Hips edition
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>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm
Riven Prices: wftrader.com
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com
WF news, Riven Calculator, Zaw and Fish parts: semlar.com
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
THE JORDAS VERDICT: pastebin.com
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com
Top guns: docs.google.com
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com
CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.4.0)
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> forums.warframe.com
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/wfg/ - Warframe General
First for kill all Nezha fags
second for comfy criptographic alu farming with itzal
Reminder that nezha loves you all, especially the angry ones.
can I get uhhhhh razorback?
Well now that's out of the way, Gay relay rebuild event when?
7th for Octavia Diva confirmed
>pray that you like arching for razowback
no thanks
How old is this women? Early 40's? Late 30's?
what was the original pic?
Hey isn't that bike cuck?!
Must be, her throat also has crown, so she must have experience.
a time stamp for when she posted in this general once
You have to go back.
You have to suck my dick.
Can you stop
I just got my very first riven mod.
Any chance I could jew it up with it?
archwing is so fucking infuriating im done after 2 fucking runs
You should consider keeping rivens too, Latron Wraith and Prime are a thing
it will continue to be once as long as this place is flooded with formites and reddit
this general can not go a single fucking thread with outing themselves
hey not bad you can make a nice hoard of coins with that.
I didn't think you could put a regular weapon's riven on their other variants. You can do that? I was working toward a Latron Wraith to see if I liked it more than my Argonak.
are you retarded? she's 26
When is cat lady coming out?
Mirage prime is supposed to come out close to christmas, so any news about the weapons coming with her?
>tfw my daughter is older than space mom
fuck off bootscoot
>MR 6
For shame
saryn is my backup waifu
>When is cat lady coming out?
Every time you ask this, she gets delayed by one month
And so does you losing your virginity
Joke's on you roastie, I'm already a fully licensed wizard.
Looks way too old, even after makeup.
jesus christ, user
Check out the wiki totes the best place right now.
>t. Homosexual nezhafag
>Projecting this hard
Should I bother learning Chroma? Or did DE mention something about his rework during devstream?
>warframe is pay to win
On ______the wiki___
>Being this much of a newfag
You have to go back.
Stop being so old
It IS though. But why one would care in a PvE game is the real question
I'm sure if you parrot a few more fresh memes, people will actually think you belong here.
she is actually 26 anons, I have no idea what to tell you cringey autists anymore, you motherfuckers don't work on logic. Things you have no experience with or doesn't fit the way you want it to be is a god damned conspiracy theory
>find someone selling an unrolled Tiberon riven for 20p
>buy it because I'm a Tiberonfag and want to have a riven before the eventual Tiberon Prime
>"hey do you want to buy my paris prime set for 20p too"
>"hey wanna buy my unrolled vulklok riven for 75p too?"
Why do jews like this even exist? Who the fuck do they think they are? Virtual cashiers? No I don't want your fucking paris prime set dumbass.
>Warframe feels like a Destiny clone
Why are people in rifts so slow?
>Kill 99% of everything in Eris Exterminate rift in under 2 minutes
>Guy whines about dead synthesis target like it didn't immediately explode after it spawned
>Kill 99% of everything in Sedna rescue rift in under 2 minutes
>Get 10 reactant after 3-4 rooms
>Sit at extraction with the VIP
>Everyone else has 4 reactant and haven't reached the prison room yet
Every time. Do people just sit in the first few rooms and wait for more mobs to come to them? What the fuck is happening? These are MR12-20 players.
I want a new Warframe right now!
I got all the Dojo frames being build in 70 hours, but rushing feels so useless.
Is there any frames without a prime counterpart that isn't a total waste to buy for plat, like Inaros maybe? He basically already cost some considering the ducats.
imagine having to live life as this stupid motherfucker
You don't have to try this hard to fit in this place newfag, anyone against novaposting belongs to plebbit.
You played yourself kid.
>buying prime junk
>"hey I thought it was 10p per prime"
People often buy Ivara/Mesa to skip the grind. I wouldn't but it's not my money.
Is baza good or only "fun" ?
I miss gay meteor user.
>Full price
>Black Friday Sale
>Now allowing everyone to play all the content until level 8
Is Destiny this desperate? honestly the game looks really good but the story is retarded and the gameplay is trash.
>>Kill 99% of everything in Eris Exterminate rift in under 2 minutes
>>Guy whines about dead synthesis target like it didn't immediately explode after it spawned
t. Ember main.
Its a wannabe Soma
gara lewds when
Imagine being this stupid and needing to try and justify your insane stupidity to random people on the internet.
Warframe is a very good example of a pay to win game done right because it's mostly PvE and it benefits the nolife grinders too, I honestly don't know what possessed you to claim otherwise and I pray that one day the tumor gets operated out of your brain so you can join society at large
Now I get why mommyfags are way more interested in Becca, it's only because she looks was older than what her age tells.
Baza is trash.
>Fall off
>Incredibly low damage
>Can't even stand against the regular soma or soma prime
>Terrible ammo economy
Engineer frame that summons a shit ton of turrets like in Firefall when. Maybe give it a drone too and those little shitter yellow things that roll and around shock you.
It's both. It has the Soma Prime problem though were you're wasting too much ammo to kill high level fodder, otherwise it's decent.
>Engineer frame
What is Vauban and Chroma?
>all these arsewing mats
>have to kill razorback thrice
>all for a blue potato
the puncture mods better be worth it
its a meme weapon
It'd be almost viable if the reload wasn't fucked up.
I can't stop using it though, it's sexy af
Don't kill synthesis targets tho you dumbass
Different poster here, but it is P2W. If you have the money you get a imense advantage against players that won't spend a dime in the game. Of course F2P can still get to the same spot as the one spending real money, but until that point, the one who's spending has better things that affect directly the gameplay solely because he payed for it.
nice try, sweetheart, but you might want to go play an actual pay to win game before you start spouting liquid horseshit
Just use the prisma grakata bro.
>imense advantage against players
>in a pve game
i'd say it's a bit above the soma prime, and it's silent
>an advantage over players
holy shit no, this isn't pvp, this is pve, you don't get an advantage over other players, you just skip time gates, you don't even have to spend a dime, you can easily make plat and do the exact same thing as someone who would be willing to drop 200 bucks on this grindfest
baza is better.
And how does PVE make it not be pay 2 win?
>but it is P2W.
You're still at advantage at the game when compared to players who don't spend anything.
It's the literal definition of Pay to Win.
theres no ""winning"" here
paying doesnt give you gear in PVP to pwn other non-paying people
all paying does in warframe is allow you to skip some of the grind
but warframe IS about the grind, the grind is the core gameplay
its a "pay2skip" system
It's borderlarnds without the "humor", less difference between classes and a different artstyle
how about you go play some chinese or korean MMOs and learn what is REAL "pay to win"
user why the fuck are you assuming pay to win only applies to PvP and not PvE?
The question isn't if the game is pay to win, it's why the fuck would anyone care about a PvE game being Pay to Win.
Do you seriously think that the new star wars isn't pay to win either because go guzzle some gasoline if you do think that
It's irrelevant if the game has a win factor or PvP. The fact that you have vantage over non paying players is the definition of pay 2 win.
>Oh no, someone is making my squad win.
>scanning synthesis in rifts when you can just stealth scan to your daily cap in half an exterminate mission
Who ever said that this was a BAD thing? Stop projecting so much.
Pay to win is bad in PvP
Pay to win is fine if done right in PvE
so imagine, you bought some top tier frame and some top tier weapon and now trivialize your own experience playing the actual game
yay? nice """winning"" there
What should I do with this?