Balancing CertainlyT's shit edition
Xth for mi wifu Syndra
xth for my wife Syndra
I don't care what people bitch about, I still want LeBlanc to give me a lapdance
Guess Nunu isn't going to get a rework anytime soon if they're updating his ability icons.
I love my cute and perfect wife, Riven!
I want to be GIFTED this skin! (for xmas!)
>Silver ADC's are all wojaks
dude don't insult wojaks like that
>d-double standards between sexes?!!??
almost like the norm tends to be the norm
Same with Mundo and Amumu, i guess Pantheon and Mordekaiser are the strongest candidates to be announced after Swain is done
desu all nunu needs is a VU but riot doesn't do those anymore
Tahm, morgana, janna
I don't think you even remotely understand my point, enjoy your last (You)
I think he's referring to the microcephaly wojaks that have become so popular.
Gib mundo his VU already
I want corporate mundo to look shiny
You have to be under 4'' to be cute
Like Jinx
Will Lee Sin ever go below 20% playrate?
Any tips on how to get to plat? Want to stop being a hardstuck goldbab
hmm, banner is pretty fun to rush
Comparing them to silver ADC's is still an insult
With how mediocre he is now, highly likely
how do i git gud at rengo?
all i'm saying is that if you have a kink that a minority of people enjoy, you will get cucked in most doujins because many people prefer a good ol' pounding at the end to assert dominance regardless.
Reminder that certainlyt literally said that for him design goals are more like guidelines really
I will never understand this logic.
It's great vs heavy ap teams
I want to make my waifu happy and I would go to great lengths to do this, by learning what she likes and researching it and practicing in my off time and all these sorts of things. I would work out on my own time if I needed to be more physically adept and basically I would do anything.
But on the other hand, bondage is hot and being tied up would be fun too.
So I'm either way I suppose.
Sorry user, i guesswe should kissed riot butt more for those VU, now you have to wait another year to get his VGU
press R, right click squishy, slam head on keyboard, repeat
>premade team bullies you
>enemy team does too
S-surely Riot will do something about it r-right?
So it's been a year since they did the assassin updates, how do you feel about them now?
How do I get my soraka to talk like
I have the skin but I've never heard her sound like this, only the same default voice
I'm putting my money on Pantheon being announced as the next big update after Irelia. Doubt they're going to acknowledge Morde's existence anytime soon. But I wouldn't be surprised if they pull a Skarner rework out of nowhere.
You're right. But it would be interesting if he got a rework. Make it feel more like Nunu and Willump instead of just Willump with Nunu throwing a snowball sometimes.
spam only 2 champs in the support role, one squishy and one not depending on team comp. that's how i got to plat and i'm a brainlet.
What am I in for
that is fan made
>Ap heavy team
>Take Ingenious Hunter
>roam to get a few assists on the other lanes to stack it
>BoC and ZZrot with 5 Hunter stacks and Ruby Sightstone
>buffed minions in every lane and up to 3 ZZrots at once
It works even better in the lower ELOs where once a couple people go mid people treat it like ARAM
Reminder that 7 inches is average and not enough for a woman
bakc of! she muyn!
I can't even express how fucking awful this is
>dark harverst rengar
>already 5 kills ahead
>veigar in mid trying to kill a minion
>look at him for a sec to see what's taking him
>out of nowhere rengar jumps and one shoots veigar
>rengar walks towards my lane
oh fug
so skins don't change what champs say when you move or taunt?
Reminder to thank the Crimson Reaper for his hard and selfless work in raising the mean attractiveness of Noxians by 2 points.
This guy gets it. I got to gold spamming just Lulu during the age of ardent censer and I can see that strategy still holding quite a bit of merit in this season. Just pick someone else that's tanky and play one or the other based on team comp.
only legendary and ultimate skins
No your point was that femdom doujins get ruined by typical ahegao/mindbreak shit which is not what anyone was talking about. The argument that maledom/femdom are two sides of the same coin and are largely similar to each other, any argument you make against one side can be applied to the other. Stop being such ridiculous hypocrites and autistically arguing your garbage fetishes.
Didn't fix any of those champs problems, just proved that class updates aren't good to actually fix things individual GU or VGU are for that, but Kha'zix is still fine so i didn't really care, also i feel bad for the Shaco mains
Pantheon probably needs it more than anyone else at the moment, he's had a completely crazy win rate for a year and is absolutely horrible to play against. They won't touch Skarner again for a very long time
Fuck off roastie
>*little creature sounds*
>"What about Ezreal?"
Why is every female wet for blondy boi?
>screening and posting your own posts
>Morde's existence anytime soon. But I wouldn't be surprised if they pull a Skarner rework out of nowhere.
Why not we get at least 2 big VGU every year and after Swain is done they have to announce the new one and after the comunity endless bitching about Mordekaiser 230 bugs, they could finally do it
I could see Tahm and Janna MAYBE, but not Morgana. I'm just gonna spam Leona and tank ganks. Her damage is retarded. Thanks, nu runes!
Only two supports I know how to play are Sona and Soraka, are these two good enough?
If not, what is the current tier list of poke and tank supports?
Is Zoe good for support?
How do I spot a legendary or ultimate skin? do I have to manually look them up?
We need more legendary meme skins
Why don't games just end at 30 minutes and whoever has the highest score* wins? Past 30 it's just a coin flip anyway.
*some combination of gold/xp lead, vision score, objective damage, champion damage
No, my point was that there's a reason why I don't to be constantly asked "but don't you want to totally dominate her even though you clearly want to be dominated" because I don't and it's not what I want. In proper dom/sum neither side is inactive, but the fact that almost all femdom situations end in a total reversal is aggravting. Most maledom situations don't have that plague.
tl;dr I want to enjoy my kink without people constantly trying to tell me what I should enjoy
That list is kinda old and remember there no longer team A and B, now everyone can interfere in any of the 2 champs VGU as long everyone in the room is okay with it
Legendaries cost 1820 RP, Ultimates cost 3250
Use the skins tab in the client. Quit being retarded and research your shit.
Zoe is meme support like Orianna and Annie.
Go for a real support.
This is proof that no matter how shit a champion is, they're probably at least one crazy autistic person's favorite
I think I'm a Leona main.
Time to get Gold.
Nothing is 100% foolproof, but Morg's Q is easy to land with an insane bind time, her ult slows/binds everyone, and her shield is about as anti-counterplay as it gets. Either it blocks magic damage and eventually breaks, or they don't have magic damage and there is nothing they can do to CC your ADC at all because it will block effects even if melee-based. At least at low ELOs no one knows what they're doing.
>vladfags autism has reached new levels
this is what I thought.
>balance team is filled with incompetent animals that just throw darts at a board and hope it works
Reminder that vladfag self-inserts as vladimir himself so she can imagine herself fucking vayne with male genitalia
>pizza guy
>got a third monitor
>can shitpost play and wathc the discord be full of faggots
>all at the same time
feels good
overcharge is awful
That wasn't even remotely close to what happened. Someone asked why everyone posting about the LB shit wanted to be a passive participant and dumb niggers started REEEEing about LB being a purely femdom girl and everything else was shit.
>Be first pick adc
>Lock in
>first two picks are irelia and jarvan on the enemy team
holy shit he died? he seemed fine yesterday what the fuck
These fruity cats are away too weak
ME TOO user
How the fuck do you preview a skin
>Can't dispute it so resorts to insults and lies
Has someone finally figured out her irl identity so we can order a million pizzas to her address already?
At least you can complete the missions that make you play it in like 2 games
they're both squishy. a lot of people hate playing tanks, so if the team needs a tank, you might have to play a tank as support even if support tanks aren't even all that tanky.
going by winrate, sona+leona are the best right now for squishy/tanky supports. leona is actually really highly contested right now, so you might have to settle for alistar or braum as a tank if she's pickbanned.
Xth for namefags need to die in alone in the cold
How desperate and attentionstarved do you have to be to want an identity on an anonymous imageboard???
>attempting to argue with women
no, I just know better than to argue with a creature incapable of logic or reason
>cat is literally not even a half year old
>already has heart issues
Tell me again how selective breeding isn't cruel as fuck
Just adapt a goddam stray cat from the street
I'm a man (female)
it's not even my cat but this makes me really sad
I feel bad for shaco players
all in all i think it was a failure and delayed burst was a terrible idea in the first place
>call my team trash and quit less than 10 minutes into the game
>no leaver penalty
what the fuck man
poor little guy....
Zoe needs to be rebalanced. Hard.
>Lux passive but rather than marking a target you just shoot someone with it. Basically never sees use since Zoe's entire playstyle is to oneshot people from safe range with QQR and never auto them. They tacked it onto the W in order to try and make it easier to get off. Still doesn't matter.
>Nidalee spear that can be redirected. Cool. Cos we all love Nidalee spears.
>Bullshit RNG item drops with her W which is a one-point wonder for most of the game, attesting to how people play the champ, valuing her pick/oneshot potential over the damage/movespeed bonuses you pick up from W points.
>Bullshit E hitbox which is bullshit to the point Riot is already altering it in PBE.
>Bullshit E true damage.
>Bullshit E range gain over terrain which pushes Zoe as a pick/oneshot machine.
>R is actually fine, she can't move out of it so you just bait her into using it and then kill her when she comes back. Whatever. It's not an escape tool.
The problem is that the champion's kit allows her to deal huge poke damage safely which skews her playstyle towards doing that and only that since LUL HUGE BURST. Her W and passive are clearly built for a more aggressive, autoattacking style of play with Lich Bane and shit (think Viktor Qing at you) but so long as the power remains in her other skills she'll never want to play that way which makes the champion really uninteractive to play against and not even that fun to play since you have all of one reliable combo you want to hit. Her W has a huge potential power level but is extremely unreliable and should not be allowed to exist in its current form. I don't even know how to begin fixing it. Maybe allow Zoe to cast a copy of her most recently cast summoner spell for 30 seconds after its use and give her summoner spell CD for every spell shard she collects.
Cool thanks.
Why are SG Ahri and Jinx the only legendaries?
It says nothing. I would have never known unless someone told me the difference. Fuck off.
Is there such a thing as a streamer who isn't pro/ex-pro/challenger and also isn't a massive narcissisic fuck?
Like, is there a motivation for streaming other than either being extremely good at the game or having a damaged attention-seeking personality?
Some of the top lane tanks are pretty good supports too like Maokai or Sion since they have a lot of CC/utility and can be relevant even with less money, but you need to be familiar with them and some of the raw stats you'll be missing out on as support VS farming up top. On the plus side if you pick them early in Draft they might be assumed as top and counterpicked only to have you not be top.
>Jarvan rated easy to play
Are implying noobs can land his E + Q combo? He definitely takes some skill to play.
>not female(male)