Art thread
Since I don't see one. Post your favorite art Veeky Forums
Art thread
Since I don't see one. Post your favorite art Veeky Forums
Why did they have to show them naked?
that's one of my favorites that I've seen on Veeky Forums
t. puritan
Who /pompier/ here?
Purging this degenerate thread.
It was the trend of the time, these are from the 1800s. Mind you this was likely for a European audience, in France especially there was a lot revolving around eroticism in orientalist works. Though this artist was a bit different from other Orientalists in that he actually converted to islam later and also depicted things from their history. He was also one of the few that managed to get actual natives of Algeria to pose naked for him, most artists used European models and dressed them up in what they thought they might wear.
there's nothing degenerate about having Lilith jerk you off in your sleep, producing a wet dream
>women are degenerate
Apologies for lack of names for some of these.
>draw a naked woman
>call it art
In german this comic is called "prince ironheart". My father has a collection of it wich he sometimes showed and read to me and my sister before we went to sleep. Maybe that's why I'm studying history right now
that's a large dark rooster
All of my wat
post more art lads =)
Is it just me or does the kid in the boat look like he has a raging boner?
>Altogether, the Roman Catholic government of France rented ships from the Protestant city of Amsterdam to conquer the Protestant city of La Rochelle. This resulted in a debate in the city council of Amsterdam as to whether the French soldiers should be allowed to have a Roman Catholic sermon on board of the Protestant Dutch ships. The result of the debate was that it was not allowed. The Dutch ships transported the French soldiers to La Rochelle. France was a Dutch ally in the war against the Habsburgs.
very nice/
>not posting modern art
You guys disgust me.
the cultural marxist have arrived
Who's hungry?
based crack mullins
>beautiful women are degenerate