Comfy oversized sweaters edition!
Comfy oversized sweaters edition!
xth for my wife Syndra
Lulufags need the gas
xth for breast metal waifu
Why is there still no way to punch people over the internet?
I want her to ride my train
>Phase Drive Ghost W Max Zoe
post stoner league art please thanks
that or trashy tanktop trist
She is not your wife, shes not even real and you've got aspergers
my waifu miss fortune
>tfw no qt petite smug elf gf
Who's a cool ADC to learn? I'm still new so my roster's still tiny as hell, but I've at least found like 2 characters I like for every role but ADC. Favorite characters are Ahri and Anivia right now.
Is Jax the most dota-ish design of the current cast?
>needs to use esoteric ward hop mechanic for mobility
>an actual hypercarry that fucks everyone in the lategame just by scaling his auto attacks
>a normal ability makes him completely immune to all auto attacks
>ultimate is literally just a pile of stats
forgot picture
I can't wait to get this skin!
tfw still cant suck dick over the internet
My waifu is Poppy! Im nice to everyone because thats what Poppy wants!
Is Xayah mid viable?
You're not real.
Remember when Jarvan first came out and he was a rape machine?
...Those were scary times.
why still there is no way to hug people and get your head patted over the internet
are you?
also what do you like about ahri and anivia? their safety and wave clear? good kill potential? good gank set up? etc.
the second and fourth point apply to many characters
and he can hop to allies and enemies too. not just wards.
Best girl.
Best waist.
Best wife.
I want to watch someone impregnate Tristana!
The only melee champ who can carry in the lategame is yasuo and you need play 500 games on him before you can do that.
>tfw no qt Norwegian gf that looks like Ashe to bear me a bunch of adorable daughterus
I'm sad.
>those freckles
fug anons she's so cute I'm falling in love
>Jinx Elf Skin
>Elf Skin
Who is the Shadow Shaman of LoL?
>75 base damage - 3rd highest attack damage on a RANGED hero
>720 damage 7 target nuke with which can hit 1000 range away on an 8 second cooldown
>3.5 second hex on a 9 second cooldown
>8 second channeled stun on a 10 second cooldown
>literally infinite disable
>ultimate is mass serpent wards which completely BTFO buildings
i only win when i play fill
otherwise they feed their asses off
why are the players of this game so incompetent?
>tfw you are a guy and therefore you will never be impregnated
>the second and fourth point apply to many characters
No, they don't.
League's "Marksman" champions do not solo carry games, they turn into walking turrets that need to be defended by their teammates. They are important and lategame focused, but they aren't self-sufficient.
Very few champion ultimates are just raw stat steroids as that doesn't create any actual gameplay. The most common ultimates are big cc abilities.
Would you hatefuck her
Predator hecarim is the funnest thing I've played in a long time
one should never trust elves
my brother is in his 30ss and he has a son of about 13 and a daughter of i dunno how old, several years or so
I'm no Jinx fanatic, but the expression of joy in this splashart is magnificent. I'm totally not seeing elf Kiss-Shot. I'm not.
>ywn share a delicious meal with syndra
>ywn watch her discover a new aspect of her powers
>ywn feel her elation when she finally masters it
>ywn wake up next to her in bed
>ywn feel her snuggle up to you as she's half asleep
>ywn spend the entire morning cuddling in bed with her
>ywn have to wake up but be unable to escape her loving grasp
>ywn make light conversation while syndra sits on your lap playing with her spheres
>ywn smell her hair and feel her leaning back against you
>ywn hold her in a loving embrace, neither of you wanting to let go
>ywn feel her nuzzle her head against your shoulder and neck
>ywn feel her gently stroke your hair
>ywn look deep into her eyes, neither of you having to say a word to understand what the other means
>ywn escape this suffering
graves is daddy af
Not sure if she's Norwegian, but someone comes to mind.
I'm Level 25 right now, spent most of my early time up top as Garen, then Anivia mid, and filled out support as Soraka/jungle as Rammus/Yi. Haven't been able to afford Ahri yet, but I played her when she was in free week a ton.
As for what I like on those two most, Anivia mainly because all of her abilities see use and have combo potential. She has so much area control it's great, cockblocking with her ice wall or leaving her ult running for 10+ seconds at a time over a turret in late game is amazing, or saving someone with Q's CC and tossing on big damage with E to turn things around. Ahri was fun just in landing charms, stacking huge simple damage with aiming Q, and tons of mobility with her ult.
>my brother is in his 30ss and he has a son of about 13
>having children in your early 20's
Good god what the fuck is wrong with people? Prime time of your youth and life as a whole and you throw it away on a fucking child. These are the type of people to break down in their 40's when they realize they're old as fuck now and all the shit they wanted to do as a couple just isn't as viable anymore since they sent the demonspawn away to college and had to foot the giant ass bill.
Veeky Forums won't let me post the obligate webm
I'm taking your waifu and you can't stop me
Una vela
>Blood red
I did pass up on The Magnificent Twisted Fate many moons ago. Reckon I pick him up at last?
That would've been fine considering the Project Lucian in my final, tense game of Overcharge.
I can't say I would've minded that. It has its charm (and is at least justifiable for a re-roll at worst).
Go on.
I hear Elves rape Orc girls that get lost in the woods
>Playing a literal meme character
>in their 40's when they realize they're old as fuck
it's not the cave age any more, old af nowadays it's something like 70
do you really hate me that much user
What the fuck.
What does this say about me? Am I attractive, am I a fatty? Am I a manlet? How many women have I fucked? Do I like dogs or cats better?
Delete. Zed w- would never do this.
t. Zed x Syndra supporter
I am real but your wife syndra is not and she is not even meta right now, you're so pathetic that you couldnt marry a popular champ like Miss Fortune or some thing
Jhin, Xayah, Vayne, Kalista are the snowflakes AKA the most fun ADCs
No dammit.
Just one champ in mastery 7, Silver and honorlet when literally anyone can get honor 5 by just playing a game every day
neither do melee hypercarries as they get cc'd to death without proper engages
hardly are games and fights 1v5'd unless the elo is low or the enemy is stupid
as for ball of stats ultimate
you've got yi, mundo (kind of), riven, trundle, renekton, and shyvana (kind of).
>I hear Elves rape Orc girls that get lost in the woods
Not just the women. The men. And the children.
It took this long to find anything that phases you, I'm going to make full use of it
are you stupid? everything over 30 is old af for both males and females
How do I get raped by a bunch of lewd elves
>not loving jinx always and forever
yessss but sadly he's not my daddy :(
>elves with freckles
Good choice.
>getting cc'd to death
not if you aren't building like a retard and remember to press the R button.
I do love Jinx always and forever though. I want her to ride me with the same expression of sheer joy on her face that she has in her splash art
How does this make you feel?
any douji?
Sad that they'll become fat, misshapen dyke blobs in 3 years
What have you done with your youthful primetime that's better than raising a child, user?
Did you ask those artists for the free comics?
>>ywn make light conversation while syndra sits on your lap playing with her spheres
*playing with her balls
no penetration no fun
is this the same chick in that picture with her sticking her tongue out and wearing that "I have no tits" shirt? Why is she so Perfect?
playing with your balls
honestly, don't fall for the bronze meme of you having to play every role
I main adc (and with a small and generally monotonous pool of champions i'm pretty decent at like most of them). But I can't play other roles nearly as well. Doesn't mean I can't mid top jungle support, it just means i can't solo carry on them like i can my main role. If you're looking to play mids because you like anivia and ahri just look to invest your time in all the possible and good play styles of mid. Then, when you can, play other roles and just be minimally proficient at them (doesn't mean you can't be better than that, im a mean support and mid) but don't look to be as good at all roles equally
tl;dr invest your time into mid lane because you natural gravitate to them and be able to play the other roles at the minimum where you can be useful on them and not feed.
or at least that's my hardstuck plat 5 opinion
not yet because i got busy
Strangely, Natalia Grey came to mind, when she's sporting the right hair colour that is. I think I'm somewhat influenced by Sky of Morika's artwork though
huh? where's her dick?
Depends. How does this make you feel?
Stop calling my husbando old
Fucking THIS
>I hear Elves rape Orc girls that get lost in the woods
Yeah, they wish...
>love playing Fiora
>hate her VO
When is my girl getting a legendary skin?
At least the posts you make are lovely, I'm gonna cherish them even if it hurts
You're wrong and I don't care if she's meta or not I'll play her regardless.
Ahri doesn't have a dick, faggot
Best splat
Name one champion that is balanced, fun to play, not annoying to play against, is actually viable at all elos, can carry games, and is not team dependent.
>no Bruce Lee champion
uhhh.... guys?
>After patch
>Riot: we know you want more blue essence so we are going to give you more blue essence
>Level up
>400 plus exp
>50 (Fifty) plus essence
best swimming pool
I'm not sure when I'm going to run out of ideas partly because I know outright lewd things won't have the same effect and I don't exactly know where that line is for you, but I will keep trying as long as I can think of something