Asymmetrical Slasher Series General /assg/

Killers that are perfect

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

I-is that a dead thread?!:

Other urls found in this thread:

Why is this game nothing but cancer at high ranks?

Because the devs never have played the game about rank 15 on either side so they balance the game around low ranks

Which makes the game incredibly survivor sided at higher ranks

And its only going to get worse when they change survivors to have the same amount of information as SWFs have when they're solo.
Who's in a chase, etc etc

Because this game has an insane amount of design and balance flaws it's downright hilarious. And those really start to show once everyone knows what they are doing and have access to everything.

>I don't know why I'm banned
I hate faggots like this.
You know why you got banned.
Stop being a crybaby faggot and accept that your actions have consequences

It's cancer at every rank. The only 'pure' games are played by 5 low-hourcount people somehow getting in the same lobby.
megamind got mad because he got banned for the third time

>mommy in OP pic
good thread

No one cares


I have no idea who that is or why I should care about him but that is a pretty fucking dumb reason for banning.

>I did unpaid (and not requested) sponsoring in my country so I should be immune to bans

>reached 49
>still no fucking bbq for other killers

this is beyond retarded especially since hes the only killer i leveld so far

Teachables are locked to levels, it appears on the bloodweb at level 35.

yeah no shit im saying my leatherface is already 49 and it didnt pop up yet

Sucks to suck! :p

So what's left in terms of killers? Barring the licensed ones we have
>Traps that damage
>Traps that allow you to teleport
>Phasing through objects
>AOE via heartbeat
>Ranged weapon
What's an ablility that could be strong but not completely game breaking?

A few ideas of mine:
>AoE paintings or effigies of some description that you can place that initially just slow Survivors in range of them, but can have other effects
>Fallen Angel thing where the Killer has multiple bodies made of Stone and can swap between them with their ability

On problems like these I first assume the asker is an idiot, especially since leveling others has no bearing on teachabled appearing. Can you press F1 on LF, take a screenshot and confirm that you did not pick it up without realizing it?

>cant get past rank 9 as survivor because my last 5 games either were 3v1 from the start or some nigga instantly dc's

real fun game, the requirements for at least keeping your rank need to be lower the less players you have

Well Matthieu played that one game against high rank Koreans who trashed him and I think that opened his eyes a bit

I'm gonna tell you two problems with those.
Hag has an addon that slow survivors (Waterlogged Shoe) and it sucks ass. Another addon she has allows to her to teleport to any trap on the map without being triggered (Mint Rag), which sounds good in theory but will completely fuck you over if teleport to the wrong one. Considering she has 10, it's really easy to mess up, but what I assume your guy would have like 2 at first and have more with addons?

>When wraith just eats burns all match at crucial moments

>play against wraith
>It's always a triple prestige wraith with instant decloaking and faster running add-ons
I just assume anyone masochistic enough to play wraith must be hacking in these add-ons constantly because they're the only thing that make him viable.

Because the playerbase itself is cancer.

im glad im still at around rank 10 as survivor, facing huntress or nurses who cant land every attack are way better than the cancer i see in rank 1

Killers can't really do much in terms of cancer. There's slugging, and facecamping, but the latter only pays off if the survivors want it to pay off. The way killer is designed incentivizes playing seriously and just trying to win.

>when it's Freddy and your team is split up at each corner of the map perfectly and refuses to stick together
>when it's Mike Myers and 3 people decide to go on one generator not knowing where he is

This thread is evidence enough that most killers are just petty nerds who don't care about winning because they are always angry.

people planning out revenge fantasies on Veeky Forums isn't representative of the whole community

When you get a survivor SWF group that is willing to wait for over an hour at the exit, you will come to hate.

As a killer main the only thing that really gets me anymore is when people call you a camper if you don't instantly rush to the opposite side of the map after hooking someone. I've been called a camper for looking around for a good trap spot for 3 seconds after hooking, for patrolling a hooked survivor that's right next to an open exit gate and the whole team is still up.

Other than that it's just when there's one survivor left with 4 generators to go and they just hide for 30 minutes to waste time.

People are always going to bitch about camping short of playing Hag and using the mint rag to literally teleport to the other side of the map.

The David in this webm chimped out on me in the post game chat, but look at what he fucking did.

People need to have some bloody patience.

Shame that didn't kill the David.

>Buy game on Halloween sale
>Get R1 in less than 30 days

It's pseudo-competitive. The ranking system is a joke and it's incredibly easy to rank up plus it gets reset constantly so you don't even get matched with people of the same skill level. It's just competitive enough for the community to be one of the worst in gaming but not enough to actually gain any competitive benefits.

Don't worry, I got him later.

>Unhook a Meg and she drops down in front a clearly visible uncloaked Wraith that instantly downs her and gives me time to escape while she dies.
High. Rank. Gameplay.

Luddles can we be friends?

transform into a survivor to trick people

unfortunately swf would make that killer utterly worthless

Didn't stop them from making Knock Out, so it will happen eventually.

>It appears as a different survivor to each survivor.


>artist blog right in the middle of the picture

>Implying that's even near the worst thing about this shitty drawing

Except Borrowed Time isn't a crutch perk, it's literally the only way to deal with camping killers, aka half of killers. Yeah you might be """honorable""" but fact of the matter is most killers suck ass and camp 100-0 and will tunnel that person until they're gone. I used to hate borrowed time too until I played survivor and realized, oh, that's why everyone runs DS/BT etc. Because they don't want to not be 100% denied the altruism part of the game.

>don't want to not be
don't want to be*

Which thing you referring to? The Statues or the Paintings? The former, I was leaning 3 if they can't be disabled by Players, 6 if they can. The latter, I was leaning 6-8, carries them around and puts them up. They can be broken/defaced/whatever, but breaking them alerts like with Trapper Traps.

>woodlands killers
>farmland/plains killers
>suburban killers
>swamp killer
We need us a city killer. Not sure what you could work i to that, but there you go. Maybe a fisherman killer or something.
>body swapping killer
10/10 idea.

She had to do that because people kept stealing her shit. She recently had someone sell t shirts on Ebay with her art on it and almost got into trouble by the frogs until she explained that it was being posted without her consent.

>tfw i just made it to rank 9 as survivor
>tfw i might make it into your screenshots sometime soon

Urban Antifa killer who kills for Hillary Clinton. Rural and suburban retard killers kill for the Entity.

>A dude in a business suit, tall, featureless face
>Walks around completely calm, taking long strides so his speed matches the average

A construction worker?
A Prostitute (I'm looking at you streetwalker-poster)?
A butcher?
An undead gangster?
A tailor/seemstress that swaps bodies with mannequins?

>A tailor/seemstress that swaps bodies with mannequins?
I kinda like this. This and some sort of plant-obsessed Gardener would be neat.

>some sort of plant-obsessed Gardener would be neat
it'd be really lame to have a plant-based killer that's not a transformed Claudette

I mean, her only plant thing is Herbalism, but I guess.
>Plant seeds which do a variety of things based on add-ons, ranging from planting seeds that spread nettles to slow Survivors, screech when Survivors get too close, wounding survivors who stay too close, giving off warning hisses, disabling Aura reading abilities with mind-clouding fumes, decaying Generators if planted nearby one, etc.

Maybe like a model/fashion designer that was aging and killed younger models that bathed in their blood and made dresses out of their skin like a mix between Elizabeth Bathory and Ed Gein. Likes mannequins because they're the "ideal" body.

>her only plant thing is Herbalism
She's a botanist, how is that not plant related?

I.. never knew that for some reason. I guess that makes a bit more sense, yeah.

Only if you like baggage.


That screen is pretty old, I think I'm sitting at rank 17 with killer atm because I haven't played since rank reset.
Who do you play as? I'll keep an eye out if I start up again.

>you can get into legal trouble due to other people stealing your work
That's unfortunate.

another shitty fucking OP image
get this fucking huntress MLP image out of here, someone make a new thread

It was funny the first time now you're just being annoying.

All OP images from now on should be of Tiff.

That sounds fucking stupid.
Sign me up.

So I lost my save data a while back. All of it. The support team didnt do shit. Anyway, I save filed but fucked up and got banned.
Made a new account, bought the game again, the save file thing wouldnt work on this new account though, so I made a new one and family shared the game to that one. Tried the save file trick, got in game and it worked, but I was in a fucking rush and didnt disable steam cloud this time around. How fucked am I? its disabled now and my profiles private, but I'm probably gonna get banned again, huh? please someone comfort me I just didnt wanna spend 400 hours grinding again

Glad you're on board. I'm thinking her weapon could be fabric scissors.
>Mori starts with them open to go into the eyes, closes them, and then pulls them out to repeatedly stab them in the back until they stop moving.

If I have my own baggage, can we be codependent?

>Ace being a dick
Mein sides.

>walks to a generator
>immediately hears freddy's song
>immediately fall into dreamworld
>on my ass, no pallet or juke spot
>2 retards unhook me without bt

Back to killer

I mostly do myers, trapper and nurse as killer, and dwight/jake as survivor. See ya in the mist man, I'm rank 13 killer and rank 9 surv

>playing killer

>We need us a city killer

We don't have enough Negro characters, so sure.

>not playing killer

Convince me not to play claudette

There are cuter girls in the game.

>facecamped by Freddy


Frogposters are notorious liars and do not deserve (You)s.

The lullaby was at max volume every unhooker got sleep'd before reaching the hook
What am i supposed to do


*burns pied piper*

That's a good reason
I'll play feng

Fwiw, a smart anti-freddy tactic is to scope out the situation & see who the killer is before tunneling in to the nearest gen.

Is this or lery the hardest map for killer ?

Lery is annoying but not hard.

>mad that an artist wants people to know who made it and where to find more in a time where people constantly ask for source/sauce

>You don't even kill or feel like a killer
At least survivor play is actually about surviving. The devs at least got that part right.

That'd be Pale Rose. Grim Pantry is also pretty rough, especially if Basement ends up in the clusterfuck that is the big building, but not as bad as Pale Rose overall.
Lery's is on the easier side for anyone that isn't Hillbilly. Even Huntress is fine on it if she knows where to aim beforehand.
>Had a match the other day as Survivor
>Doc on Lery's with Distressing and Ruin
>Spent almost the whole game just walking around and only stopped to smack people
>His Terror radius took up a third of the fucking map and due to how the paths work, getting out of it to not stage is near impossible
>Pretty much everyone was stage 3 the entire time after 3 minutes
>We got 3 gens done cause I don't SWF X4

Freddy can't face camp and you get free bt when you play against him.

I guess i should have done that in the first place
But if the killer doesn't come towards me i may never know

Blessings of AJ be upon you /assg/

>playing as AJ when you could be playing as Bikini Tiff in the rain

Read gain lad
It doesn't matter if you have 7 seconds of invulnerabilty if
1/ the unhooker show himself running towards the hook from afar like an idiot so freddy's can put him into the dreamworld before even he reaches me
2/ he's on my ass the whole 7 seconds after i've been unhooked

I'm not discussing freddy's own weaknesses, i know he's bad at face camping and all around a "eh" killer. I'm just butthurt about that particular case

Im not speaking as someone who has authority, because im barely sub 200 hours, but here’s what I do, as a killer main playing survivor.
>scope out nearest gens
>if I’m near any, go away towards the wall. Spawn RNG has burned me enough in the past that I’m usually in the early “cycle” that the killer takes to patrol
>either find high ground to scout, or go to a further gen. If I’m lucky, I’ll either see the killer while sneakig around or hear the heartbeat.
>if either happen, head back to my original gens if the killers moving onward, or move start on the new one, the killer leaving you alone for a solid amount of time to get plenty of work done.

Now if you spawn with a fellow survivor, that’s just luck because they might ruin everything. I usually just work with em since I have perks that make teamwork better in the long run.

You're so pissed off that people didn't like your shitty OP pic. Stop sperging about it. The longer you mention it the more people will go "oh, there's that retard who posted an ugly thread image once and got really mad when /assg/ called it ugly. He won't give it up."

fuck off, i'm being serious
this OP pic has the huntress as a skinny, long nailed girl thats feminine when shes supposed to be a savage outsider who is basically not a girl at all besides from her chromosomes

desu he's kinda right, i mean the huntress's nails in game are pretty short and shes not as skinny in game, shes got football shoulders

not him, but i'm the guy who made that op thread
i wasnt any of the people defending the pic, but i will stand by that i like it

>Sitting on 800kbp
>Wanna finish off my myers and billy, maybe prestige them since Im not happy with their perks(they're both 43)
>Could dump them into a survivor since Id like a perked out survivor and I have all the stuff I wanted out of the shrine

Hmm, wat do

kill yourself
you are cancer

It's all fun and games until you kill a survivor. Only noobs kill survivors.

If you wanna keep Killer bingeing, push Myers to 50 unless you like going high-rank, then Billy. If you wanna be ready for Survivor Dailies, put like 10 levels into each one you have access to so you don't get shafted with "Be chased for 2 weeks as X" when you have 0 Blood in X.