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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Links and Resources
I wanna fuck Hector.
It's mommy's birthday!
Rhajat is my wife.
>he uses low BST units
Arena is the only mode that matters nowadays. Blame ISIS for inflating the power level so much.
Severa's back!
>8 Ikes
>0 Ayras
What the hell do I do with all the Heavy Blade fodder? Would +Atk Chrom do any good with it?
Just got a -spd+def Ayra
Is she good?
How should i build her?
>mfw I +10d my reinhardt and get 720 point matches
I approve of this thread!
When you run out of orbs so hard you start doing chain challenges and squad assault
>been playing since launch
>no tacomeme
>now that his bow is upgraded, hes perfect for me arena defense teleport meme team
fucking ISIS and their desire detector
but the Tempest bonus unit is Brave Ike not regular Ike.
or is this about the PoR Tempest last time.
how do i improve my luck
level up more
>use your favorites instead of good units!
You can use your favorite shit units all you want, but you need to know that their place is in the trash when people are talking about actual good units, and to keep your mouth shut about them. Otherwise you're gonna get laughed at because FEH is all about WINNING. TT? Winning. Arena? Winning. Chain Challenges? Winning.
You use good units, or you settle for last place trash. I don't see any "use your favorites and lose constantly!" quests or challenges do you?
buy more orbs, goy
I feel your pain, user. I've wanted him since day 1, but I've gotten nothing.
>I don't see any "use your favorites and lose constantly!" quests or challenges do you?
What are you talking about, Benchboy had a whole line of quests all to himself just a few days ago.
>Tempest Trails end in 5 days
>0.8% Banner ends in 4 days
hmm something isn't quite right here ISIS, care to explain?
>+def -Hp A. Tiki
Will all this dragons buff I kinda want to promote her are those good enough ivs or wait for -spd
What build are you guys using for Fjorm?
Default looks pretty mediocre desu
>not only is xander btfo by units who do more important roles than him, he's also btfo at his own role in every stat
Give us the cash, goy.
Ok user, here's your healer banner featuring Elise, Lissa, Lachesis, and Clarine.
Eldigan is still a player phase unit, and is best when used that way. Xander is an enemy phase unit, and is best when used that way. You faggots trying to compared apples to oranges because they're both fruits need to be shot.
Okay, /feg/, what's an easily mergeable, decent blue flier?
I want to use one with the guidance seal on my mixed team to ferry around BK and Fae.
bottom right
>want celica or ayra
>get 2 ikes
>neutral and +res -def
Which one of these Ikes is worth building? My highest attack units are +def -res chrom, +atk -def sigurd, Michalis/Minerva, and then a bunch of other units that use their A skills for something more important.
I'm using default in TT because I S-ranked her, but switching Atk/Def bond out for close defense is not a terrible idea. You can get some good bait kills on strong mages/archers with her.
he was a top tier unit for a year in a gacha game that constantly getting powercrept is good enough, xander had his day in the sun.
I have a +def -spd 4* A Tiki and 2 3* for potential merges. Should I get started working on a +10? My main worry is that even with LB++ she’ll still lose to Naga users. 49 attack, or 58 with WTA isn’t going to one shot either Julia or Dierdre in return at the merges I see them with.
I was thinking Dorcas would be good with it with aether or something like that.
I just wanted a Celica
I dont need 5* duplicates. I want the red mage princess and oversexualized loli healer
Catria/Clair/Cordelia are both pretty common 4*s with good stats, so take your pick. If you roll enough blues, you might even get a firesweep to give to them to make them even better.
>Eldigan is still a player phase unit
You're full of bright ideas aren't you?
+Def/-Spd is her best, but +Def/-Res or -HP works too. If you plan on merging her, you might as well start now.
Cordelia is the best blue flier with 4* availability. Catria is also decent, especially if playing a bulkier role. Shanna has very similar stats to Catria and has 3* availability too so she's a candidate if you want a lot of merges fast.
So with the new weapon refining thing being out, I've decided I kind of want to make a fucking disgusting Ninian.
Light Breath++ (one of the upgrades, not sure which)
Flexible Special
Distant Counter
Vantage or Wings of Mercy (no extra Dance Bs)
Flexible C (any suggestions are welcome, unless I make her for a Dragon team)
Deflect Melee Seal (?)
Kinda want something that can fight back pretty handedly especially with the ridiculous new Light Breath, but here's my problem: my only Ninians are +DEF -ATK and +DEF -RES. Should I wait for a +ATK Ninian to set this up, or even a +SPD? I feel like she'd be a great addition to almost any team doing so, since she might actually be able to damage on the counter with +ATK.
you have your eleven Ests right?
Genny is not a loli, she's a teen with the body of a teen
>mad about dc fodder and free merges or a cupid bow for a meme build
i will never understand you metafags.
Close Defense? Why? Wouldn't Distant be better?
so Fury(no extra bike)/Repo/Bonfire/QR ?
Her face reminds me of Lloyd and Charlotte's damaged art
>player phase unit
>with 24 base speed
>when BRoy does the player phase thing infinitely better
I'll be happy if I pull her.
Hopefully she is the one who is demoted to 4* too and not SoLEL. Though that most likely won't be the case.
Easy Firesweep Swords for all though!
Roy is also a player phase unit, what the fuck is your point?
You must be at least this popular to get a made up prf
>Not using wewlad +speed Eldigan
>slow unit without any brave effect
>player phase
You're joking, right?
>"Block your mage"
Eldigan fucking isn't
pic unrelated right? Nobody uses Camus.
+spd is probably your best nini, she's not going to be doing much damage even with +atk and targeting the worse stat. It also makes her annoyingly bulky, and gets her into double range easier. You might want to give her escape route over memes of mercy, since you're going to try to bait attacks with her anyway to take advantage of light breath. She's frail enough with -def or -res to be put below half health pretty easily.
She already has her special for reducing ranged damage, so it would make her bulkier up close. I'm not sure how the damage formula works for her weapon, but if DD reduction gets applied after the 30% reduction does then that would probably be a bit better than CD. She's not that bulky up close without it, though.
>crippling his defenses to get to a measly 33 speed
Lukas is a player phase unit
one thick grandpappy
>Nowi maxed HM
>switch to Ice pussy
>drags my team speed down
I didn't think she needed QR this badly
I use Camus because a blue Ryoma with worse stats is still better than a red Ryoma.
is +Def -HP Lyn better than Neutral
I do have a +atk Cordelia and some 8 Ests. I'm guessing Firesweep if I go for the former and Brave if I go for the latter?
>sexualizing the sheep
*Brave Lyn
So with Lyn's Sol Katti Upgrade. Would Death Blow + Wrath and Attack + 3 Skill her best skill set?
>45 atk
>24 spd
You can pronounce Ryoma
But you can’t pronounce Camus
nominally, yes since hp is a shitstat.
however lyn should not need to be utilizing her defense, so it may be more prudent to keep a neutral lyn to make use of her ample res.
Felicia is the cutest! Holding her in my arms! Giving her little kisses on her cheek! Whispering sweet things to her! Holding her soft hand and going everywhere together! Falling asleep while cuddling her! I love Felicia!
you can't stop it
With Fury 6 and +atk he hits 57 atk, making him a tankier Roy with basically the same damage. Not counting Cav buffs. If anything, he's a defensive Eliwood, being able to tank threats Roy couldn't. He's absolutely a player phase unit.
Eldigan was always better than Xander thanks to being able get IV's and +10'd. The new weapon upgrade just makes it overkill.
Then I'm gonna be waiting a while for a +SPD one. I was just wondering if I -should- wait for a +SPD or work with a +DEF -RES one. I feel like +SPD one might actually kinda work out since surprisingly decent SPD stat, but I am still worried about her return kill potential, assuming it can get even close to one.
I want her in my game
Xander was better in that he killed mages while also being able to run an A skill, while Eldigan couldn't.
I will create the ultimate Celica slayer
>53 res
big attack = player phase
Even with fury 6 his speed is only hitting a pisspoor 30
+spd/-hp would be her best IVs with Fury since it'll activate a lot faster. I wonder which would be better for her, Luna or Memebow.
*breathes in*
Post player phase units.
>fucking deathly hollows tattoo
>women with tattoos
I'm starting to think that these % rolls are misleading.
Hear me out:
I think ISIS when they make these % banners, before players even roll and before the banner even becomes active, their servers generate a list of possible rolls, x number of Deirdre, y number of Hectors, z number S!Camillas from a very large sample set.
Now when a player rolls, RNG will generate a number between 1 ~ 10000. If you, on your first roll you get a number between 1 ~ 800 on green, you will roll a 5*. If you get between 1~266, you get S! Camilla, 267~533 you get Hector, 534~800 you get Deirdre.
But you get these from the x,y,z piles of pre-generated rolls from ISIS's server. If pile x,y,z does not contain any more of said 5* unit, game regenerates another RNG, automatically until you get a number that does correspond to a unit ISIS's servers pregenerated.
The problem here is that if a banner is popular, it is more likely for people to exhaust the limited supply of 5*, leading to these 10~12% pity rates.
*hits you with Luna*
Yeah, or you can go with LaD/Fury to get her health down to the Sol Katti/Wrath thresholds faster. Unless you have a +spd lyn, her speed is a little too slow to double some of the mages/archers, and her attack is too low to OHKO some of them.
She basically has a brave weapon when below 75% health, so Luna would be better.
Why does /feg/ hate dragons so much all of a sudden? Are they that obsessed with the horse meta?
>Faye cannibalizing Celica just to please Alm
>Yolo'd 20 orbs
>Got Ayra, Ike and another SCamilla
hoo boy. Rolls like this are tempting as hell to keep spending on but I feel accomplished with this banner. That and I don't think Bridelia is coming home soon
Final score:
+Def -Speed Genny
+Attack- Def Genny
+Res -Speed Spring Camilla
+Def -HP Spring Camilla
+Speed -Res Ike
-Attack +Res Fjorm
-Attack +Def Ayra
That Ike is fixing my -Attack one perfectly
>sitting a set number of 5*s per banner
That's sneaky, but i'd believe it
>Slaying Bow
>not Guard Bow
>It's an /feg/ determines a units worth by comparing them to Reinhardt episode
>speed is the best refinement for most units but its glow is stinky green
requesting an athenafag speed refine her wo dao, take a pic of the sprite, and slap her "Odor of Heroes" text on the bottom
Contrarians who are locked in tier 17 and salty about their missing orbs.