Because there isn't one and there needs to be. Give links and shit so we can get this thing set up right.
In the meantime, tell us what you're playing and argue over which headset is better.
Because there isn't one and there needs to be. Give links and shit so we can get this thing set up right.
In the meantime, tell us what you're playing and argue over which headset is better.
1st for wireless headset with knuckles controllers WHEN
Vive has no problems playing Occulus games.
This is stupid irrelevant argument
But you have to use third party software for it.
PCfags are in for a real treat when this one finally makes it onto their headsets. I've been putting a few hours into this almost every day since I got it, and it's been great. Granted, I never played the original Skyrim, so your results may vary.
All the webms of melee combat look like shit, though. How are the magic/archery? Can you play it seated?
I just want to kiss cute anime girls and suck some alien dick. Is that too much to ask for?
Theres a chocolate lever in VRchat
Still preferable to the alternative.
Christ in a basket it's like if there were games exclusive to RCA televisions, shit's retarded.
First of all.. Rule #1 of VR is never to judge any VR game based on anything you see on a fucking flat screen.
anyway, melee combat is fine unless you're some kind of retard who expects perfection from a technology in its infancy. It may be better by the time it gets to the PC sets, who knows. Maybe the PC sets will have better motion controllers or something, I dunno. Either way, I play sword and shield almost exclusively, and it's been fun for me.
Magic and archery are fine. Magic is just basically tossing fireballs, shooting out thunderbolts, etc. Archery you pull the motion controller back like you're using a real bow and stuff. It's fun, but I don't think you should expect absolute perfection from anything. Frankly, that's unrealistic even outside of VR.
The Vive is not that much better than the Rift unless you want to grind your anime ass on people in VRChat.
Post your steam profiles
install game and no VR headset required
Don't talk to me like I don't have a headset, nigger. I can recognize what's going on in VR gameplay, and everything I've seen is just waggling shit like drumsticks to instakill shit.
Obviously you're not just a noVR, but also a retard. You have absolutely zero context for whatever stupid webms you saw. For all you know, they could have the game on the babby-tier difficulty and fighting the easiest monsters with an overpowered character. You don't know jack shit. God, you're dumb.
First for CMD2 skirt lifting action
Waifus are in VR, too.
This is all great and everything, but when can I get paid to do real world jobs in vr? Basically Job Simulator, but for real?
You can jack off fat weebs for money in vr
>unless you want to grind your anime ass on people in VRChat
Sounds like the Vive is for me
>Be Veeky Forums
>See short tech demos and boring chat apps with anime avatars in VR
>Love it with no questions asked
>VR starts getting real games, full games with hundreds of hours of content
>Nitpick every little thing, making out-of-context webms just to make them look bad, and try to find every excuse to shit on it
really makes me think
Finally, something suited to OP's talents!
It's almost as if Veeky Forums doesn't even like games or something
>can't spell
>paying 300 dollars more for hip tracking and massively shittier controllers
>>VR starts getting real games, full games with hundreds of hours of content
You mean Skyrim and Fallout 4, games people have known are shit for years? Porting them to VR doesn't make them automatically good.
And actual, real VR games are loved. Robo Recall and Superhot VR get universal praise, and shit, even Elite Dangerous is actually good in VR.
>glorified tech demos and indy trash are better than real AAA games brought to VR
Holy moley, contrarian much, user?
AAA =/= good. 50 hours of Robo Recall is still better than 50 hours of Skyrim.
If you have shit taste, sure. Skyrim VR has been amazing.
>paying 200 dollars less for a awful controllers and no hip movement
Why don't we get some actual fucking AAA games developed for VR instead of Fallout 4 which isn't even better than the last two or Skyrim which has been released on like ten different platforms?
>awful controllers
I bet you think the Dualshock is good, homo.
Gotta demonstrate a market for it first. From all indications, SkyrimVR has been a huge success, so hopefully we'll see some more stuff coming down the line.
what the fuck is even the point of hip movement
what besides VRchat supports it? almost everything i've seen has the player as either disembodied hands or a static model (Elite Dangerous)
>When the VR headset glitches and you see the real world in blue
what a fucking trip I thought i was gonna die
Uh yeah. It is. Its has TWO shocks. How many does the Virgin Reality have? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Lag in VR is the most terrifying thing ever. I nearly threw up when my internet hiccuped during a VRchat session and my eyes seemed to split apart.
Turn based RPGs in VR when? I wouldn't mind playing as a tactician who gives commands to his party in battle.
When You Make It
>mfw quit out of the lab and the world freezes while you turn your head around
Robo Recall does this too for a few seconds when you hit the Quit button and it freaks me out literally every single time.
>Virgin Reality
okay, I kek'd
These two sentences together are hilarious.
why all the cool mech games gotta be wip
>45 posts and 9 ips
guess vr ain't ready for a Veeky Forums thread yet just gotta post the same webms and youtube links in /v/ to get discussion
It's just because Veeky Forums is full of bitter, jealous NEETs and poorfags
It's true suffering, but /v/ is unreliable.
>tfw got a high score in Robo Recall
>top 1000 in the world
>nobody to brag about it to
gj now go aim for higher scores so people actually notice ye on the leaderboard u can do et
Any1 here ever get sick during VR sessions? I tried euro truck sim in a smartphone HMD once and almost puked after a minute or two, oddly enough stuff like dear esther or elite dangerous can be quite pleasant
I'm still waiting for that nolo VR thing to be released outside of asia, right now mobile VR where you stream your games via tethering is basically the only feasible one imo
Anyways in regards to the OP you should check out road2vr and some of the VR subs on leddit for links and shit
my head hurts like hell if I do dumb stuff in payday 2 vr like sit down and move with smooth locomotion while waiting for a drill but thats about it
The only thing that makes me sick is smooth locomotion in shitty freeware games.
I stopped getting sickness after I played about 6-8 hours with dramamine. I guess I just got acclimated to VR because I haven't had any issues since.
>tfw it's literally just git gud
Am I the only one who has small sensory malfunctions from VR? I'll feel like my hands are floating/detached/trying to grip something, and see depth in things that aren't there - text boxes will often seem to be detached from the page they're on
I feel it.
so is vrchat even worth it if i dont have a VR headset? guessing its only good if i just want to use my mic and i cant give hugs or head pats right?
>Play VRchat for the first time
>Find a location that lets me transform into a teensy chibi version of Unity-chan
>Much later, see a Serval sitting on a couch
>Standing on the same couch, my head doesn't even come up to her shoulder
>Get in her lap
>She wraps her massive arms around me and occasionally pets me
>If I turn to face her, I'm eye-level with her large chest
>Her head completely towers over me
>Her arms and hands completely ensconce me
I'm a dude, and the other player was a dude, so that limited the excitement a fair bit, but I still felt comfy and cozy as fuck. VR is definitely a world all in its own.
The thought of doing VR ERP with a woman is terrifying in the best of ways. I would fucking lose it, man, holy shit.
It's still an interesting experience, but you'll definitely be missing out. Also, people might make fun of you, but just mention that you're poor and can't afford a headset and they'll instantly feel bad.
Not really, but if you don't have a headset why are you even in this thread?
>I'm a dude, and the other player was a dude, so that limited the excitement a fair bit
but mod support though
Does anyone else think the Pimax is fucking pointless? Even a mighty machine can still struggle to run VR shit. I can't even begin to imagine the fucking GPU load required for 8K VR rendering.
>riftcuck OP image
I hope you're enjoying those usb cables and godrays, poorfag FOVlet
It's just running at 1440 and then upscaling to 4k, most people reach that resolution when supersampling anyway
Also it only renders one eye at a time, alternating each frame
I just wish there was an option to only get the controllers, and have facial tracking done with a webcam. So you control the camera with eye/face tracking, and can use you hands/arms in game. The most interesting aspect to me is not even the actual headset, but how the controllers change gameplay/interaction
>eye/face tracking
shit nigga we aren't that advanced yet
>friend preordered vive
>played it the day he got it
>literally bought a vive the second I took the headset off
>receive it and play at home for a grand total of 3 or 4 hours
>haven't taken it out of the box since
I still buy VR games that look fun, too. I'm literally just too lazy to set up a proper play area that isn't my tiny ass room. I hate it.
>buy VR
>already made all my money back playing in esports tournaments that only have 8 other people playing basically
why aren't you guys doing vr esports?
Both exist, actually. Homebrew head tracking has used webcam face tracking for quite a while (albeit the tracking still works better with reference LEDs)
And there was a brief trend of expensive gaymen laptops with built-in eyetrackers last year or the year before for... reasons that aren't clear to me
Has it? Haven't been able to play it but i was extremely skeptical of it before it came out, with its shitty demos and all.
What do you play? Onward?
You can send it to me, user. I'll play it all day.
the unspoken, makin 100 dollars a week
onward might have its own esl leagues soon but for now they just play for golden protubes.
echo arena players each get 75$ a week playing if they're good.
Well it wouldn't need eye tracking, just facial tracking i guess. my phone does that shit. Or just put a joystick on each thumb, one for in world movement and another for the camera control.
I just want to be able to actually interact better with game worlds, like actually lift/throw/open doors/use bows/guns/swords/fish/drive/flightstick/golf/swim and everything else. Like 80 to 90% of my interest in vr is the controllers alone.
too busy being a neet and dedicating life to more important things like youtube
how much space would i need for this?
Physical space or storage space? Storage space, I'd say 10 GB minimum to actually be able to do anything. Physical space? Stand up, move your chair out of the way, spread your arms out side, and spin slowly around. If your hands don't collide with anything you can do the absolute minimum.
thank mr user, some more questions if you dont mind
vive are selling extra trackers for feet and hips, but isnt that what the small box things are already for? are they worth getting?
also someone said vive is making new controllers similar to oculus, any idea if its true and how long they might take?
Been out of the loop on VR. Psvr shit or fun? And how does movement work because that teleporting around shit looks pretty lame.
Seems like the teleporting around is a response from devs because weak kneed fags complained about motion sickness. However its only a matter of time until classic movement takes over when real fucking gamers start using vr.
more and more games are coming out now without teleportation at all, and if they have tp they are incorporating free movement as well.
its evolving.
Oh jesus boyo a cancer is born.
How does the classic/free movement work? I don't see an analog stick on most of the hand controllers. It lean based or something? Clunky movement is killing my vibe for the tech desu
The vive has shitty trackpads button things and the rift's touch controllers have analogue sticks, which can be used for movement.
Some creative games like Echo Arena and Sprint Vector dont use these and instead have their own unique ways of free movement with very minimal motion sickness.
No, I've never gotten sick, don't ever feel weird, I'm glad I'm not one of those people.
what tripped me out the first time is seeing the PS4 controller glowing blue in VR (yes it does this and looks cool as fuck)
Squenix did this but they cocked everything up and made a shitty gacha game out of it on top of charging $40 up front.