No lewd, just cute edition.
Previous thread: this thread is sponsored by skinpreview.
No lewd, just cute edition.
Previous thread: this thread is sponsored by skinpreview.
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xth for my wife Syndra
Lulu is the smuggest! THE SMUGGEST!
>His favourite icon isn't the Rose
user I...
xth for syndrol
Also that pirate girl tristana at the top is pretty cute, is that a skin?
Can someone give me a good rundown for k6, please?
What should I be evolving first?
R feels really comfy but some people tell me it's "retarded".
At this point I'm not longer annoyed, just impressed. How the fuck do you get first post more than half the time.
Post the superior eva unit and I will grant you all my silver knowledge
Remember to enjoy your day, Anons! Post champions you like and explain why!
thanks doc
Will ancient demigod still be able to appreciate the unapologetic ferocity of Shauna Vayne?
script, he bought Veeky Forums pass so captcha won't stop him
Q first, it's your killing ability
E next, it's your multikilling ability
R next, since one more use of invis is very strong
Vladimir end up with better woman
>implying they didn't already in the centuries before Swain
Veeky Forums pass users have an obvious clover next to their name
This is one of the best LeBlanc pics ever
nah that's optional
>Veeky Forums pass
nuh uh
I guess I'm just fast user.
that and autism
Posting superior unit, superior pilot and superior girl.
3evil5you void solider when?
fapping to it daily
Someone last thread said never take unsealed spellbook but faker does on malz like most other pros
or was that just for a specific champ
That's very nice pic, why we don't have more of them for other champs too
I love Camille
What's the #1 silver > gold solo ranked support champ? I play a lot of Sona and Bard for the heals, it's good because your ADC takes a lot of unnecessary dmg but it's kinda countered by all in / ganky shit like Thresh etc so doesn't always work. Aggro supports work well most of the time but if your ADC is autofilled he usually doesn't react in time and kills slip away.
I'm thinking ignite BC with Aftershock but he's banned every now and then.
Send help thanks.
I've been fapping to the lewd version of pic related daily for a while now, but the one you posted is good too
Zyra brand helloooo?!?!?!!
>humanized yordles
worst OP
Does Syndra want you to be this autistic about her?
Because drawing half-ass futa garbage of ahri and Sona makes more money
Use this as your support.
I've lost to it but her partner was an Ez main so not sure it counts.
just not in my games
>no Peacock champion
uhhh... guys?
Everything in ranks lower than Plat position like retards, always take flashy mobile champions with dashes and you have the ability to remove multiple fuckers from a fight with your ult. Take advantage of that.
>Try Quinn since she's on the rotation
>She's the most fun champion I've played by far
Well this was unexpected
LeBlanc honestly deserves more art than she gets
that's a trick question user, but I just do it because I love her not for any other reason.
>63k damage dealt
>23 kills
>still lose
who else here is hella tilted
context nigger
What ?
>no Dante champion
why even play?
>Blood Angels
faggot loyalist
> do good across all games
> bot lane ints anyway
> auto loss
when will LoL stop being dictated by AD babies and their support slaves
played a ranked game
got 23 kills with 6 deaths and 63k damage to champs on ashe
why are tabis allowed
It's our only line of defense against the ADC menace.
Definitely not bot! :3
>Diana with Predator
Holy shit fuck any guide that says to use electrocute. This keystone makes her ganks incredible.
>chaos niggers in my thread
Don't you know that vladimir literally eats out of garen's diapers?
not really
I was j4 lvl 12 had ghostblade and dusk and cheap boots
he had tabis ad jungle item and phage and he 1 v 1d me
my whole damage got chunked in half just cause of fucking tabis
I hope nids eat Ultramar.
Is Jinx cute?
>He had a build that countered me and I lost!
>you love her
>but ywn hug her after she's been gone all day
>ywn sit with her on the couch while she leans on your shoulder and tells you about it
>ywn cuddle with her under a blanket
>ywn have her fall asleep next to you
>ywn gently try to move the hair out of her face without waking her up
The cutest thing about lulu iswhen you forcefully impregnate her :3
I would rape her
its a fucking 1000 gold item
fucking why is it allowed to counter me
user... exploiting my weakness like that...
I'm not!
fuck off nigger
>buys tabis
>outplays you
boy he sure showed me!
>This mad because he got killed by a jungle xin
>Buys merc treads against that comp
you deserved it
>didnt save ult to use on his third auto
dang u are a shitter
>Not walking away to wait for his Q to go off
u need to calculate everything in this game my dude
yes boy i sure love being stunned for 3 secs by irelia and being silenced for 4 by cho
mercs was a good choice fuck off
its just not fair
Fuck the rose I just wanted the birb
You didn't die because of tabis. You died because you got popped up and xin's sustain. You shouldn't have let yourself get hit by that third auto.
i thought he would instantly pop like any squishy should or at least did last season
Taliyah buffsWHEN
Since I know you aren't leaving I can at least make you suffer
Yeah it's pretty unfair when duelists win duels. When you press all the buttons on the enemies face they should die, otherwise they're broken.
1) We know Vladimir was alive for thousands of years
2) We know he was at the center of a very lewd cult of personality
3) That implies he fathered many many children over the course of many centuries
4) That implies most of Noxus, especially the aristocracy, is related to Vladimir
5) That perfectly explains why Noxian men are so stunningly handsome
>Plays J4, a champion who's damage is based mainly on burst
>Fights a Xin Zhao, a champion who's damage comes constantly over a long time and who sustain during it
>Doesn't just skeddadle out once his burst isn't enough to kill him
You are not as swift as the coursing river.
I feel like everytime I face a xin, he is naturally tanky and never dies no matter how much damage I do to this nigger champion.
your comment doesnt make sense and is a weak bait
try harder
I wouldn't even rape her.
If xin has any attack speed at all he's an absolute bitch to fight against because of that heal.
I mean bait as it is he's not exactly wrong.
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
exactly i thought he would pop
how was i supposed to run i was in melee range his E is very low cd i play xin too
it was only a matter of time till he caught up with me
Just because you're mad doesn't mean it's bait
Did you just take the Azir lore and put Vladimir over it expecting no one to notice?
so a 100/0 j4 would lose to xin just cause xin is a duelist?
made me reply/10
Is Veigar is a cuntboy in that pic or what?
Lulu skin when?????
>Xin had 6 kills
>You had 4
Nice attempt at a strawman