How do we end the "women working" meme?
How do we end the "women working" meme?
You can't
incentivize starting a traditional family. not like that "baby bonus" shit they have where single women will get money for having a kid, but maybe some sort of financial compensation for married women that don't work with more than 1 child.
>women suffrage
Name a more erosive and destructice cultural trend of recent history
Women worked for most of History and before that.
only the lower-caste women
Post-scarcity society. But it'll mean end of "men working" meme too.
Universal suffrage in general desu
We need to end the wage-slave meme for both sexes.
but women always worked
peasant women toiled in the fields just as much as their husbands did
Also, only lower-caste men.
By making women and men socially equal by removing some of the modern perceptions of sex, thus making the entire idea of a "working woman" obsolete.
b-but muh """traditional""" family
Almost everyone was low-class.
aristocratic or noblemen usually had some sort of public service occupation
>public service occupation
i.e. hobby. Women had those too.
in modern, developed countries most people can easily support their families with a single working partner. women pursue jobs now because they feel like they have to or to challenge some perceived glass ceiling.
Look, /r9k/, even if some poor woman is forced to marry you because she had no other options, doesn't mean she will like or respect you.
That's all good and well.
But then why is women working specifically a meme?
Surely if a single income can support a family, than that would be open to househusbands as well as housewives.
women are typically better at childcare than men are
>women are typically better at childcare than men are
But what if in a relationship the women isn't?
in an outlier case like that then the one making more money should continue working
If men and women worked as much in the fields. Who would clean, cook and care for their 5 children then?
So really, it simply 'most' women working is a meme.
A lot of people would argue though that if most women didn't work, it would be difficult finding work as a woman as many men may not want to hire you.
With reactionary politics
>financial compensation
From whom, commie?
Also this
the gubmints already gives single mothers money, they may as well support actual healthy mother-father families
Enjoy losing all the benefits of Capitalism then.
Removing women in work reduces GDP and development. Having women in work allows more lower skilled jobs to be deferred onto them whilst allowing men to pursue more highly skilled jobs.
If you want less women in work, you'll have to substitute them with something if you want continued growth.
Robots perhaps?
The old people, besides, children weren't really taken care off back then.
Just get rid of capitalism.
With automation becoming more and more popular, the ruling class needs the working class much less. What are they going to do with them? It's unprofitable to look after these jobless people, and we can't give them jobs because it's more profitable to use a machine.
>the gubmints already gives single mothers money
So they pay non-working single mothers, now they should pay working married mothers to not work. In other words, pay literally over half of the nation's population to sit home and have a vagina?
>Who would clean, cook and care for their 5 children then?
>when you realise that in the time when people lived in very large single rooms, children would have heard their parents fucking every night and with the utmost clarity
Screw it, just get rid of people and have a nation of robots.
My paternal grandfather was born in 1925 in Bulgaria and talked about shit like that.
> Erase the working class
> Keep the robots working to fill up warehouses with goods for which there exists no demand
Keynes may have been a terrible writer that's no excuse for ignoring aggregate demand
>Women pursue jobs now because they feel like they have to or to challenge some perceived glass ceiling.
What the fuck am I reading. You think a woman wants a job to smash the patriarchy?
If we manage the automated revolution successfully, we have a good chance of allowing parents to cut back on their work week and spend much more time with their children, due to significantly reduced costs for housing, food, and durable goods.
This seems like a popular topic of conversation today...
I don't see your point.
Once they cull the population, they've moved past supply and demand, and capitalism itself. They's imply rape and reap the world to support their hedonistic power, and probably get into squables and drone wars.
Just to clarify, who is 'they' in this case. The execs or the shareholders of the corporation?
Suffrage of any kind that has been tried.
there are efforts in certain fields (tech, medicine, etc) where women are encouraged specifically because they hold the illusion that women are discouraged from pursuing these jobs
"Just as much"
Those who directly profit from the labours of employees, and those who organise efforts to increase worker efficiency.
I'm not sure how to answer that though. I invest, both privately and through my 401k in various companies, so I get future income from increased profit.
I also work in a position where I build capitol goods in the form of software to increase internal teams productivity.
I don't want to 'cull' anyone. They buy products that increase my own income.
how do people buy products when everything is automated and they can't work to earn money to buy products?
capitalism's days are numbered.
Start making enough money to support a wife and kids with just your income alone, a man who isn't a failure can. That's the exact reason why 'women working' was stigmatized so much in the first place, it has nothing to do with the women and everything to do with the husband who apparently doesn't deserve his family.
So if you have a wife who works, stop being such a nu-male and be a real man and pay for everything with the money you yourself makes.
>real man meme
Kek, go shill somewhere else
> Capatalisms days are numbered
Oh, yes. As it currently exists, sure. But risk and capital aren't likely to completely disappear.
I also expect a host of new services, markets, and goods to appear over the next few years as people have more free time due to reduced living costs.
>be a real man and pay for everything with the money you yourself makes.
nice try roastie
Call me shill all you want, but for women to start being 'real women' the men have to start being 'real men' first.
You can't just say women should not work, you have to actually get a wife who doesn't want to work, and pay for everything yourself.
Its the only way to do what OP wants.
>Call me shill all you want, but for women to start being 'real women' the men have to start being 'real men' first.
I don't care about the 'real woman' meme.
My point is that if someone goes on about a 'real man' or a 'real woman' they are the most spooked individual possible, just buying into what society and others wants them to do.
the alternative is having your wife work as well and you have to do housework with her
Fix the economy so that a single income can pay for a family.
sounds like a neat arrangement
too bad my brain has already romanticised the housewife image
Except for a brief period around the 50s women have worked pretty much all the time.
Exactly, I wasn't siding with OP, I was just pointing out that OP can't expect rolling back gender rolls for women without also rolling back gender rolls for men.
Bomb the shit out of most of Europe and Asia's industries until we're the nearly the only full scale industrial base left, ala WW2, and we can.
People work with their fetishes all the time. Its possible.
Just have a wife who has 'housewife days' where she role-plays for you.
If women weren't working, you know perfectly goddamn well that you'd be complaining endlessly about they are freeloading.
>Exactly, I wasn't siding with OP, I was just pointing out that OP can't expect rolling back gender rolls for women without also rolling back gender rolls for men.
Oh right.
Sorry mate.
It doesn't really matter though, since the man staying at home and the woman working is a very rare arrangement.
More likely we'd both work.
A good wife, mother and household caretaker is not freeloading. She's worth her weight in gold nowadays.
Technocracy when?
>ywn relax at home while drones do almost all the jobs which makes the cost of things next to zero
I know man, would be perfect.
Could pursue whatever I want without worry of wageslaving
cooking, cleaning, taking care of children is not freeloading. provided they actually do these things and don't watch TV all day.
as a neet of five years who can't work because of a disability, let me just tell you staying at home doing nothing isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
people would start chimping out out of boredom.
That's not what technocracy means.
Technocracy is where the government is run by professionals, specialists, and scientists.
The closest we have ever come to it is current China.
killing yourself will do the trick, pinky promise :^)
By making it affordable for a family to survive on one income.
Are you implying these are difficult tasks? If most people can cook when they get home from work, and clean on the weekend, why have someone dedicated to it when you can supplement your income with 2 people working?
It's time consuming as fuck if you don't want to live in a shithole.
Plan a genocide against femenazis
Ssh, dont let the neocons know that stay at home women are a late 19th century middle class invention
childcare (done right) is not easy. and housework is only easy if you share the work with your wife which is just embarrassing.
>not wanting your girl to bring in more money and contribute to society in an actually meaningful way
literally why?
But that's irrelevant as to why women want to work.
Meritocracy. Most idiotic idea ever and about as much a pipe dream as communism yet most people unironically believe in it.
Make up you own activities.
If you are a balanced person that's easy to do.
What's the disability? Just out of voyeurism.
>wanting your wife to sacrifice the welfare of your children and home to benefit "society"
Except that is bullshit, mommy doesn't have to babysit them for eternity for them to grow up right. We left the forest a long time ago, there's no need to worry about their safety with the modern institutions in place
>(((modern institutions)))
>after school programs
>literally anything where they can spend time until you get home
Why even have kids if you're going to outsource the parenting?
Get of your mom's tit dude, you can still parent without being there for the entirety of their childhood.
>letting other people raise your kids
I used to work hard labor but that became unviable once I herniated three discs in my lower back
I am both mentally and physically defective
...kill me pls
Cleaning and cooking is time consuming? Cleaning the entire house once a week takes like a few hours and can easily be done on a weekend, even faster if you and your partner do it together.
>sharing housework with your wife is embarrassing.
Grow up dude, are you in highschool?
>Having women in work allows more lower skilled jobs to be deferred onto them whilst allowing men to pursue more highly skilled jobs.
This isn't what happens in practice. In reality men will always do all the shit jobs in society.
>Grow up dude, are you in highschool?
imagine going to work all day and coming home and having to cook your own meal and do the dishes, humiliating. may as well just have a girlfriend instead of a wife.
>Cleaning and cooking is time consuming? Cleaning the entire house once a week takes like a few hours and can easily be done on a weekend, even faster if you and your partner do it together.
This is pretty subjective, your house size, if you collect things, if either of you have a skin condition, kids, pets all of these things can make a difference.
Cooking is time consuming if you decide to make time consuming things, basically it can be as short or long as you want it to be.
Bullshit. It is the cushiest job invented. I'd manage a modern household any day. Having to deal with a farmer's household is shitty as hell.
Why is your girlfriend/wife not helping you? Why are not both enjoying a beer or a glass of wine and enjoying making your food? Why are you both not cleaning up the dishes while arguing over the Keynes/Hayek divide?
>it's a dork enlightenment thread
NYC isnt that much different than a hundred years ago rlly, still dirty, crime riddled and cramped
>How do we end the women working meme
>How dare women not work!
Either women work, or they don't, you have to pick one.
>Women worked the fields in many agricultural societies alongside men.
>Women worked also in the first factories, particularly in garment industries.
>Thinks women only worked now.
Just look at all those traditional families in fucking Asia.
Only time women got a break was when they're pregnant and or rearing a child, but once that bitch walks and talks, the child will also help in the field.