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Say it out loud brainlet
>Fatescucks think Shitbert is better than /ourboy/
Sigurd > Siegbert > BRoy > Eldigan > Xander
I'm sorry boys but this is objectively true
Ninian's big butt!
If you were to remove and permanently ban everybody who regularly browses and post in Reddit, what would /feg/ be like?
Should I choose res as her buffed stat?
Forgot Eliwood who is now also better than Xander
But Tana is better. +1 spd and the option to run tank builds via her legendary.
>Xander gets BTFO by the Lionheart
>Siegbert gets BTFO by the Brave Lion
>+Atk Siegbert with Heavy Blade on Initiation
>+Atk B. Roy with Swift Sparrow on Initiation
Brave Roy literally only has 1 Atk on Siegbert, and Siegbert has
3 HP, 1 Spd and 5 Def on B. Roy.
Roy has been powercreeped. The only thing B.Roy has on Siegbert at this point is the ease of access to the skills.
>infantry swords
I pretend to be a redditer but I don't actually use ye site.
Oh boy, another thread for antiXander fags to jerk themselves off to.
Pick SPD so she doesn't get assraped by the average Julia.
Eldigan > Xander
Let's not get crazy there, they are literally the same but one has dc.
We need a screencap of a Lachesis Eldigan Double Roy Team
Heavy Blade > Swift Sparrow you autist.
And similarly BRoy has flexibility in his A slot and a +1 atk is marginally better for Heavy Blade purposes
Realistically it doesn't matter if you have all SI options available so it's not worth shitposting about, they're both better than Xander anyways
>no telliustards
Where do I sign?
Kind of wish I had spare DC fodder for her, but she's pretty damn good player phase with this.
>Give forged Missiletain Eldigan DC as an A skill
Now he's literally Xander with -1 cd. Objectively better
>Eldigan > Xander
I actually wanted to use one of my two Eldigans from the Fury banner but I didn't for two reasons. The first is no DC, the second is both Eldigans are -ATK, just like my Seliph and Roy.
Hello friends, I haven't been around much but I hope you're all enjoying the new weapon refinery features.
I made a breakthrough and felt it was important to share.
Twiddles her thumbs!
Shuffles her feets!
Crush on Kiran!
>ACTUALLY retarded and not just pretending.
Can't she survive Julia with an upgraded seal and 37 res?
>Infantry anything
DC doesn't grow on trees user.
I like Eldigan more tough, I wish I had one.
He's going too fast!
But it's not similar.
There is literally no reason to use Cordelia if you have a Tana with the same IVs.
Everybody who misuse the word "pedo" would conveniently disappear
At the end of the day you can switch your A skill on B.Roy but you can't without sacrificing your ability to special nuke on Siegbert.
Also B.Roy's best A skill is LaD along with cav buffs to offset it and boost him to high heavens on the one turn it actually matters. Siegbert doesn't come with that shit.
And it's not like it's exclusive to Durandal. You can get it off Ike, who's been in so many banners chances are a -atk one already spooked you.
Getting Swift Sparrow for Brave Roy on the other hand is much more difficult because the units that have them are terrific themselves.
You realize optimally they both want to run both right
What the fuck else are you going to put on BRoy exactly, LnD so he can die to literally everything when initiating?
>hp and def mattering on an offensive unit
>atk> spd when your build is based off having higher attack
what is it that siegcucks are missing? its humiliating how desperate their trying to salvage their shit
Doesn't she just outright oneshot her when targeting defense now? Or does that still require TA?
Sigurd > Broy = Eldigan > Siegbert > Xander.
What build should I use on a +atk -res Eliwood?
if you ever have enough money
Steady Breath
Any choice of breaker
Panic Ploy
Distant Def/Deflect Magic
and as for wep upgrade +4 res with the combination of Steady Breathe for some balanced tankiness.
I'ma explain it nice a slow for ya
Shitbert has heavy blade in his A SLOT and SS on WEAPON
Broy has swift sparrow in his A SLOT and heavy blade on weapon
Katarina's kind of shit ngl
Like she's good in the context of Tharja comparisons but red offensive mages are really just garbage
Not if she gets doubled and Tiki fails to OHKO her on retaliation.
Why is it always only Xander who get's shat on or the red cav to compare to? There are other red cav's you know. If he hasn't been the best ever, or for a while, why is it alway's Xander you pick to compare to? Why not the other better red cavs?
So what units can you run without being called a shitter
Please cease posting unsavory and inflammatory remarks in the foul-spirited goal of provoking your comrades, especially towards another man's son by using my son's image. Thank you for your time and understanding, and I bid you a good evening
The shitter units, ironically
>Are you going to upgrade my tome, user? No? Well am I at least going to get a cool new seal?
>>hp and def mattering on an offensive unit
Explain how having more bulk and similar offenses is not preferable to having less.
Sieg can both be a PP monster and actually have something of an EP against other melee aside from shit like Brave Lance Effie which nearly no Red will tank regardless, unlike BRoy who is limited to the former.
Wew, finally unbanned. Here's a Rinecock smol, a minor character from Thracia 776. He's a kind caretaker of Sara and Miranda, in place of Sara's wonderful grandfather Manfloy. He's a member of Lopto ofcourse, as I attempted to do the logo on his robe, and a head of a small church in middle of some woods. Most people unfortunately never meet this nice man because that don't take Route B of Thracia, missing out on legendary warrior of Isaach, Shannan, in the process. Oh well, that's just how things are.
I am planning to make little Thracia 776 animation for the staff later, but that said tell me if you want a template or Reincock without staff and I'll do my best to post said version you prefer. Speaking of the staff: that's a TCG artwork of the berserk staff, Reincock's favourite staff! That said: I am going to post Smol Sasha, from Advance Wars, next as requested before of me.
That said this smol, while quick to make, was also tough because the portrait depicts Reincock with purple robe while his combat sprite has this grandous green robe. So I simply did my best to combine them. I'll probably made a tiny color edit of Sandima now that I've made this guy (Sandima is the guy who overtakes Verdanne at end of Chapter 1).
He's top 3 but definitely not top 1.
>Green/Blues need buffsluts
>Meanwhile Celica can run around and nuke everything without support
It's green and blue that have the shitty mages.
Other cavs are not from Fates so they don't trigger our local redditors.
>laughs in poison dagger
Because it's not worth bringing up Stahl, who is objectively the best red cavalier
/ourguy/'s wife finally let him use the computer!
He even uploaded a video!
>Eliwood and Xander used to argue over who was the better Cav
>Now Roy and Seig are doing it too
Is aether now the meme build with the combination of any -1 heavy blade weps and or a dc?
Because they are mad that they didn't get him and need to please themself with the "who needs Xander when X is better anyways" argument
THE LUKE >>>> all those cucks.
Flip it around too. You can put whatever you need on Siegbert's A slot. He's always going to hit like a truck and be fast as fuck while you run whatever gimmick you want.
>LaD on fucking B. Roy
Unlike Brave Roy, Siegbert actually has defense So you can actually build around that too, unlike B. Roy whose defenses are such a lost case you might as well neuter them altogether for 1 more point in atk and spd.
Siegbert comes with 60 atk on initiation and the ability to empower mixed teams.
>wasted so many orbs trying to get this bitch for that "flying mage meme blade build"
>don't even like her
Learned a lesson. Last time I rolled for meta and not for favorites
For anyone that still doesnt know what the fuck people are saying Siegbert is probably better than B!Roy now, since you can just give Siegberts Heavy Blade.
And you cant even go with the argument of LaD being better, since everyone agrees SS 2 is Roy's best A skill if you're running only hone on him since he survives better without the defences penalties.
okay I blanked out on Celica for a good ten seconds there
she's alright
You're crazy, Sigurd is the hardest unit in the game to deal with.
and you could have just waited for Nowi anyway
>ignoring that 11 res Roy has over him
have fun getting pegged by Nino
>Broy has swift sparrow
He can run LaD you know. His shit bulk won't matter, as long as he safely gets his HP down to Desperation range.
Siegbert doesn't get that option. So that is a point in BRoy's favor.
Honestly this is a dumb debate anyway, the only thing that really matters is their offensive stats, which is basically 35/34 and 34/35. Nothing worth arguing about.
Yes there is, it's called HM
I'm still using my cuckdelia until she hits her retirement threshold. My Tana is too beautiful and precious to bust out and overuse.
At this point you sound like such a lost cause I'm wondering if it's not just some xanderfag that's finally moved on.
Bless these banners, I've finally managed to complete my +10 Brave Lyn.
I decided to take her out for one last spin with her summoner support before I passed it to Sword Lyn.
This isn't even including tempest trial boosts.
speaking of favorites, tanith when
do you know how many DC BRoys I ran into this week
too many is fucking what
Pretty sure Sieg would live through Nino with Cavmeme buffs, and he's too fast for her to double him with them too
>Res mattering on a unit without DC and have the ability to back off from danger after 1 round of combat
So apparently one of my 4*Nowis that I leveled up is +Def -HP. I heard -HP is the best bane for Dragons so should I promote her or wait for a better one? Her color has me concerned because Blues can get blown up by Reinhardt and Cecilia.
where's moonbow + QP, faggot?
I never had an issue but that's because I run Blarblade on Ursula and summer Corrin. That said he probably would for most of rest of the cast.
I'll give you a minute to realize how dumb your post is
You might want to use a Triangle Adept Brave Lance unit. It's solid since you can actually tank red units and fuck them up good. It has kinda lost its edge ever since Mia and Ayra began killing blues through Triange Adept, though
wrong image
And here, as user requested, Sasha from Adance Wars (sister series of Fire Emblem that's made by Nintendo). This version has breasts, but later I'll make a small imgur of alternative works of posted images in order to avoid spamming the thread up. She was fun to make, thanks user.
I'll be honest, I have zero idea what Nowi's stats are. Didn't give a shit about that banner
Damn I'm jealous I spent 500 saved up orbs rolling for blyn when she came out and didn't get 1 :c