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/sthg/ #1090 - Sol Princess Edition.
>Sonic NewsGeneral Interest Links
Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we talk all about everything Sonic! Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, comics, and more!
/sthg/ #1090 - Sol Princess Edition.
>Sonic NewsGeneral Interest Links
sonic sucks
First for Silver a cute!
A cute!!
Full-body costume with a mask. Commonly seen with the bumper pattern helmet.
How do we fix Sonic Team?
Hire better level designers/stop making changes to your team every goddamn game. Also
>Boost game was made for you to Boost
No duh
Damn, Japan is hella racist.
user, stop believing everything people on Veeky Forums tell you.
Who broke slowrat?
It's no secret that Japan has racism issues user. Did you not see the "WHITE PIGGU GO HOME" video?
What is a "Robotnik"? A Beatnik Android?
shares umbrellau
Threadly Reminder that Sega Superstar Tennis got a 7
Mario Tennis Ultra Smash got a 4.8
>"Oh my flames, who touched Silver?"
Look at this cool guy.
Does anyone know where that crossover poll is?
>Look at this weak guy.
*real life*
Yeah, I tend to not get my entire opinions on a whole nation off of a YouTube video.
Infinite looks pretty cool without the mask, honestly.
It says here that Sonic's rivals within the Pre-SGW continuity are Shadow, Silver, Knuckles, Jet, Bean, Antoine, Ash, Khan, Geoffrey and Scourge.
What other rivals does Sonic have throughout many continuities? Friendly or bitter, as long as it's a rivalry, I don't care.
What if Shadow's spin-off had the same quality as Donkey Kong Country?
>Ash, Khan, Geoffrey
Douche, Dick and Traitor.
Darn! We're not gonna make it! Let's speed up!
Is Amy badass?
X has Sam Speed.
In the Manga it's Anton Beruka.
I haven't read Fleetway to know the rivals Sonic has there, but I'm certain he has some.
And I'm not some gullible idiot that believes whatever some random jackass tells them. Also, newsflash, that user going on about "hafus" wasn't the first time I heard about something like that.
I've been wasting my life.
I'm moving to SS right now
What is the most underrated Sonic game?
Insane yes, badass maybe.
Reminder that Penders and Bollers are idiots.
Triple Trouble.
Shadow and Silver eventually become a lot more friendly with him, though it takes a long time for Sonic not to hate Silver for being a dumbass. Antoine and Sonic eventually become incredibly close, Jet's an asshole, Bean barely has anything to do with him, Sonic doesn't give a shit about Ass the Mongoose, Khan's just a romantic rival after his initial appearence, and the only 2 long term rivals are Geoffrey and Scourge
Kek. Still, where's the original of that Silver pic? He saw some brutal shit there
dunno about that but she got a fatass
Best ship coming through.
I wish Amy looked like this. And had a personality?
Bollers had his fair share of fucking stupid ideas, but he wasn't a terrible writer, at least not until the tail end o his run (And even then he wrote Return to Angel Island). Problem was that more often than not, he was cleaning up after Penders' messes, which more often than not included whatever he did with Sally. Also unfortunately, Bollers didn't know what to do with Sally since her most defining attributes were stripped from her post-Endgame, and for all the shit he gets about characters like Ash, he ultimately did make better characters than Penders
I don't understand why people are surprised they focused on making this game simple for kids/people new to Sonic, or are noting that as a detriment.
How is Scourge a "rival", he acts like an outright enemy.
"Personality? Character Development? What's that?" - Sonic Team
>Quest grinds
>Recycled assets
>Lovecraftian aliens
... How the hell did Shadow's solo game sound good on paper to anyone?
Probably hiding her power level.
Okay Arin
Sonic Forces
>And I'm not some gullible idiot that believe whatever some random jackass tells them.
Good. You shouldn't be.
To be fair, only difference with the Amy in that pic & the Amy we normally see is that she looks serious, & has bigger tits & thicker thighs.
but that's not Cream
>looks serious, & has bigger tits & thicker thighs.
Those are three very important improvements though.
Why isn't Shadow in Mania?
Do you believe that there should be more emphasis on exploration in Sonic games or do you find it counterintuitive?
I would unironically like to see Shadow introduced into the classic games somehow with a plot equally as silly as Knuckles being bamboozled by Eggman.
Because he's a shitty 2edgy4u ripoff of Sonic that nobody likes.
Suggestion for any drawfags who want to do a Bump/Sage pic for thread #1100: Sage holding up her middle fingers as the ones and Bump's bumps forming the zeroes.
Exploration in what way?
Boom already has this.
Well, yeah you're right. But Rouge already has the body department locked down.
According to Taxman, he wouldn't mind at all doing Modern characters, but that would be extra dev time. And Mania already had to be delayed.
I'm not as anal about exploration as a lot of people are, but I do think stages shouldn't be so linear in Sonic games.
That sounds incredibly autistic, I hope it doesn't get made.
>Shad facepalm
she might look cute as a button on it now, but give it a few years and she'll be tall enough to reach the pedals
That's not true and you know it.
The only notable one I can think of from STC is Evil Super Sonic, but that's not a rival, it's a transformation. Speaking of which, how/why did the Brits make Super Sonic evil?
>Bean barely has anything to do with him
Yeah, I don't get that one. Wouldn't Fang be the main rival to Sonic out of everyone in Team Hooligans?
Same way Shadow was a rival to Sonic in SA2. Sometimes a rival's alignment can range from friendly rival whose a best friend to an outright bitter rival who takes the rivalry too far.
Why do I love her so much?
How come Sonic don't have glorious chest hair like Shadow?
This hurts me.
You have crippling autism. I'm right there with you, tbqh
>how/why did the Brits make Super Sonic evil?
Probably because they're called CHAOS Emeralds, so it's like they give you superpower but at the price of turning you evil.
>Wouldn't Fang be the main rival to Sonic out of everyone in Team Hooligans?
He'd be the closest, since Sonic and him have butt heads far more times. Hell, he's the reason he was turned into Mecha Sonic. Bean and Bark are basically wild cards
Because that's a stupid idea and would only piss off classic purists.
Didn't someone say the same thing about you?
why not have Bump's bumps as "00" and Sage's flatness as "11"?
Because he's not a real man like Shads.
Stop lying to yourself, Sonicuck.
Yeah, but Scourge's methods would make Infinite a rival as well instead of just an enemy
No, my comic is getting made.
t. I'm Ken
How cute is Shadow?
>tfw your professor calls Sonic "Pokemon"
Seems about right.
Glad I'm not alone
He'd be a good pokemon
Funnily enough, Scourge could actually count as an Antoine rival as well, since he's the reason his father's dead and he was forced to impersonate a horrible person for an entire year in an alternate dimension while his evil counterpart ruined his life back home.
Because Sonic didn't hit puberty yet.
demon SS is a great character
He looked at my Sonic Boom backpack and was like "Is that Pokemon"
Then he proceeded to talk about Pokemon Go and how many people died or got hurt by playing it because he heard it on the radio.
Someone else said it was Sonic so I didn't have to explain it myself.
>dawn is trying to catch sonic.jpg
Post best Master System/Game Gear OST
>Sonicbab defense force in shambles after this
Ah, makes sense in that context.
Yeah, and if the bantering in pic related and the scrapped plans for future arcs where anything to go by, Sonic and Mighty had a strong friendly rivalry in the comics. So out of all the forgotten characters, Mighty and Fang would be the most likely ones to develop some kind of rivalry with Sonic.
I would have corrected them
This is an 18+ board, Sparky.
Modernfags, how can you defend this?