Fighting Games General /fgg/
One last time.
EU West
CFN: orpheusti
pass: 2933
Double is fucking creepy
This thread smells less like jive
Play Unga
>jiving here instead of based capbro general
Come home, brother
Time to make the donuts
nigga, please, go back to your tekgen/bb/ggg thread and stop trying to force a capcom general, this is the FGC and Capcom is its main brand. Deal with it hater.
I play literally nothing else
Character Select ON
PASS: 8888
in your head
>not wanting two capcom generals
fuck you
How unga would she be?
>Capcom is its main brand
>can't even get games when begging
orpheusti here I disavow this post. I'm a strictly anti-bullying poster.
>wanting 15 different dead slow ass fighting game threads
whoops, cfn: metron
we can have a capcom thread and a good games thread
>a shitty zombie thread full of forced memes and ecchi with literally 0 effort put into anything, reddit-tier humor and the lowest IQ on the entire board
>a new era and new age of glorious chadcom posting where there's actual effort put into the OP, people will actually play games and lead to intelligent discussion
The choice is yours
is that beck
fuck off false flagger
We have 2 jive lobbies already.
Fgg will always have jive for the time being
hey could you delete this bro?
no it's morau
She so fine
play kolin
We wouldn't dare try and displace jiving that's already in progress
In the future, however...
How old is too old to get into fighting games? I'm 23, and my friend who wins regionals says that if I wanted to be decent, 16 - 18 was the last time to join.
What would you do if you married Kolin looking like and after a year she looked like
>and my friend who wins regionals says that if I wanted to be decent, 16 - 18 was the last time to join.
then he's an idiot
Come on user. Jive is a mainstay.
I just choose this thread because I like the random game posts once in a while.
Your friend is being pretty silly on various levels
HxH is coming back
This. The cut-off is 13 to not be garbage.
don't you guy wish your game was as alive as sfv
>*begs for games on /fgg/*
If you don't win a major by age 12 you may as well not even try
eh, I started playing when I was 22 or so and I'm a decent player, much better than average. if you want to get into them then do it. your skill will reflect the time and effort you put in. your friend sounds like a goober faggot by the way.
Technically Urien is the wannabe, Gill was in New Generation and Urien debuted in Second Impact. But you're right, Urien is cooler.
I had a thought that it's possible Urien doesn't hate Gill as much during the events of SFV. The game takes place before Second Impact, which is when he becomes the president (and learns Gill is the emperor). He also hasn't fully developed the G-project yet, if that counts for anything.
Then again, he's officially described as the vice president of the Illuminati in his character intro video, and probably on the official character cards somewhere. I don't know what the fuck is going on with their relationship in SFV, I don't think Capcom really cares either. Fighting game lore is dumb.
I would go to Alaska and make her wear a muffler forever.
You're never too old.
it wasn't an asspull and anyone who claims otherwise is legitimately braindead
Should I watch that shit? I think it's on Netflix. Heard it's kinda dope but all the main characters are literal kids I think and that turns me off a bit
>/fgg/ - Anime and Manga general
Lmao what a joke
Come and take part in REAL fighting game discussion
Infiltration was hella "old" when he started out and he started out in a country that has no actual sf scene.
stop that
stop false flagging you stupid goober
lmao this place has turned into an mmo general with all the in-fighting and two thread bullshit
jesus christ
Willing to bet its him samefagging in his newly created general too. Man, the saltiness levels of this kid are OD. FGG IS OURS
The absolute state holy shit
why dont we make a general for every fighting game character
i want a general for each costume in sfv
I wish I had the patience to learn chun li
>all these goobers and tekkeks literally shitting their pants as they realize this shitshow of a thread will fade into obscurity without the Capcom gods to grace them
Truly, it is a shame
playing days of tekken 7 really fucks up my groove when I play SFV again
you're literally retarded
This is the best solution seeing how many people dig Chun for example but hate Kolin. This way no one gets to read shit they dont want to read about .
So is talking about Injustice 2 finally allowed
lobby still up?
im downloading updates, will join in 5 minutes
you have /nrsg/ for that
Not as retarded as you lmao
um yes hello where are the sniffs
When does boobertag come out
thread for sfv
i'll put it up again
knew i could count on you
very nice but not exactly my cup of tea, thanks
Literally more sniffs than here
and where the fuck would that be
not on Veeky Forums lel
lounge is busted I guess. this will be my last set as I haven't slept in over 14 hours.
ggs thanks for joining guys
(Cross-thread) (Cross-thread)
(Cross-thread) (Cross-thread)
(Cross-thread) (Cross-thread)
sfv goes here
thought you weren't interested as much since the game is getting real memey
How do I find these lounges?
>8 unique IPs in the shitpost thread
So if there's a /cfg/ now what does that even leave here?
>Anime games that aren't GG or BB
>Fantasy Strike
Am I missing anything
ggs orpheusti
it's a bit sad innit
sort by password: on when searching.
ggs donnie
You guys are so fucking dumb. SEGREGATE MORE! WE HAVE A GIANT NUMBER OF PLAYERS!!!
also if you like the OP just add a better on for this
I'd rather post in the capcom thread the only people who want to stay here are people too attached to garbage
Thats what I am doing but it isnt showing up
is it up?
doesnt show up in my list when searching for lounges with password
it was idiotic when the other motherfuckers split off into tekgen/ggg/lzg. look at hhow dead those piece of shit threads are. now I have to slam my head into a wall when i want to talk about other games and go over there. tekken gen is alright but its still filled with shiposting. ggg is dead as fuck
cfg will be dead in another hour or so, don't worry
oh man, i had all the slots set to private all night waiting for games. i didn't realise no one could see it. should be visible now
You can't just add to the fgg OP
You'd get complaints from faggots who hate change and only come here to post hentai
>it was idiotic when the other motherfuckers split off into tekgen/ggg/lzg. look at hhow dead those piece of shit threads are.
better a post every 5 min than incessant shitposting in this dumpster fire of a thread
Not here.
nvm now it shows up lol
there's more GG discussion in /ggg/ now than there was in /fgg/ before
this /cfg/ is surely an act of goober deception, what are we to do!?
your akuma needs some work, it's a little too flowcharty. check out vesperarcade's guides.
ggs lads