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>tfw predicted Light Breath+ becoming meta
Red sword Lachesis when?
Fonse is complete. Just gotta get more coins to upgrade CD seal.
A brief glimpse of 2019 FE Heroes:
>Leif finally released
>weapon grants fury, distant counter, armor effectiveness, +5 spd and +1 mov
>188 BST, with 40/38 offenses
Alright, Titania.
-HP/+Def or -Res/+Spd?
Making thousands of years worth of memories in a single night!
Lightning Breath is still better, isn't it?
Depends what you're using her for. +Spd is really handy but -Res hurts her a bit since that's usually her main role. If you're using her for something else go for it, otherwise I'd just build the -HP/+Def
Should I promote raventome fodder for S! Camilla, or my +Atk -HP Camilla who will be eating DC?
>we will break 200 bst on cavaliers within my lifetime
I can't wait. It'll take half a decade, but it's coming.
You want one Light Breath on your team and three Lightning Breaths. +5 to all stats on your whole team is not worth passing up, and at the same time it's not worth doubling up on since the buffs don't stack.
Remember that Lightning gives +1 cooldown. You get that back with Light Breath, so you can use Memebow or even memeier shit like Noontime.
Do I replace Ninian's Light Breath with lightning breath?
I have a +Def -HP Titania that I built for my backup cav team. She's basically a mixed tank with that IV and she performs great with cav buffs
I feel like Desperation+Brash Assault unironically is better for him given that they stack well with both his legendary and Brave Sword, and well as the fact that he naturally has Death Blow.
she's +Spd -Res, what do I do with her?
>You want one Light Breath on your team and three Lightning Breaths.
That makes sense. I'll run Light Breath on Ninners most likely.
>Remember that Lightning gives +1 cooldown.
My main dragon runs Steady Breath anyway and is usually working in multiples of 2 for her special as a result. Aether being 5 or 6 makes almost no difference in practise. I will keep it in mind for my other dragons though.
She usually has no business attacking or soaking hits, I generally wouldn't bother. Dark Breath is good for her however.
She's not shitty as that's a good IV you lucky fuck
What is funny is that its been known for being awful for years yet Fatefags kept begging for it to be animated and they got their wish. Only now they see it as trash that everyone who read the LNs have been saying.
Should I do it? Peri was +def/-spd anyway so. And with weapon refinery, clive can tank even better and would be able to run panic ploy really well.
Same build as my Titania, albeit with different IVs and I keep her default Reciprocal Aid on her. Because the gem weapon means she's usually taking 0 damage from the fights she enters, Reciprocal is great for healing the other horses on the team when needed, especially on chain maps/TT since renewal procs at the start of every round.
Join the new dragon loli overlords.
What am I supposed to do with this shit?
I'm a Fatefag and I never wanted Apocrypha to be animated, I've always known it's shit. None of the Fate spinoffs are particularly good but Apocrypha is by far the least entertaining, I wish they'd have picked something else, even Prototype.
-def +res or -hp +def?
I was thinking of just building her default built; Distant Counter and keeping her Emerald Axe. 37 speed is tantalizing but in this meta I guess it's not worth much.
Yeah I think I'll go with those IVs, since I'm using her as a way to round out my cav team, as so far I'm doubling up on Rein and Olwen with no other option for the fourth slot. Olwen's amazing but kinda redundant alongside Rein.
Book II made Nowi into unironically the best unit in the game. Patch up her res with a Seal (because who else honestly fucking needs a Res+3 seal?) and upgrade Lightning Breath whilst you sweep everything forever.
Harder to get into that range though since I don't really run any health swapping skills
That's my daughter
Best girl got animated though, so it is worth it.
using this while 5*ing some copies on the side until shes 5+4, then merging them into this one when i 5* it.
but for now, shes done until i get my dragons set up better
+Def -HP is probably he best IVs. Wish i could summon any -HP versions but all mine are some other shit.
>37 speed is tantalizing but in this meta I guess it's not worth much.
Don't forget that goes up to 43 very easily because Cav buffs are ridiculous. From there, add in summoner support/ally support, A slot and seal slot - 37 may not be much on its own but it's still lightning fast as a base stat before buffs are added.
>tfw predicted the wolf tome effect
I don't care what everyone or the meta says, Fjorm and Ice Mirror is fun as fuck.
That Julia has LaD.
if they're adding Fates kids they should add some Awakening kids too
-hp +def is good for now, later on look for a +atk -hp and get that steady breath game going
>-hp +def?
Those are the IVs I'm aiming for on mine, though really any IV that is -HP is fantastic for her.
-Def/+Res is still fantastic for the record, you can just build her as a magic tank, but it's very easy and achievable to make her mixed and she gains +4 instead of +3 out of a +Def IV. With the new weapon upgrades you can maximise her stats by going +Def IV and +Res on her weapon.
He's got 32 Def and decent HP, and can take a hit from most units besides blues and mages.
Let him bait and then it's sweep city.
Fury or Res +3 if you don't plan on using her in the arena. Might be worth swapping out Speed Ploy for something else, 32 effective speed won't stop much.
Astolfo is a garbage character and his fanbase is annoying.
Alola!Noire when?
Got a +Spd -Def Deirdre. Was hoping to get her, but not sure how this stats spread is since her speed is mediocre regardless. What should I put on her?
I imagine Spd Ploy might actually let her get a double here and there.
She fills a very unique and interesting role, and thus is always worth her place in anyone's barracks IMO. People retooling her into other builds are just wasting her by making a worse version of other units. Sure, her base kit isn't amazing, but it's better than being another mid-tier cookie cutter infantry lance.
With +spd and spd ploy she'll be able to prevent getting doubled most of the time.
One of her best IVs
She's the only lance user that can use SB and DC though. That's not cookie cutter in the least.
Fae is the only dragon that wants +HP though, it allows her to infantry pulse really well
Shit characters
What do I give this cute girl (male)
Whoops forgot pic.
My daughteru is perfect
Clive with forged def+ Slaying Lance+ with panic ploy sounds great. You should do it.
I really cant tell if i want to promote my neutral Chicken or +Def -Spd Chicken.
She gets good mixed bulk with the later but it looks too slow to survive most match ups.
Ninian is the best IP user, she can reach 60 HP unmerged with the HP+5 skill and seal.
>tfw considering buying orbs to open that blue orb on top
stop me /feg/
put xmas hats on her tits
Atk/Res Bond and QR3. That's what I plan on doing anyway (assuming I ever get the fodder). More realistically you could double down on Pain+ and turn him into a chipper with Savage Blow.
all those screens of people getting good rolls are made by IS bots with modified admin rights to get only 5 stars champions, dont fall in their trap
Dont fucking do it. Only if you have like a 6% or higher pity rate. That's how the jews get you user, there's nothing there.
Anyone here use a neutral IV Fae?
All of my other Fae have shit IVs. I have one that's +Res -HP but that seems unnecessary
I don't have Steady Breath fodder
Maybe Last Encore will save you fatefag at least it will be """""""written""""""" by your majesty Hacksu
Fuck off trapfag
Do it and enjoy your 3* Est
Everyone always made fun of me for being a Soleil fag but who's laughing now!? My wife is going to be in the game and yours might not ever get into the game!
With that being said I'm not rolling for her on her initial release. I'm going to hoard my orbs for several months or however long it takes ISIS to release a banner with her as the only red.
Tell me more. I rolled desperation fodder X3 recently. BA Seal is next on the line as well.
What do you think we’ll get for the first anniversary of Heroes being released? A bunch of Orbs? A special unit? Or just a “Thanks for playing” message?
I hope it’s Orbs.
give her lightning breath and distant counter for maximum memes
Are you guys still doing OC units?
What skills have you guys been putting on your Fjorms?
My +spd -def Fae has Lightning Breath+ and Fury 3. Is it worth it to upgrade her Light Breath+ and give her my only spare DC?
What about +Def -Atk one?
what's she lookin at?
Reposition, and that's it. Her base kit is pretty good, especially with the close def seal.
Everything else in her default kit is fine. Close Def sacred seal is good too
I got an extra Hector, should I merge him with my +atk -res one or fodder DC to effie?
The one I have is neutral, what do? I don’t care about her enough to roll for another, I’m saving up for my husband.
QR is way better I found. kills more consistently.
i used all my 150 orbs on the legendary banner. Should I hold back and start saving for the next big thing?
What little fanbase she had left leaving her for the powercreep mary sue.
Feed the extra one to Effie.
I wouldn't merge Hector, DC is too valuable.
>healers are now fun to use
What world are we living in
I'll give her life and death if she ends up as a bonus unit. She has to much res for her own good.
What's more to tell?
Folkvangr+Desp+BA not only negates his shit speed but all increases his attack, add in his natural deathblow and he becomes the ultimate brave attacker when low on health.
He's built to be a low health player phase attacker. Sure you can build him to be a tank but then you're just wasting his weapon.
Ow. I'd do the same thing as the other one. You could meme it up with DD6 but that's a huge waste. Iceberg procs should make up the damage loss.
>have a +Res -Spd Effie laying around
>give her Berkut's Lance+
>upgrade that
>give her DC
Have I created the ultimate tank?
This. I need more Brave Ikes to upgrade.
B-But maybe she's really there! A-And those 3 extra orbs only cost €2.30, so it's not like I'm giving them much, r-right?
Okay I won't, I just closed the summoning screen, thanks lads
You're probably right, but I already have several units with it. I'll tolerate Fjorm being suboptimal so long as she can fill her own niche. Having Ice Mirror available on turn one might come in handy during arena assault, anyways.
Yes that sounds like a fair investment to the banner.
>ultimate tank
Fuck. Minus res and minus speed Lutes.
What can I do with the minus res for now until she comes back?
Shield Pulse/QR seal when? Fjorm needs both to really shine.