Memes aside, what purpose does art actually serve in society?

Memes aside, what purpose does art actually serve in society?

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it just werks :^)


>needing a reason

Self-expression, culture, influence, social statements etc.

it expresses beauty, and gives meaning to everything in an otherwise nihlistic world

It looks cool and people like things that look cool

>nihilism is bad
>it must express beauty and not just be appreciable

If there's no reason for it, how do you distinguish between good art and shit?

Art is literally memes, that's the whole point of it. It encodes our culture's memes in whatever medium the artist specialises in. Art that seeks to reject or subvert this, such as modern art, is invariably awful because "memes aside" there is nothing /to/ the art, it's just empty ugliness.

t. communist

How do you distinguish between liking the look of one painting instead of another?

Liking comes after the appreciation. Analysis comes after the experience.

It makes no sense to say "I like this painting more of *this*" because you would have to explain what you mean by the *this* and can the *this* be replicated later on in other examples? Surely it would make no sense to use the *this* in comparisons of other paintings?

"I like this painting more because of *this*" ****

it's pretty to look at
just like women

most high art dosent just look "le epic" there's usual connotations and deeper purpose

Doesn't the deeper purpose come after the initial experience of 'enjoying' the piece? And doesn't this deeper purpose designate a different experience?

>Art is literally memes, that's the whole point of it. It encodes our culture's memes in whatever medium the artist specialises in.

So art is a means of storing information in a way? How do you make the distinction between art that encapsulates useful information about a cultures memes, and that horrific conceptualist modern shit?

Meant for

>and that horrific conceptualist modern shit?

Kill yourself.

>Hurdur, if i don't like it = bad

Shouldn't you be menstruating on a crucifix or something?

>all modern art is le sjws

Go back to where you came from.

Inspires people.

>what purpose does art actually serve in society?

We've gotten to the point where our actual natural purpose- living long enough to propagate our genetic material through offspring- is not a particular challenge. So, we need to entertain ourselves, and art does that nicely. It's a big circlejerk of ideas and concepts that occupy our time until we die.

>We've gotten to the point where our actual natural purpose- living long enough to propagate our genetic material through offspring- is not a particular challenge
damn user. Making me feel.

Purposes of art:
>provide a moment of reflection
>motivate others / give them ideals to live by
>serve as a stepping stone in cultural or historical study
>subdue the masses
>subdue the wallets of idiots
>give pseuds something to talk about
>give pseuds a means to influence others

Those last ones sound cynical and are not really the purpose of art, but rather its abuse. They are nonetheless "purposes" of art in some parts of the world.

zeitgeist in pictorial form (being a 1000 words and all)

What if I told you, literally memes?

I understand you fags live in a world of text. But this is after all, an imageboard, and I don't feel like you fags take full advantage of it. Post some nice art along with your written posts. You can even redeem yourselves with a good picture if you shitpost. Fags.

a Mexican landscape

Emotional coding of ideology

^^this. Also, it looks pretty and gives us humans something else tobdo other than murder each other.

Art can be many things, propaganda, realistic, utopistic, I can depict Napoleone in majestic pose with his horse crossing the alps, or do it realistically where he crosses the alps with a donkey, just like there can historians that connect certain events in order to create a specific narrative while ignoring others.

It's bound to happen in all arts and crafts and disciplines.

With Art we can understand one's culture, the rites, their ideas, views, how a bustling city might have looked like before photograph.

Your list is only looking at it from an individual level. Art also helps create cultural worldviews and so on and so on.