many years do we have to wait for Askr upgrades? I want an Anna that deals a % of your current orb count as damage
Do you love your wife Boey?
>moon appears in front of the tablet
nice game, ISIS
Why are you putting Nowi against Reins in the first place? It's not even a mid-round thing, since generally you want to take him out in the first 2 turns.
Which Fae should I use? From left to right the IVs are.
+Res -Def
+Def -Spd
+Def -Res
The 5* one sounds bad so I’m looking to promote and merge into it if I need to.
Julius and Ishtar did nothing wrong.
Gomez was a better Camus and character than her.
Go to sleep ffs
>why does public woman sound forced when she's trying to be normal
you didn't play the game did you? she's fucked up
>why does she act like my ex
because she and your ex are damaged, and you failed to heal her
Some RED dragons...
>implying he doesn't create the moon himself
Neutral or +Def -Spd.
At Julius has the excuse of being possessed. Ishtar is a just a bitch.
Dumb bitch only good for her body.
If you say so.
except julius did do that murder thing
but aside from that he did nothing wrong
Ok, how do Judgral cavalry that dont use magic manage to have high defense while only wearing formal wear? Mainly Eldigan and Sigurd I guess
Lads... Is it just me, or is Fjorm kinda shitty for a "legendary" hero?
I might use the spare I got to give Atk/Res bond to my gay vampire Henry though...
I managed to roll a second B Cordelia who has +Res -Def IVs and I can either merge her into my +HP -Res one (40hp makes getting in desperation range a bit easier) or I can feed her meme bow to another archer.
I was thinking of maybe going full meme and feed it to my +Def -Res H Jakob since I have no killer/slaying bow fodder and refine the Cupid bow for either extra def or res since the refined one's +5 to both defences on a CC unit on top of ward stacking could make armour emblem incredibly cancerous.
Well, how about Fjorm and her sweeping strikes and acrobatic KILLING strikes??
So she can do this.
Moonbow or draconic aura
We need a sword wyvern GHB
t. Julia
Selena is just a shitty Brunya who in turn is a shitty Ishtar.
>Ice slut has 3 bajillion SP
>nothing to spend it on
t. jizztar
Shit, your translation IS better.
The formal wear is probably just their character art.
Most of their sprites do wear armor.
>The ironic part about that is that people often bash Eldigan and praise Ishtar, like what the fuck
People give Ishtar a pass because she's an attractive girl. If their genders were reversed everyone would praise Elegant and hate Ishtore.
And here's some big bads going at it?
oops, that one was too big, so here's this one
This is true, imagine Lachesis but 10x hotter
Narcian when!
This guy has been shit on so much in FEH that I wouldn't be surprised if ISIS went completely nuts with the Brynhildr buff. Something like:
>14 Mt
>+3 HP
>After combat, prevents target and foes within 1 space of target from moving more than 1 space through their next actions.
>If unit is attacked by foe using bow, daggers, magic, or staff, unit receives 50% less damage.
The secondary effect is based on the actual effect of Brynhildr in Fates but expanded to actually compliment his kit. He can pretty much freely run-up, cripple the enemies with Gravity + SB3, and tank + revenge kill enemies with QR3.
>Master knight Leif never ever
>all this Ishtar bashing
I still want her
Can't wait till were able to kill him in the story so my BK can shove his long Alondite up Surtr's ass
>Armor units are generally there to pad GHB and have some threat.
>Generic dragons now can do the same but are extra bulky and can fuckup physical tanks.
Not only those fucks can get 50+ hp but magic aren't going do wonders to them.
Those temptresses...even the way she handles that old spear
Who makes better use of Distant Counter: +Spd / -HP Eldigan or +Atk / -HP Sigurd?
Ishtar is one of those characters who deserve to be publicly executed. Does anyone have the list?
The one that mages cant kill.
>but magic aren't going do wonders to them
Eldigan is the single best red cav for DC.
I'd let Ishtar bash my dick with her leg
Breathbreaker when?
>hot woman who wants to scissor her imouto