life goal is to work for this company...
i applied once for some like network job got denied.... should have been tweeting memes instead
the 1% disapproval is from david kim and jay wilson btw
who's the new guy
is this suppose to be impressive? they're obviously going to like him because hes paying their bills. why are you guys so fucking stupid
a god
he buys the audience pizza and doesn't afraid of anything
he and his wife would play bw at dinner. makes me hopeful. #kgf2018
life just isn't fair
well yeah life matchfixed
free life
i just heard a crazy theory comm:
dinosaurs never existed. not 6 million years ago or 6,000 like the creationists say. they never existed at all
he very shamefur dispray
anyone manage to find out what games life threw? how did he win so many tournaments then
if the globalists really did lie about dinosaurs i'm gonna be really pissed off!
this is the main idea:
remember when they pushed the term fossil fuels? they made it seem like oil came from these rare "dinosaurs" to give it more value.
GiGA internet 2015 KeSPA Cup Season 1
vs Terminator on 2015-05-03 (Life received 35,000,000 KRW to intentionally lose a map)
vs Dream on 2015-05-04 (Life received 35,000,000 KRW to intentionally lose a map)
wow i would have done the same thing as life then
what about them bones?
dead peoples for oil
i think he also had a gambling problem
what happened with life was like some sort of cosmic justice for how he robbed mvp of one last championship with broken as hell infestors
my nigga, thats what im listening to right now and what made me #aware of that
i think the investigation was thorough and so many people were involved it all got out. i remember boong boong also did it
well so now that kespa and sc2 broke up. shouldn't life be free? or was it real police and real jail
real police and real jail
i remember watching life throw a game against flash at that one mlg some of the kespa players made a debut at
he was on startale at the time and then like a week later he joined KT and i lol'd
then the real scandal broke and let's just say... many lols was had
i tried to look the mlg game up but i could never find it. pretty sure the map was ohana
i had the gambling problem. i played online poker and i got 57k in the hole... what else could i do?
all the players sentences were suspended which means they dont go to jail but are on a 0 strike probation. if they fuck up they go to jail
it gets pretty bad towards the end when that chris guy starts to talk about how hes bi polar and kinda loses it
yeah... would've been nice if it didn't go in that direction
but what about sc2 matches. pinnacle wouldn't let me bet because im in usa
he got 5-20k per game as a go-between setup guy for the rigged sc2 games
damn i cuold probably live a year on that money
what was there to look forward to again?
>Increase build time from 26.4 to 30.7 seconds.
stupid blizzard !!!
is he waiting for gsl to start again too...
he really should get some heating for his house
maybe he's just emulating his favorite esports historian, thorin
is that what he calls himself these days? like that youtuber they always talk about on /vr/
i wonder if all those stories about north korea are even true
he's been doing that for quite a few years
dear leader is going to win every event at iem pyongyang
my darn internet was down for 2 hours!!
you didn't miss much
i wish this vg wasnt so dead ;-;
why do i gravitate towards such dead games like sc2 and guilty gear...
guilty gear sucks.....
just had an idea for another meme
a gook is watching someone play sc and says shamefur dispray (shameful this play)
wtf is guilty gear?
16:9 bestie
>thinking sc2 and gg are dead
im lucky to get a mostly full server at peak hours in TA these days
guilty gear is an anime fighting game
/ggg/ was kinda dead when i last check was getting bumped off or being 404d or maybe it was sc2 being 404d
thats weird cause i feel i've seen generals just linger at the bottom for days. while this goes whenever yourboy gets upset
ggg was a joke general
the gg players are all in fgg if they havent left by now
/ggg/ probably limps along in the same way that /blaz/ does
the communities being split up between there /fgg/ and discord doesnt help matter either
mods been deleting this general?
really? fgg seemed divided and capcum was winning and shunning gg and telling them to make their own general
well idk how it is now but thats where i got a majority of my gg/uniel games
tfw going through a breakup and my ex is on my btag so dont feel like logging on to play bw or sc2
someone cuddle me
yeah we didn't fall for the discord meme so targeted hard by "them". not even realizing they wouldn't be working on this board if it wasn't for us and sc2.
play offline mode?
hop on and switch to appear offline mode real quick
i dont want to log on and see them online
how come worker count increased in lotv? was that change well recieved and good for the game? kinda sped up like the first minute of the game really fast
yeah, to speed up the early game pretty much. some people complained a bit because of the loss of the early game cheeses but it was well received on the whole
increased workers + i think lower minerals per location. meant to promote faster / more expansions. some still try to rush though and depending the level can still work
oh ok. how has sc2 been? did strats kinda stagnate?
also once i start playing in a month or so i kinda want to switch from zerg to terran maybe even for bw too but terran looks too hard for bw
the metagame has been evolving throughout the year, a big patch came out recently that had a bunch of balance changes too
if youre starting out in bw all the races are gonna be hard, just play terran if you think terran is fun
toss seems easier for bw because bulkier units that wont melt if you look away for a second and less units overall to manage but they are so boring to me
recent patch killed protoss
zergs are running rampant
don't know about terran cause korean sc2 hasn't started back up again
protoss is the legitimately worst race in bw
all the races have different things they need to worry about, plus if you think protoss looks boring then you arent gonna want to learn the ins and outs of the matchups or things like practicing how to wall in correctly on each map
dang that sucks. i was at blizzcon and saw the finals zvz mu. i thought it was gonna be boring but was pretty hype so i thought thats why zergs were rampant
sup dudesters
who here /300apmmasterrace/
yeah i remember caring about apm until i realized i was doomed to forever be a diamond retard
le sigh
dude we were getting worried, where have you been?
don't worry, I will never leave you guys
friends with loomies?
try dota user, or you get hurt
shitty math rock coming though