/5N@F/ General

Scott Says Edition

Previous Thread
>Links to purchasables
FNAF 1 - SL: store.steampowered.com/bundle/1729/
FNAF WORLD: gamejolt.com/games/fnaf-world/124921
FNAF BOOKS: amazon.com/Five-Nights-Freddys-Silver-Eyes/dp/133813437X

Official Site: scottgames.com
Asset Rips: s.rtag.me/freddy
Fan Booru: 5naf.booru.org
Writing Archive: pastebin.com/fryFnrQ9
Voice Archive: pastebin.com/8mN8gJYP
List of Content Creators: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1clzZcsTzZzZh6EUFR-nmF4F7zHiXTCeB4AehZLF1OHs/edit?usp=sharing

Other urls found in this thread:


Wonder what sort of magazine Screws, Bolts, and Hairpins is.


What is says on the tin. Foxy needs to fix his jaw.



Eyes Wide Shut: 3

As well as
Dining with Chica:
Early Taste:
Renegade Rooster:
Freddy Funtimed:

Part 4 is up next.
Comments, critique, any thoughts you might have are much appreciated.

>part 4 is up next
Looking forward to it. The Nightmare Chica one was my favorite of the one shots last thread. Real spooky for a late night read.

You are a goddamn machine dude.


No luck forcing a dream about Baby.

As requested, a pastebin for Cellmates. I am a lazy shit and did not alter the formatting so I expect the conversations to be even harder to follow.





Ella is cute. CUTE!

Stanley looks like he has seen unspeakable horrors beyond mankind's comprehension

All I can focus on is
>bobbing his head like a racehorse

>Ballora has never been able to see the world around her
>that's how Baby convinced her to become part of Ennard
>she finally looks to see everything around her is shit
>she tears her fucking eyes out

Or maybe she works like a bat, singing to perform echolocation.

>employees get free pizza
10/10 job.

I'm happy to hear that, I was trying to instill a nightmarish atmosphere with that one.
I feel like a machine. Those requests were nine pages altogether

I think Ballora's eyes being closed never actually meant anything about her sight, and it was just coincidence. Or that Scott had an idea for a spooky scene involving her eyes, like a maintenance minigame or some other scenario, that he never got around to implementing.

>Finally escape the torture pit, out of the darkness at last
>The first thing she sees is her new face in the mirror

"I've made a huge mistake."


>Chica is caught in an endless loop of trying to kill the guard, make his free pizza, and making sure he hasn't died in the meantime
>her pizza goes from edible to lethal due to changes and she has to keep starting over
>6am rolls around and she's got nothing to show but a messy kitchen

>Theodore's recording occasionally plays a lengthy screed in Latin despite no such line ever being put to tape
>Stanley starts violently shaking and screeching at random intervals, causing expensive furniture damage
>Ella's teacups are often inexplicably filled with unspecified boiling liquids that smell like copper

Stanley's is the only plausible one.



i think the start of that video gave me an aneurysm. why do so many youtubers think that shouting at the beginning of the video is funny?

also he don't like the fnaf porno so i dislike the video bad video >:(

Why would you subject yourself to such a video in the first place?


Do you suppose Freddy pays himself and the others an allowance?

>stuck inside an autistic Australian dwarf’s rotting body following his dipshit sister’s orders
She didn’t deserve any of this.

Well, look at the games. The fans have ADHD, and can’t enjoy a story unless it has plot twists and a “deep lore”

Would the same disparaging outlook for here be the fans hate change and can't enjoy a story unless it's a vague 2deep4u horror schlock?




Why is she a lamp.

Her pizza levels are so powerful that she emits a cheesy glow.

I don't think screaming like a spastic having a fit is a twist.

>"Your pizza! What are you, gay?!"




It'd probably be that anons hate complex storylines, and want edgy killer animatronics instead of something more appropriate for the age group that the games are marketed towards.

>Crisis may or may not be doing Christmas requests
Damnit, I just want a manlet Freddy with a 10 foot dong

But user what's edgy about chuck e cheese mascots stuffing you into a suit and living forever and ever in constant agony as a disembodied head?
If we're being more truthful with the majority's desires the games should have been a generic robofurry hentai game.
Just old art mang.

I wanna see Chica and her dad having some Southern family fun.

Why did this person draw furry George Lucas?

It's a goddamn hack job by an indecisive fuck who literally doesn't have anyone to tell him "that's fucking stupid, it doesn't fit, don't do that" and thrives on the ball licking from reddit because he'll neck himself if he doesn't get his buttpats on the regular.

1-2-3. Done. Your hail mary was a success, the old pizzeria chronicles is finished and the story can be digested with some lingering questions that can be answered with whatever the fuck you believe. On top of that, it gives you a sense of unease around Chuck E Cheese since deaths and brawls do happen there.

Actual spinoff SL: congrats, you are now going the route of evil scientist cunt who is the worst father of all time to market to children instead of actually being spooky.
Fuck you, go give Scott his buttpats on reddit if you want to gargle his retardation because believe it or not, this whole franchise was built upon those edgy killer animatronics that wept blood and puss whenever you got close to them and did weird shit when you weren't looking or looking at them on a crisp Thursday or Friday night or shoving your screaming body into a fursuit shaped iron maiden because you weren't ready for Freddy.

Fuck you again for making me reply.

Would you be upset if there's no Baby or Michael in FNAF 6, and instead it has a new cast of female robots, focusing on a self-contained story that can be enjoyed without asinine plot twists or pointless fanservice?

Yes. Baby and Michael are my favorite characters.

Nope, I would love that.
Simple, straightforward and finishes up as nicely as it can be made.

I loved 1 & 2, but 3 and 4 was godawful. Sister Location not only brought me back to the fandom, it quickly became my favorite in the series. It had the best designs, the best characters, and the best story. Sister Location saved the series. Only an edgy fool would think otherwise. William is far more effective as a weird pedophile than as some ugly zombie bunny.

>my shitty jumpscare game was made for ADULTS!
>proceeds to throw a childlike tantrum on a general that wants nothing more than to fuck sanitized bimbo perversions of the characters
I hope your being ironic or that you control your autistic rages in public whenever you are reminded this was always a kiddie jumpscare game that kids would watch ecelebs play on a dare.

>I loved 1 & 2
>but 3 and 4 was godawful
With you so far.
>Sister Location not only brought me back to the fandom, it quickly became my favorite in the series
After the shitshow that was 4, I can't blame you.
>It had the best designs
>the best characters
>and the best story
>Sister Location saved the series.
Now I KNOW this is fucking bait.

>projecting this fucking hard
>not knowing what a tantrum is
>playing the moralfag card on smut
Slow night at r/fnafcringe, junior?

It's no bait. I really was happy to have a protag we could root for, who was so pure that he'd willingly risk his life to save his sister's soul. And Baby is beautiful, intelligent, and somehow a hero willing to bad things for good reasons and a great villain it's hard to disagree with at the same time.

The affable tutorial character is brutally murdered, setting the tone for the rest of the game while the titular character steps into his rightful spot as the eponymous villain
>Sister Location
Animatronics did literally nothing wrong, EXOTIC BUTTERS xD
What happened?

The only thing cringeworthy here is the archetypes this general continues to cling to because they lack creativity to do anything different.
>muh spookmaster
>muh yandere stereotype
>muh Bronx waifu
>muh good fox who did nothing wrong
>muh eldritch horror

Who is who? I assume the fox is Lolbit.

Come again?

What would be your reaction if Baby betrayed Mike to ally with her daddy?

It'd be a genuinely good twist, given how Sister Location accidentally writes Circus Baby as a sociopath.

Mommy Afton when?

But user, we already met her. Husband and wife have never been closer.

>I'll make up for what is a reasonable amount of time between games with effort and care put into them by rushing through a whole new official title in a month!
Please no.

Adding on, Ennard's design looks nothing like a good guy. The eyebrows and bright blue eyeballs are pretty much the only thing that keeps it from being completely threatening.
It's like Springtrap, where the character was clearly meant to be a villain from the getgo. Except at some point Scott changed it.
It'll be a real shame if Ennard's still an angsty dindu nuffin in FNAF 6, considering how much potential the character has for horror.
That's at the core of a lot of problems, really. The series could be much creepier if Scott stopped worrying about what Josecrafts2008 can handle.
I was thinking of an actual woman, but a rabbit's fine too.

Ennard isn't a character at all. And besides, the others kicked Baby out of the gestalt. Ballora's presumably back to being the dominant personality.


>overbearing anddominant Ballora in the next game
I would like this.

Anyone speak slavshit who can translate?

Relax, it's most likely just going to be a fnaf reskin of one of his older games, or a Christmas Update to the games like how there is a Halloween one.


That's exactly what I expected SL to be. So yes, I want it direly.

What if he puts out a “FNAF 5” prequel that uses all the underused assets from SL as a bridge between SL and 6

So a Fnaf SL 1.5?

Anything related to SL would be good to me.

>wanting anything to do with Reddit: the game
Scott should realize it was the worst game of the series next to FNAF4 and never mention it again.

That's not FNAF3.

So Reddit is fresh, interesting, and a much needed reinvention of the series? What does that make this place? I thought Reddit was meant to be an insult, not praise.

>I REFUSE to let an entire year go by without a game release

Can't let the kids down.

It's almost Christmas. Some children wish for a new game, and good Christian Scott won't let them down.

It didn't even need a reinvention in the first place.
It was literally fine until the evil scientist spiel took root.

He's baiting. I hope.

Yes it did. 3 and 4 were very stale. SL was new and exciting, and I hope the series can maintain its momentum. Then again, looking at Freakshow Baby, seems like he's appealing to edgy people again. Because the Withereds, Nightmares, and Springtrap were sooo good, supposedly.

>carrots left out with the milk and cookies

For the reindeer. You never did that?

Oh. I guess that's probably the normal thing to do, huh? For the reindeer we left out hay, which we had because of our guinea pig.

>helps an animatronic that literally killed his sister escape
>helps it kill his coworkers in the process
>lets it take his body, which it ditches like a used cumrag when it decides to live in the sewers

Is Michael a cuck? Did Baby get the pussy pass?

I'd tell you to go back to your containment board, but it stopped keeping you retards contained years ago so I'll just ask you to stop jamming in your sekrit clubhouse words in contexts they don't belong.

Alright, let me rephrase that.
Is Michael a milksop?

>Thinking "cuck" is a term used only by /pol/
Go be triggered somewhere else.

Who the fuck knows. Also,


Pizza time already?

From the last thread, the following Funko POP was leaked:
Does that mean the teaser Scott is hinting at will be about Ella ? I would like to know/see more about that Twisty/wolf one.

Also I'm happy to see the merchandise is still going strong. I've been collecting some of it.