Mara Sov Edition
Mara Sov Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Daily Reminder: Bungie saved their game
Good edition. Petra would have been even better, but still good.
Why is there no good porn of the queen?
Next faction rally when?
I need more shaders.
Sorry, those were season 1 shaders :^)
Daily Reminder: Nothing changed.
Next thread
Learn to draw, commission it from an artist you like, or hope a drawfag here wants to draw the Queen
Disregard D2 (no crucible improvments in the pipeline), post destiny wafius.
BASED Bungo no more dupe exotics SOON
I'm sure there is some out there. You just have to look.
oh i am laffin
I'm sorry, user. There's nowhere else on the internet that I can be unfiltered.
Threadly reminder that anyone still defending this dumpster fire of a game is a confirmed cross-posting reddit shitter here to stir up controversy and nothing more.
finally got the chest r8 my bro
did a thing
give (you)s
shut the fuck up joff
>Recovery 1
>An emote interface that allows players to equip Salty, Spicy Ramen, Six Shooter, and Flip Out all at the same time
Absolutely based
is Sturm a good weapon?
If you don’t like it don’t play it
It's out there
>recovery meme
It's alright.
Also, do you know if you can still get Trials or Banner gear from the Crucible Bounties in D1? Wanting to get a better Finalla's Peril.
>he wanted mobility chest piece
Shitter detected. Enjoy getting BTFO'd in crucible...or are you too scared to play PvP?
Implying nobody should complain about destiny 2?
Fuck off.
>play mmorpg for the pvp
>he doesn't have Mic Drop already
According to
>Added new Weekly Crucible Weapon Bounties to the Crucible Quartermaster
>Possible Weapon rewards include items from the Crucible Vendor, Crucible Playlists, Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris
>People honestly expected announcements of overhauls to the game's design
Deej said beforehand that only confirmed changes and tangible promises relating to the near future would be announced. You're setting yourself up for disappointment if you think they would even promise something like changing the weapon loadout system for December/early 2018. At BEST you MIGHT hear something about that for the first expansion, but not for throwaway DLCs.
>Destiny 2
Sounds like you just need a break the game is clearly headed in the right direction. Maybe stop being so mad and just stop playing for a while
>in crucible
>calls me a shitter
those are some spicy reddit memes you got there boi
>destiny 2
1/10 made me reply
Hmm. I was just curious cause I haven't gotten a Trials drop or Banner drop in several weeks.
get out of my shared world shooter wowfag trash
It is an MMO though.
Oh wait YOU have to have MASSIVE amounts of players lole
And by weeks, I mean since D2.
Fuck it's been awhile now.
y'all niggas implying that D2 isn't an (FPS)MMORPG
i say WEW
Does the melee lunge range of swords also increase with Karsteins? Trying to decide on a power weapon for my Warlock.
post stats then faggot to prove that recovery is not needed
>0.36 K/D Competitive
The fuck does Diablo 2 have to do with this thread you retard?
mmo has everyone serverwide in one instance
destiny uses p2p so only a handful of players wind up in and instance because it's actually just a big halo level you're playing in
nth for thicc titans
No really how do you have a sub 0.5 KD
Good, good shit, user.
Time to roll out the old blacklist.
they literally found a way to kill it faster.
holy fuck
Hey his overall is 0.86!
>pvp shitter
Okay no big deal this games pvp is shit anyway and it’s a PvE game
>no raid completions
I want to preserve her body and keep it stored on my ship as a sex doll.
Superior class, coming through.
Massive: No
Multiplayer: Mostly
Online: I guess
RPG: Kind of
Uldren pls
someone had to falseflag
it looks as if this guy is actually so new to the game that I don't believe that he even knows about recovery to shitpost about
I kind of feel bad for that guy now
agreed user I’m very excited about these changes mostly the ones coming on the 12th
Not to bother, but how are lewds coming along?
wow can you fucking not?
the guy is just happy to be playing the game
my kd is only like 0.1 but i don't participate in crucible i just run off the edge over and over until my milestone is complete
>Destiny as a franchise could have killed Borderlands as the go-to "shoot-and-loot" franchise
>instead we get Halo with more guns and passive perks
Real shame, in hindsight.
If you only play for your skinner box slot machine then you got problems Bungie can't fix
Would you do some forward recon with me /dg/?
They're all pretty good
>tfw you will never mating press a thicc warlock
>Purity Seals
At least she's not used goods, despite being more shriveled up than my ballsack.
Sisters of Battle are close enough, I don't give a fug
>no recovery
>generic titan look/10 now with silver and nigger gold trim
Since we're comparing, here's my trash averages.
Post em lads.
Holy fuck that head looks tiny.
And what is that neck?
Looks ungodly.
I'd smash.
Hey, he should've fucking known better.
Fuck him.
I'm just disappointed we can't get that armor for ourselves. Might as well go full retard with the big shoulders.
Neck has a tactileneck from the chest armor. N-no lewd.
I just wish we were able to get Petra's armor.
I also wish there was a Warlock armor pronouncing the wearer's body shape a bit more, even if just the upper body. Closest we got is Optimacy armor, but that is barely a kind of tight leather dress.
legs too thicc compared to the rest of the armor
either bulk up the rest of get smaller legs
>wanting a fat top to match my birthing hips
No, I like being slim up top user. If you want the body type of a refrigerator, more power to you.
I do the same thing I don’t blame you
And don’t worry I don’t actually blacklist people because I don’t play this game anymore lmao
I have a non autistic, non dress up non boipussy question. How come more stages in Destiny can't be like the first two where they were cinematic and had scripted events happening around? The original Destiny had this same issue with its first stage. How come the moment you can play with more people all scripted content goes out the door?
>body type of a refridgerator
made me kek
ey bby
Post your favorite subclass from each class NOW
If a guardian gets knocked up then dies, does the fetus share enough light to be reborn?
Hunters are shit
But oh my god those thighs and ass are something else
Now what could I have possibly meant that was implying lewd things?
Clearly meant going up front with my Striker and smashing things while you give fire support.
fucking hell kill me now
Anyone want to do Nightfall on PC?
Remember when they nerfed HunterButt in D1? D2 is almost worth it for restoring it, then giving ButtBuffs to all three classes.
>implyong the loadoud system will change in d2 ever
All I wanted was for mods to be a feature complete system instead of a proof of concept shitpile
Reminder that the reason Warlocks wear those cloaks is because they're STICC.
Warlock girls huddle in the corner while Titans and warlocks crush their nerd books between their thighs and hip chick until they vaporize the walls.
Destiny characters are bland, generic and very boring. Very few, if any decent artists are interested in drawing anyone from the Destiny universe.
Awoken are basically just blue people, they don't even have elf ears and we haven't seen females of any other race other than Hive.
>sit down to do some strikes since I took a few days off
>30 minutes later
>done all of them once
Fuck I need something to do.
Melee Voidwalker for infinite healing.
Actually Dawnblade if it wasn't unplayable garbage
Gunslinger, because insta-kills are nice in open PvE
Sentinel because shield throws.
>tfw at least there is Omnigul smut
>tfw D2friends will never know the joy of Omnigul
let him go with a slap on the wrist?