>"I'm not a crook."
What did he mean by this Veeky Forums?
"I'm not a crook."
Other urls found in this thread:
He was reassuring the American masses scared their leader was a crook. He was under examination at the time after the whole scandal
Tricky Dick was not a crook.
Yet Obama today taps into literally everyone's email and phone calls by controlling all the servers and using the NSA and police.
You were a good man at heart, Nixon.
>being too young to remember the patriot act
Eh, what? I know what the patriot act is, I was taught it in politics at uni, what is your post based on?
He meant "I never expected to be caught for all the crooked shit I've pulled"
Thanks Obama
He meant "Please don't impeach me".
It didn't work.
He meant, "I'm a liar."
>>"I'm not a crook."
>What did he mean by this Veeky Forums?
That he's not a crook
But resigning did.
I'm not the only one where I hear about watergate and think its the tamest shit compared to some of the tales of corruption you here about today right?
I would take another Nixon over most of the candidates we've been getting lately to be honest.
Because he did it when he was winning hard.
He was that paranoid.
This video profoundly changed my life at one point and helped me stave off depression for a few months, thanks Nixon:
He meant "I really do not want to admit I did illegal shit to everyone on air and be publicly shamed and incarcerated."
Did Nixon even know about the break-in to watergate?
I thought that all he knew about was the subsequent cover-up which he had to get information on, the information he received too was sketchy from the so-called 'plumbers' I believe telling him to detour the FBI.
Yeah he taped the convos but I really don't know if it was just all blown up, my knowledge on it is very sketchy though.
The more I push preconceived notions and memes to the side and actually LEARN about Nixon the more I like him
Talking to my parents and grandparents about him really opened my eyes too
that you're a racist ignorant retard
"I, President Richard M. Nixon, am
>a crook
a criminal, or engaged in any criminal activity."
Someone has been hearing too much Hardcore History
>ywn get 99% of contemporary western world leaders impeached for all the wiretapping they do
This is some fucking bullshit. Nixon deserved to get impeached, and so do the other world leaders spying on us.
What did he mean by this?
Fuck off idiot. He'd be bitching if Bush was still in office, and he'll be bitching in a year when Trump ramps up domestic surveillance. It doesn't become okay just when your guy is in office.