/dg/ - Destiny General
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Average Warlock player
>Recognizes games for the fun and rewarding aspects
>True fans of Bungie
>Ejoys the films of Goddard, Tovarsky, Anderson
>Favorite albums are AOTS, Loveless, Court of the Crimson King
>Regularly browses Veeky Forums,/g/, Veeky Forums
>Drinks Craft beer, top shelf Liquor, and smokes the dankest Nug while playing Destiny
>Favorite shows are the Wire, Sopranos, and The Twilight Zone
>Wears only the most comfortable yet fashionable attire from high end department stores
>Goes to top tier private universities and majors in science or math
>60k starting salary
Average Titan player
>Your everyday dudebro
>Plays CoD, Battlefield, FIFA
>favorite directors are Snyder and Tarrantino; Also any superhero movie
>Loves listening to Yeezy and Kendrick Lamar
>Regularly browses boards like /sp/, Veeky Forums, /k/, Veeky Forums
>Favorite shows are GoT, Walking dead
>Goes to state or community college majors in Business or liberal arts
>Drinks protein shakes and eats fast food while playing Destiny
>Dresses in graphic tees and sports jerseys
>Has decent 6/10 GF
Average Hunter player
>Typical KDR obssessed "MLG snipexxx pro gamers"
>Watches a different anime every week
>Only listens to anime and video game soundtracks as his favorite music
>Favorite movies are also anime
>When hes not playing DOTA and CS:GO hes playing the latest weeabo loli game
>diet consisting of Pizza bagels and Mountain Dew
>Regularly browses boards like /v/, /b/, /a/
>Masturbates to cartoons atleast twice a day
>Wears "mature" clothing such as trench coats and obscure Japanese designers
>Is an Atheist and libertarian
>Is contrarian and tends to hate anything that is popular
How long until disappointment?
Perfectly accurate. Even being somewhere in between a titan player and a huntard player, the combined average is right on the money.
k starting salary
That's honestly pretty sad.
60k is pretty good and above average for your starting post college job
>finally got my third character through the campaign
thank fuck i'm free
It's shitty if you major in math or science, and especially so if you go to a top tier school.
>finally do something that takes 2 hours
Wow, how hard
>tfw they canceled the livestream and now we don't get to see the fun gear
It's an especially shitty 2 hours that would be better served not doing it.
it's not hard just shit and boring
Has anyone else gotten literally nothing out of a caydes stash? I just opened one up with nothing, not even glimmer, inside
It's a known bug.
Are grenade launchers even good? I love using the Prospector a lot, more than a rocket launcher.
So what's the best breakdown for a titan?
4 Res
10 Rec?
Is that possible?
I'm running an 8/7 right now that doesn't feel too bad. Are certain mods locked to specific pieces of armor?
2 Mobility
4 Resilience
9 Recovery (8 with Skullfort)
Highest recovery you can get on Titan is 9 I believe.
They're good if you get direct impact hits or if you use Play Of The Game.
2/4/9 which can be achieved by wearing the full Crucible set. I think the New Monarchy set and the Iron Banner set can also achieve this. Not sure what else can, though.
2/4/9 is possible as others have said, although you'll probably end up with 2/5/8 since a lot of the popular exotics seem to be res.
Not even glimmer? That's a new one.
Normally if there is no item drop sitting inside then it fell through the floor and can be collected at the postbot. Try not to open too many other crates before you go for a Cayde stash too.
Thanks lads.
I run War Rig with a Kinetic CB Mod and Origin Story.
Shit's so pleasing. Like a fucking laser. All of D2's shit might just be worth it if I can keep this gun all the way through the game's life cycle ;_;7
>had a dream where bungie changed the game to make you lose glimmer/bright dust when switching out weapons and gear and even when using weapons and gear
In PVE go full recovery as much as you can
In PVP go x/6/8, mobility is up to you how much you value your sidestep speed vs class mods
Go for sweet business and the trails energy rifle. Cutting through adds like butter
I've been using Swede Bidness in PvE. It's a lot of fun.
Now if I could just run War Rig and muh Fabian Strategy (after the RoI unfuck)....good, good lord.
I-I need to take a second here.
Does Raiden Flux interfere with any Arcstrider perks?
Is there some really pressing need to max recovery? I've done pretty much all of the PvE content in either 10/6/0 or 6/10/0 and i've never seen what recovery actually benefits beyond fixing the mistakes of getting shot at.
Here you go newfag. I guess Ill spoon feed your dumbass
we already saw the gear, if the weapons are anyhting to base it off it's gonna eb the same fucking model with slightly tweaked textures and MAYBE a few extra cables or some shit
>“Thanks. Helium reactors still intact. What did you call them?”
>“Hmm. Bad idea. I go around touting that name and those mercs will come out of their caves and I'll have twice the trouble. I've got enough bad blood with those barbarians.”
>“The Sunbreakers, old Titan order, super serious mercenaries, fire hammers? Been in the wilds for decades, and word is they've made a new pact with the City, so there's bound to be more of them.”
>“It's just a name.”
>“You tell them that, they'll probably put a bounty on you and try to sacrifice you to their forge. I'll call them Sunbracers.”
>“Call them what you want. To me they'll always be Sunbreakers.”
What does the time you get full health matter, when were talking about the mistake of getting shot?
While the other two retroactively keep you from getting shot at (either reducing the damage or avoiding it entirely), the third stat simply does it's thing when you're not spending time at full health (or even worse in the case of Wind Arcstrider, not spending as much time as possible in Combat Meditation)
I can get behind the argument for fights like Calus where entering the shield burn phase at maximum health (due to hiccups) can be a thing, but for literally everything i've done in the game, i've never once felt like i needed Recovery once.
>tfw max Hunter rec is 6
>at 5
>feel like that extra bit is a huge advantage i can't seem to get
Crucible, my man.
I think the stupid Pulse Monitor perk should be replaced with Life Support instead.
Mobility doesnt do anything and neither does Resilience(not enough to matter), while Recovery is a massive difference in shield regen depending on its level.
big surprise, the class Bungie loves sucking off has 10 recovery
Crucible is Crucible, i'm talking about PvE application. Play all the PvP you want with max recovery (which i would most likely do if i had any reason to play PvP in a game like Destiny), but i'm still kind of thinking why it's so widely memed for every single character of every single activity out there. It's pretty bad form.
>Pulse Monitor
Which gun is this on?
get fucked huntard
Out of options is one that has it
>i'm talking about PvE
Other than one guy, we aren't.
PvE stats DO NOT matter at all.
>Bungie loves sucking off
A class without Daybreak?
If you are too stupid too notice the difference or understand then it won't matter for you. A shitter like you will never go flawless in trials or clear the most difficult raid content
Disrespectful Stare, a shotgun or two
You'll know em when you see em because they all turn into small pieces of purple crystal.
are sidearms even worth using?
A sidearm has the highest TTK in all of PvP. The Last Hope
Except when carrying bads in Nightfalls and up. There's only so much you can do to mitigate incoming damage in the hardest content. Most activities go by much faster when you can afford to be recklessly aggressive and be sure of recovering to full by the next shootout.
If you git gud with the full auto suros ones you can melt some dicks
>playing with crummy players
Not that guy, but it's not worth it.
Have you not even tested the stats out for yourself retard? There is almost zero difference between 4 Resilience and 10 resilience. Mobility doesn't even effect sprint speed so its useless
the difference between 1 and 10, even 5 and 10 is fairly noticeable. in some content you may not simply be able to avoid damage, so recovery is helpful.
How long until the DLC hits. I've been pretty burned out since Week 3
Bing it, you lazy fuck.
I'd rather you spoonfeed me
wahey less than a week to go
No outside of a few burst and auto ones. They have too short of a range and too low damage and too low dmg/ammo efficiency and too low bullet magnetism to be worth the trouble. Even the high impact, high range, high swag Hakke ones will drop in effectiveness so fast over distance that you're better off just punching. The effort required to make them work isn't worth the trouble in either PVE or PVE.
What's wrong with Nameless Midnight, again?
was there a nerf on auto rifles since I last played?
havent done crucible in a month and it feels like it takes forever to get kills now
>need the salty meme emote
>finally its in the shop
>need 800 more dust for it
>play 2 matches of crucible
>holy fuck I hate this game
this is going to be quite a grind I'm subjecting myself to
And given how every boss has a fucking shockwave knock back attack or floats out of range, in PvE you won't be in effective range the majority of the time. And if you try to use it, ammo reserves are so low that you'll piss though ammo in no time. I really want to like sidearms, but they are just outclassed by nearly every weapon.
Third world problems. I wish I could play with most of the rest of you but I'm playing while non-NEET NA people are going to work. Or the Bogans are going to bed.
I think you responded to the wrong post.
it takes atleast 6, maybe even 8
>this is the answer to the Wormwood meta
It was worth it.
What stat spread should I aim for on Hunter and Titan?
I have 0 / 6 / 10 on my Warlock.
If you have 3 characters over 20, just go do the flashpoint in the EDZ and finish out your weekly clan xp on all 3. 2 powerful engrams on each character, and you'll probably get a free bright engram on each with the triple xp bonus, if you don't get it from the random rolls, hopefully you'll get enough ghosts shells/sparrows/ships/shaders to shard for dust.
the blog post today will be make or break
Haha what? Kill clip is an absolute monster of a perk
You have to go back.
For me, what will make or break is not only what is said, but the time table that they give, if any. Its all well and good if they propose changes and balances that will make the game a fried bar of gold that will suck you off while playing it, but if they are vague about the timetable then you know the earliest will be Q4 2018/Q1 2019, and that is just too long to be waffling about in the current game.
Back where? The orbit?
Not really talking about myself but as a whole, since almost everyone seems mad
bnet and/or reddit
Problem with them is that they are designed to serve a niche role that isn't worth doing in any part of the game. Even in the one time they are powerful (close range PVP duels) you and your team would have been better off if you used an auto rifle and stuck with the blob of blue/green names.
If they functioned more like hand cannons, like being a skin used only for the fastest firing subset of HCs, they might be worth it. Pawn off the Suros auto and Omolon burst models to be adopted into the SMG family instead. Burst SMGs sure do sound interesting at least.
First song and dance with Bungie, eh?
It's not MIDA in PvP but it's the second best choice. In PvE it's the best scout
For what? You're trying too hard to fit in
stop asking stupid questions
As said, 3-round burst sideams have the very lowest ttk in destiny pvp, outdpsing consecutive melees. Last hope is the second most used energy on console (PC seems to prefer revolvers or autos/smg somehow).
In PvE, most enemies will just stay around 1km away from you, severely gimping most CQB-focused weapons.
People aren't mad about the xp throttling system. I get the idea behind it, they wanted to even out the xp gains, so fast grinding got you less and raids and shit that take time granted you more. The problem was that it was never mentioned and they tried to hide it, and after the EA BF2 cluster fuck it became just another greedy developer story that took off in the online media. Honestly, we know nothing will happen with this first dlc. It was already finished before the game was released, and the second dlc was probably already 80% done as well. They got caught and are in full damage control mode to try and get out of the pit they and EA dug for themselves.
Figures. We already know it's gonna be some non-specific bullshit and they'll just keep on kicking the can down the road.
Stop parroting other people and pay closer attention to their previous community interactions. They don't change, they won't change, but neither do we. And they already have plenty of peoples' GBP, so it's not like they have a very big incentive to actually improve anything anyways. They have a healthy pod of whales to drain that will come back no matter what.
>We already know
and that's where you're wrong
Wanna bet some Silver on it?
I don't care about silver
>I'm poor
Ok, coulda just said so.
That's Nightshade. I'm not asking about Nightshade, I'm asking about Nameless Midnight.
if I were poor I wouldn't be playing this game
Very lowest by a small fraction of a second. In practice if you missed once with a burst sidearm then you're in much bigger shit than missing once with any other auto weapon. And then of course you have barely better than dicktouching range and you can't disengage easily from so close if things go bad.
Best energy Scout?
I need something to go with my Origin Story when I can't close the gap.
Tone Patrol or The End
Manannan, or whatever it's called.
I enjoy tone patrol for the range and impact, and it fires fairly quickly with HCR to boot. I also like mananananana, but its more for pve than pvp since the range is considerably shorter.
How is the Manannan?
Manannan is the best energy scout
I'm yet to try it out
Even in PvP?
anything but black scorpion
>full auto scout
>range of a smg
How do I into SMGs?
Be aggressive.
Pleiades corrector, Tone Patrol, and Manannan are all good for PvP