Draenei Edition
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Draenei Edition
>General Resources:
>WoW Token Price:
>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
EU: rodent.io
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>just tried to attempt the Affliction challenge without any legendaries at 906
Well that isn't exactly a cakewalk.
>oh no, the thing specifically meant to be very hard is hard
>Finish Illidan quest yesterday
>Quest says 'You feel as if a circle is now complete'
>Do EN today for AP
>Ilgynoth says 'the long circle is nearly complete'
>How can I make moolah off her inventions?
i didnt say it was a bad thing, I was just surprised how difficult it was without the ring's slow effect.
>vanilla pvp was good
This is how you spot a casual/someone who didn't touch vanilla
hit broken isles at 98 or grind it out on draenor?
i cannot believe i unironicly spent 50k on this piece of trash
i was a rogue and hunter, vanilla pvp was amazing
too bad you picked the wrong class :^)
>bitter rivals with a deep hatred of each other
>both became that which they sought to fight
>both masters of an dangerous and destructive power
>both cucked out of getting the woman they loved
Fusion to fight the Void Lords together WHEN?
But it WAS good if you were geared
how to fix prot warrior:
devastate is now a self healing skill when you attack, like death strike
how to fix fury because prot now self heals:
make bloodthirst give stacking leech and haste
>look up info on legendaries
>got shitty prydaz a week ago
>first legendary
>you will be able to get your first two legendaries fairly quickly after hitting 110
>time played at this level 4 days and 3 hours
>average wait time 3days for a ticket
This mage has eaten all of the feasts you had prepared for your guilds raid tonight
what do you do?
>homogenize more blizz
yep, it's nu-wow general alright
I stopped playing at wotlk and only came back at legion with a token, now that its wrapping up i'm leveling an alt.
Annd the leveling in draenor feels much more fun than legion...I keep reading that wod was shit but surely its wasn't about its leveling.
Do you guys agree that wod leveling > legion or its just me ?
you got a better idea soyboy?
>rogues still decent in pvp
>hunters are basically a punchline now
Why did Blizz have to shit on hunters so bad? They actually made me have to switch out my main for the first fucking time in over a decade.
I hope that in BfA the amount of publicly available or linkable achievement data from a character is seriously culled. It's been abused beyond all measure and has created a culture of gatekeeping where the default course of action is to go out of your way exclude anyone whose numbers are 1% worse than yours.
Unwarranted exclusivity has always been a part of WoW.
>Link something that proves you have a brain
>930+ ilvl required for normal antorus
When will we get Ethereals as a PC race? They'd have made a good addition in Legion given the Protecterate and Ethereum
Not since Wrath, you mean.
You were able to pug raids in Vanilla-TBC claiming you were a resto druid as feral and just AFK and receive all the loot.
I've seen it first hand.
>put up a filter for the third-worlders/retards who couldn't do it with a guild
>shitters cry to no end
Even though Curve amounts of jackshit, it still is somewhat of a decent filter.
So what was she doing to her that kept her "satisfied"?
just finish antorus bruh
Vanilla pvp wasn't good.
It was however fun.
Lady Heretica?
More like Lady Erotica
Why are there so many sexy demon lady bosses in Antorus????
>BELF horde
>Belf horde with no money or resources
>FROST belf horde piece of shit with no money, resources and shitty legendaries
Why are you alive even?
I regret not taking an ass shot of the coven bitches
To distract your dick so you wipe
do you get that from just finishing the quest on normal? in the quest log it's not 1000 ilvl
nibbling on her bones
Any tips on grinding the 10 ranked bg wins for the artifact appearance? I don't pvp much and don't know anyone who does seriously. Just join a pug and hope for the best?
Make more for her :^)
Yes. Season just started so ye have plenty of time.
No bully pls, I just came back to the game a week ago and I wish my friends played ally, if I play BfA I'll go ally in a NA server.
Yeah it was level 1k and the sephuz secret also came out level 1k when I killed felhounds.
That's hot and horrifying at the same time.
Can you get more than one Vicious Saddle per season?
what should I do to make switching mains the least painful process possible
>Antoran High Command
did you do all LFRs?
did your weekly M+?
did invasions?
Got legendaries off rares from Argus too
>goes to Antorus expecting new and unique boss fights
>first and second fights have a soak mechanic
Its easy as fuck if you have someone who knows how to place emitters and designate a single person to activate them at the right time.
I'm worried for the safety of void elves sharing a capital with lightforged draenei.
i finally stopped being a loner and accepted a guild and raided today. we just did some normal but it felt pretty good.
also have 2x i1000 leggos now
I wish they'd do something with Alterac just to BTFO all those Alteraci RPers.
just threaten to kick people if they trigger bombs
You have FIVE (5) SECONDS to post the most fun spec you played this expac.
No matter how shitty.
Be worried not for the Allied Races, but rather for the regular races.
Is the MM hunter rotation really as easy as it seems? Sidewinders to proc markets shot then spam aimed, throw in a couple murder of crows rinse and repeat?
giv lusting draenei gf
survival hunter
WW monk
spank gnomes
God damn, is there a way to get my fucking demons smaller, specifically my Infernal? He's big as shit and I can't see over him half the time to look at my character. Granted, I'll be going with another pet once I hit 110, but still.
Guys, I'm going to kill somebody over this stupid Pathfinder shit. How much time do they think I have?
>tfw Blizzard says they're happy with the Pathfinder system and to expect its return in BfA
I want to spank a gnome right on her asshole. I'm crazy about anal with fem gnomes if you haven't noticed yet. I want to do all sorts of anal things with a cute fem gnome's anus.
>have to play the game to acquire ultimate unbribled freedom over the lands
>waaah babby wanna flyyy
I bet you complain about having nothing to do afterwards though
MoP did it right
ret paladin. ive mained a warlock since vanilla, and after wod i couldnt take it anymore so day 1 legion i started a lv 1 paladin and never looked back. lots of fun, i dont know why ret gets shit on so much
My super casual sister can fly in Legion. You literally have no excuse.
Go bitch on Reddit
Fuck the police user
Literally only criminals say this
t. undead rogue
flying is for fucking nerds, you got a whistle and argus is tiny.
>50k being a lot of gold
>especially in WoD
>have to play the game to acquire ultimate unbribled freedom over the lands
wtf nigga? i do play the game. i fish, i cook, i gear up my characters, i play alts. i don't want to slowly grind reputation with a bunch of factions i don't care about. if blizzard hates flying mounts so much, they shouldn't have put them in the game.
>complete all the zones
>hit max level
>"well we know that you're done with this shit already but we have no new content for you so here's some dailies, you can grind these same couple quests for rep over the next 4 months to earn flying
>that way you'll forget that this game has no end game content and you can pretend you've achieved and """"earned"""" something whenever someone calls us out on our laziness online"
how long did it take her to acquire flying?
I cannot wait for the next expansion.
>if blizzard hates flying mounts so much, they shouldn't have put them in the game
They had to sell 10 million copies of Burning Crusade somehow
She doesn't play much so she just got it recently
Sargeras is a super pedophile. I mean Azeroth isn't even born yet and stuck it in her and made her bleed.
Where did this pic come from?
That's fucking awesome, even has Dalaran in its original spot.
can anyone help me out with configuring kui nameplates?
my debuffs like hamstring or MS aren't showing up on the nameplate debuff bar