/wowsa/ World of Waships Admiral

Sunk edition

Tell us your server and get a referral code from a fellow /wowsg/ to get extra bonus credits/flags/XP and two free premium ships (one instantly, one after you play a T6 ship).

>Newbie guide
pastebin.com/XGWdGjPc (embed) (embed)

>0.6.14 update

>Pan-Asian destroyers

>Captain Skill calculator

>Statistic tracker

>In-game chat channel:
NA Channel: Search for "Veeky Forums" (by antibullyranger)
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel" (by Varzov)
SEA Channel: "Veeky Forums"

[KUMA] on EU - contact one of the deputies/recruiters (are they still alive?)
[HOTEL] on EU - upvote us on r/WorldOfWarships/ or contact Rex1121
[BOTES] on SEA - contact Benlinsquare
[BOTES] & [HOTEL] on NA - contact JakeNS

Exist and is cancer, as you would expect. Ask in the thread/chat

Other urls found in this thread:


>That clan info
The EU clans can currently be found at Panmunjom.

Kuso thread (embed)

Previous thread:

Answer me cucks: is there any need for SI in a CW Gearing build?

South Korea is USA's (reddit) bitch, i'll leave that to Hotel desu

I guess that makes Kuma starving isolationist manlets?


Stop sucking on jewish propaganda, North Korea nuclear superpower by 2018.

oh ye they'll be nuclear after everyone bombs them dunno about superpower tho

Any update on the Regia Marina?

>bombing NK

It's not going to happen, norks are not stupid.

Kuma members are obviously supposed to be the uncontested ruling class with internet access.


how neu are u

I am in KUMA and im fat af desu

NavyField had a better top tier Frog BB.


>wake up
>no qt hotel gf to cuddle with after hitting the snooze button for just a little bed warm.

Maybe your bed smell is not arousing

>DoY will be this New Year campaign reward
Based WG.
>It is a battleship without heal
... okay, it still would be a good cruiser
>I won't be anywhere near PC for 2 new year weeks

>wake up

No wonder you don't get laid, you can slay pussy while you're asleep.

At least I hope so, given that Daily bounce leaked DoY campaign

>Duke of York
>KGV class
>without heal
Yeah, no thanks.

But it is a great mid tier heavy cruiser. Best HE, etc. Just sit back 18 km (like every BB does) and spam HE

Radar comerade))))

Da, comrade. Also 30 sec fire duration and reduced DCP CD. And separate hydro and Def.AA

KGV doesn't have superheal either, so it's not as gigantic a nerf as it may appear.

Seeee! THIS looks like a French tier 10, all/most main battery guns forward, stupid catapults in the back, aft mast-smoke stack

>mfw DoY is WG's testbed for removing heal from all BBs to yet again please the CA/DD/CV lobby.

Joke is that France is literally just bigger Strasburg. While that shit is WT E.100 tier of sikret archives.

i hope y'all die

everybody is going to die eventually

Does anyone remember what the timing of last year's Xmas/NY campaigns was? I'll be away from my computer for a while and I hope I don't miss out on anything.

>DoY campaign
>while what I hype myself for are Roma, Alsace and Musashi
>but at this state only Roma is in supertesting
>Musashi's exterior still developing, no further news for French BB line

>"Heavy Cruiser"
>while rudder shift time is already worse than a Hull B KGV
>concealment is just comparable to other T7 BBs
I may just participate in the DoY campaign and see if I can get this ship and sell her for doubloons or credits right after that.

The french T10 appears to have space for a third turret in front of the bridge. Is it possible that it will be the first T10 with 2 hulls?

>3 turrets at front
That abomination will be so tres ugly that I will just stop at Alsace and pretend there is no T10 French BB.

No, I think he means instead of 1 front 1 back, 2 front 1 back

>DoY is WG's testbed for removing heal from all BBs
WTF, I love WG now.

>Battle of North cape

Should be Scharnhorst campaign

From christmas day or a week before to 10-15 of january?
I vaguely remember it being designed around weekly missions and there were 3-4 weeks.

In fact KGV sucks. AP is worthless, and HE is unreliable. Armor is laughable.

Friendly reminder that brothel fears the KUMA

>The french T10 appears to have space for a third turret in front of the bridge. Is it possible that it will be the first T10 with 2 hulls?

No the B turret position looks to small for another turret, I think what we are seeing are what we're getting

>T10 with 2 hulls
That would be retarded.


Flag when?

What's the link to Discord?



>ike/rapespammer talking about cancer

Hahahahahha the irony, can't wait to see you lose your shit when my dossier of you is complete.

So would a premium with 3 hulls, yet…

>some shitty CV rework again
>queue getting spammed by CVncer
>it's another don't you dare playing torp botes you fucking nigger episode

>Gneis' secondary firing range = 5.3km
>get AFT, Secondary Mod 2 and Mike Yankee Soxisix on her
>secondary firing range is 8.0km instead of 7.7km
So where's the extra 0.3km or the 5% range from?



It's 5.3 x 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.05

Atlanta died and carried for your sins.
5 star on the first try. ;_;7

>5 star on first try
congrats on not being retarded?

Im a bote cuck.

I want to watch my shipfu get penetrated by big black AP shells. I just cant help it. Nothing hotter than seeing a bote full of seamen at the bottom of the sea after getting her stern and cit violently penned by multiple enemies.

So I was wondering, is there porn like that?


Wait, so bonuses to concealment and reload time and shits like those are also calculated in this way?

brothel is a babby so thats perfectly natural

No idea desu

Wheres KUMAs christmas flag?

Traitors eternally btfo, how can they ever recover?

Self-hatred is not healthy

Not every shitpost in this admiral is cartman false flagging

t. Erico Cartmenez

Give me a break man, im really bored since I cant play.

gib mod pls



>KGV sucks
but it's literally the best T7 BB in the game right now

Best t7 bb is, was and always will be the rapist you filthy pleb

>cit above the waterline
WG is phasing out BBs with cits, get with the times grandpa.


Everything can either bounce or absorb its AP rounds, even cruisers. HE is a dice roll that doesn't work with BB RoF, although I admit I often deal more damage across the ranges with them rather than AP anyway. Dispersion is ridiculous even at short range. Armor is worthless and you end up taking loads of damage from any BB of your tier or higher, and even cruisers AP can remove quickly big chunk of your health easily. It's not on the fast nor the maneuverabile side, and neither particularly stealthy. It's mediocre at best, and I had a much better time in the Queen Elizabeth, which guaranteed me at least one devastating strike every few battles.

post your KGV stats


no matter what i do i can't get over 40k damage anymore

rough patches happen to the best of us

5k damage game in T8 DD, fucking great

>that low damage
you're really not getting the best out of that ship

I had 2 ~25k damage wins today in the Conq and Roon. They were those "the majority of the enemy team goes opposite of where you are and gets rekt by your team" 7 minute matches.

I can beat that, I got clicked out of the game in my Z52 by a Taiho.
Zero damage done, one cap assist, ended up the only one dead on my team because our CV killed the enemy CV a minute after I died and the enemy just folded.

For comparison, the Queen Elizabeth.

55k is literally trash. Just because it's blue doesn't mean anything.

i think there might be a problem with you, you eternal baBBie, and not the ship

Show me yours then :^)

heh, post your kidd stats... kidd

Is free exp the only thing that stacks multiplicative?
What about commander exp, or credits?

16k damage in Cleveland XDDDD uninstalling this shit

git gud lmao

IIRC all the XP multipliers work the same way, no idea about credits

>tfw only 220k damage last game

I guess im gonna be a useless shitter forever, might as well uninstall

Here's the Cliff Notes:
>Use +credits boosts on your highest grossing ships (i.e.: high tiers, especially prems). Remember the prem ship earnings boost is applied invisibly, before the gross is calculated, and is intrinsic to the ship, not the camo, so +credits signals and camos are justified on prem ships.
>Use -repair cost flag only on T8 or higher, otherwise sell them
>Never use +free XP boosts without a complete stack of +ship XP boosts. If free XP is your priority, stick to +100% ship XP camos, rather than the others which have a lower ship XP boost but an additional free XP boost.
>If you have 19pt captains, use your +captain XP boosts on them and don't waste them on dead-end captains (captains that won't move up the line and are far from the next point which will allow them to take a new skill)

>Remember the prem ship earnings boost is applied invisibly, before the gross is calculated, and is intrinsic to the ship, not the camo, so +credits signals and camos are justified on prem ships.
Oh wow, WG really knows how to get people to buy prem ships.
Doesn't that mean you get a million or more per game on a t8 prem?

It's possible if you have a very good game with prem time, but not regular by any means. If you want to see seven figure results on the regular, Missouri is your best bet.

Additional Cliff note:
>All XP and credit boosts take the base XP AFTER the prem time multiplier as the initial value, so if you're low on any kind of booster, save it for prem time. You can get free days of prem time by completing missions on the Public Test Server, when available.

I want to be a cute shipgril



How good you have to be to join a clan here?
I am at 53% WR but my first games were abysmal and I didn´t care at all.

What's stopping you?