Handsome edition
Handsome edition
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xth for putting your dick in crazy and NOT pulling out.
xfghu syran
i wann siwm in pOOLOOOO
xth for my wife Syndra
Xth for Vayne and Janna players should be fed to lions
I love my cuet and perfect wife, Riven!!
>implying its physically possible to pull out
**I move away from the mic to breathe in
Taric is pretty great.
Guys why is Leona so broken?
i wish taric was my dad
xth for breast metal waifu
For some reason I can't get over how handsome the Emerald skin is
As someone who works in a psych ward, promiscuous people with mental illness tend to have STDs. If you're fine with STDs then have at it.
There is an autistic Tryndamere mid main in D2 apparently.
Proof Diamond is the same as Silver and there is no shame to being Silver.
>advice animals
Is it 2012 already?
>TF2 edit
I like you. Saved
>silver 4
i cant even laugh at shit like this anymore
Is he going to go NUCLEAR ?
>no friends
>calls others autistic
>singed player
>even has a singed icon
Who were you trying to lampoon with this post, trynd or yourself?
> implying Silver is bad
fuck off
>autistic spammers haven't been dealt with
Well done.
Post a champion that you really like, whether it be design wise, lore wise, aesthetics, viability, anything!
I really like Ivern and everything about him, his voice acting, his theme, the real attention to nature. Be sure to have a wonderful day/night as well!
shooting soon
leave voyboy alone, he's nice
The biggest beneficiaries of the preseason were magic damage tanks and burst supports
Leona is a burst tank support that does magic damage
She basically won the preseason lotto
Why is Miss Fortune so busted? No matter who you lane against, you will never have a bad lane, lasthitting is easy as fuck because of her passive and if enemy deals one mistake and puts himself behind a lowhp minion - he loses half of his life in one go.
Who cares about Ezreal, MF is the real deal right now. With her ultimate you will wipe out everyone who is not somewhat tanky before they can even do anything.
Last time she was that much fun a year ago when you have built her full lethality (which you do now again)
and why did mods ban me for wojak but those waifu shitters are allowed to spam this board with their brainless nonsence?
I was about to feel bad for him but then I remembered that this is the asshole who made my main look like trash in front of two hundred thousand people
he's a smurf bro
Oh boy it's my 2nd favourite Ahri shitposter
yes, well-adjusted and unafflicted people do not get off on their significant other being unfaithful
Swain when?
Just a reminder to all you silver/gold/plat players that think you have your "main" all figured out and are the resident authority on everything to do with them.
You're shit. Your builds are shit. Your playstyle is shit. Your advice is shit. Your favorite skin is shit. And most of all you're waifu is shit.
It's never a bad idea to see what your betters are building on the same champs with each new patch, of course that's if you're a normal, functional human being looking to improve and not some drooling retard.
mods are waifuposters in disguise, they're the only ones with enough autism and time on this board to shitpost that frequently.
>and why did mods ban me for wojak but those waifu shitters are allowed to spam this board with their brainless nonsence?
This has all been explained to you already.
Waifuposting, while shitposting, is still League related.
Wojack posting is just shitposting with 0 relevance to League.
You are LITERALLY worse than waifufags.
That's really great she one of my favorite supp, too bad these wins don't mean shit in preseason, but at least it feels good.
fuck off, bronzie
>implying Arcade Miss Fortune wears a pair of pink thigh-highs
that would actually put that skin in the same tier as Star Guardian and her best skin, Secret Agent. but that's not the case, user.
technically avatarfagging is against the rules regardless if the content is relevant or not.
Viktor's old lore about him being a genius whose research was stolen and he is pushing for a cause that he saw as correct drew me to the character. Now that they force him to be Jayce's saturday morning cartoon villain, I keep the old lore as headcanon. I got good with viktor because I liked his old lore and how fucking fast the deathray augment used to be
>play maokai
>play shen
>play ornn
the absolute state of lol
>been playing a lot with my friend who got me into the game
>having a lot of really long/stressful games that are back and forth and never end until 35+ minutes
>not really a good a player I don't think, but games honestly feel like low elo players that don't know how to close out games, friend included
>finally grow the balls to play soloQ when he's not on
>people in my game calling shots and directing traffic
>listen and do my best since they seem to know their shit
>lanes happen, my lane feels a lot more intense
>lanes finish, group up and team fight, win and take objectives
>group up again, take inhib
>clean up on their last-ditch defense effort and ace them, end game
>not even 20 minutes and everyone came to play
>friend comes on and plays one, its back to the old shitty style where everyone gets 6 slotted and a team randomly wins 45 minutes in
>he logs, decide to man up and play one more soloQ
>its like the other soloQ game, a lot more methodological and over in barely 20 minutes from coordinating and meaningful play
is this the power of soloQ?
>this pic
it's okay, it's only natural that a fitter, stronger male should take my place as your favorite ahri shitposter.
So what is the point of champ shards if I don't need and can't even use them to reroll? Like this would have been great when I first started, but its kind of shit now.
It's the one year anniversary of pic related, /lolg/. Feel old yet?
Also leona.
>play the meta
w o w
Avatarfagging is was Azirfag/Jhinfag/Swift do. It's not quite the same as just filling the first 20 posts with regurgitated shitposts.
how the hell do you fap in-game and not just go afk
that sounds kind of fun though
I want LeBlanc to give me a lapdance
Adaptive really makes her lane busted.
She comes into lane with 40 AP and a 110 damage at level 1 E. then she goes back for a long sword and suddenly has close to 100 AD and does her usual double up thing
I don't think she's busted tho, Ez is busted, MF is just strong
I'm digging this build desu, I just push turrets and try to pick up the kills I need for ingenious hunter stacks
God I wish femdom fags would just die already.
>Gives you a lapdance but you cannot touch
>If you don't you'll get a very special reward at the end
Could you hold out?
haha it's just a meme r-right?
>actual meta
>pick tank
>don't do anything
>win by inertia
I don't think he's fitter and stronger, since he spends his limited time on Earth knotposting
I love Sona so much.
Every time I hear her silly puns I smile a bit.
Every time she confidently says "What masterpiece shall we play today?", as if she just knows what we do together will be a great accomplishment, I can't help but admire her confidence. But she backs it up by being the best musician in Runeterra, so it's not empty bravado.
Every time I see her wearing one of her fancy dresses, I catch myself staring.
She spends all day surrounded by edgelords and demons and aliens and all this sillyness, but she stays cool and elegant through it all.
I feel privileged to even know her, and I'm thankful every day when I wake up that I get to experience life with her in it.
>negative w/l ratio
Probably, I'd be intimidated by her anyway so I would probably just sit there not sure what to do
He's a cuck
Only with Fiora though.
I like to fantasize about her taunting me after the game, stepping on me and mocking me for losing to her while wearing an arrogant smirk.
Let's suicide pact guys
You go first
What makes Ezreal so good now?
>One year anniversary since I started fantasizing about being sexually dominated by Dark Lux
Which champion do you anons think would give the best paizuri?
ahri. but don't just take my word for it. help yourself~
When I win with Fiora I imagine I'm pushing back the anglo scum and saving continental europe
He would be a perfect dad.
Has the person that managed eyosongive.us disappeared? I swear that site hasn't been updated in ages.
Q does retarded damage, kleptomancy makes him get gold at insane speeds, games are short and he has always had almost draven level snowballing, he is incredibly abusive when ahead
Also rune rework left a few of his counters without good runes to use
I'm good dude, she's your partner haha
what's wrong with mundo?
>tfw no qt brown Shuriman gf
>Go mid
>Face a snowball hero
>Jungle keeps trying to gank
>Tell him I don't need it
>He goes in regardless feeding them
>Spends the rest of the game taxing my lane and doing nothing
Junglers always seem to be two types. One is to ignore everything regardless if its a free kill. The other is obsessively force ganks despite it not being favorable.
This happened and I don't have anyone else to show
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
>really like this skin and want it
>saw that it had that awful side-shave hairstyle
Worst post.
>when you have built her full lethality (which you do now again)
you never stopped building her lethality if you're not a shitter
please sir, i insist. i can't stand the thought of you underestimating my wife's abilities. she's so proud of them after all.
My condolences.
>picking PP over /ss/ Fiora
>no new skin for Taliyah ever
it hurts
Well if you say so pal, when do you want her back? Next week?
What exactly is the reward?
what happens if i accidentally choke ahri to death during an extreme session
>picking either of those shit skins over headmistress for anything femdom-related
>ADC uses their gap closer to chase you
>turn around
>they flash away
there's so better feeling than this
i want to hug a girl
>not wanting to be dominated by Nightraven
You'd probably go to jail.
>Headmistress Fiora will never edge you during detention while making fun of how small your dick is
How rough do you want her to get messed up, ahricuck?