Festive Draven edition
Snowdown 2017 login theme youtu.be
Festive Draven edition
Snowdown 2017 login theme youtu.be
Poppers buffs when!?
xth for breast metal waifu
I want to MARRY Evelynn, and impregnate her on our wedding night!
Riven is cute and perfect! And my wife!
y low level games always like this
Bought jax today, have been getting my ass kicked all over tip lane, beat a nasus then lost to a darius fucking hard
>Try my first solo queue game
>People fucking frame perfectly call roles
>If someone says it at the same time or slightly slower they go full autism
Is that how this game is going to go?
xth for my friend Syndra
Marry them all
Kill all thots
That is the danger of blind pick, try draft if your server supports it.
Marry all three, fuck all three, kill all three. In that order
What will happen to that Ashe?
Why would you want someone who dresses so slutty to be your wife? What is wrong with you?Get help.
Pic related
SG Jinx
xth for my wife Syndra
with benefits i hope
MARRY Evelynn.
Make love to Evelynn.
Befriend the other two (non-sexually though).
Post your top row of champions and psychoanalyze each other. I'll go first.
you can't impregnate a demon, dumbass
no,just friends
we talk sometimes about life and stuff but nothing akward
If you're gonna shit post with your wife atleast post good strategies and nuances that you're aware of. You do know some since she's your wife right?.....Right?
marry nami, no idea who is in the middle so we can just as well kill her, fuck eve
t. Ahmed.
There's nothing wrong with a girl wanting to look sexy (though Eve is so perfect she could even make a nuns habit look hot.
Try and stop me.
I want to impregnate Sejuani poster!
jax shits on darius dude
just just on him with your E on and keep hitting him
>win a bunch of games in a row
>good feeling
>know it can only get worse from here
>bad feeling
life sucks
That's because nuns habits ARE hot
I fucking love Orianna
And that's why I ain't gonna tell you anything my friend, have a good one.
I don't have to stop you, basic parabiology will do that for me
the poppy skin is nice but did draven and jinx really need more
first time writefag, decided to try my hand at some sona smut. enjoy.
i fucking love chocolate
Why did I have to be so good at supporting?
I cant climb as a support main. I've tried other roles but I'm not able to carry either.
I can engage fucking amazing fights, but early laning phases carries are just too fucking stupid. Watching them miss cs, letting a blitz or thresh run up on them, letting themselves be poked.
What do I do?
is it feetsmut?
Life, uh, finds a way.
Does she get knotted?
Try to hit six before the other midlander and cheese the with ult. I can give good advice because syndra is actually MY Wife!
a little, towards the middle. a bit of a focus on socks
nah, it's human user x sona
i mean, i guess you could interpret it differently
>trying this hard
>want to buy Pulsefire Caitlyn
>want to buy Star Guardian Jinx
>can't buy both
Pray and/or pick supports that can 1v3 the lane. Also ban Caitlyn so your adc doesn't get it.
buy caitlyn, jinx is getting a cooler skin soon
that minigun is just the tits
God himself said that your little bitch Zoe is broken. What now, Zoe apologists?
>But muh just dodge spear
Doesn't work anymore, bro.
I love Camille
Kill succubus (don't get tempted by the captcha)
Fuck spider
Marry dragon
I play mainly Rakan. Amazing engages, disengages, strengths, and high mobility.
People love having me duo with them to support them, but they just play terribly. Carries have no map awareness, they can't CS for shit in gold, and they just don't think. I always ban leona or caitlyn every game.
You can say she's your wife all you want but she actually tells me all her in and outs. You know nothing about her in anyway. Get cucked brainlet
You're a mid bab
Complete dickhead honestly
Marry Zyra.
Make plans to kill/fuck the other two but become distracted by repeated ball drainings.
Keep putting it off until I forget there ever were two other options.
Is Udyr good yet? I never see this motherfucker.
>You can't impregnate a demon
I said she was broken since release and so many silvers called me an idiot. Any champion with a low cooldown 3 second disable and one ability that can take 75% of your health with two damage items is S+ tier.
>win several games in a row
>"hey I'm getting better, yeah I'm starting to understand this game"
>go on a massive loss streak
>feel like a complete retard that hasn't learned anything
Could you do an Ahri smut next
Yes she is my wife.
No she doesn't tell you anything.
Yes I know more about her than you will ever do.
No giving general mid lane advice isn't good advice and using an ult to kill someone isn't cheesing.
>wojak poster btw
Reminder to kill yourself
Rakan is that good shit. He feels so good to play and to play with but you can feel worthless in lane if your adc is retarded.
While you can't teach them how to cs you can spam ping them and help them know what they are doing by typing to them. As long as you don't call wrong they'll begin to trust and listen to you.
No she isn't your wife.
No she can't tell you shit because she doesn't exist.
No, you can't know about imaginary thing more than anyone else.
>xfh fo ma waif shynda poster btw
Reminder to kill yourself.
He's just another good champion that nobody plays because his model looks like garbage. Nobody plays "monster" champions either because they all have models from 2011 and have never been updated.
Who is the Gyrocopter of LoL?
>660 damage nuke on a 5.5 second cooldown
>3 second stun 325 damage nuke that chases you
>attack buff that makes your auto attacks hit everything within a 1250 radius for up to 9 attacks
>two massive AoE nuke+slow ult
Justica Syndra, or SKT T1 Syndra?
I have shards for both, which one?
Don't better players do draft? I'm pretty shit at the game still. I just want to practice quinn top without getting run over.
i was considering it but i'll have to be inspired, i thought of this concept in the shower this morning and blueballed all the way through work, cranking this piece out in a few hours.
definitely not out of the question, though.
thanks for your support my man
Wait for Star Guardian to drop.
It doesnt help man. I want to send you replays of the actual shit I have seen teams do. Jarvan's miss their fucking own spear on the knockup.
They miss smite so often. Vayne's still tryhard teams alone. People still facecheck. It's embarrassing just watching.
when are you and Lissfag going to fight?
Justicar for some Bayo
Sona is fat! FAT!
Yes she is is my wife
Both are shit, the only good ones are Atlantean and that Winter one.
SG is shit too, it changes almost nothing and her ult looks like shit.
200% wrong
Remember remember the 6th of December
>t. numale
>tfw no crazy gf
>definitely not out of the question, though.
Bless you.
>playing talon vs ekko mid
>shitting on ekko and out pressuring him
>push and always look to roam
>mfw my jungler is just farming
>tell her we should look to dive gp and put him behind because he is gp and his early game is ass
>bot lane is getting rolled 2v2 constantly dying
>lee camps top
>quin is feeding and flaming the eve
>eve keeps going bot or mid or farming instead of just going top with me so we can 3v2.
why are jungler so brain dead? maybe i should just play jungle
If she's your wife and tells you everything, then do you know why she uses more than two balls?
Yeah that's right, two balls aren't enough.
Sorry to break it to you sport but syndra is everyone's "wife".
When can I get that adorable af elf jinx?
> plat 3
STOP you are not any better than Silver
You don't have to send me replays to know how stupid people can be. And as a support if you're team is retarded you're pretty much fucked. There are some things you can do to try and help them. But if it doesn't work you just have to pray the enemy team is more retarded.
Since no one guessed last thread
Guess the champ
Does anybody have some good guides, preferably video, on how to play Tresh? Besides the ScrapComputer one.
Malphite, but the build is still retarded for any champ.
I wanna say Ivern
Taric or silver Sona
Nope that's not the reason why, and she is my wife.
Is Braum good? If so is he hard to play as support? I'm new to the game and actually find playing characters like Leona and Janna fun so he looks really interesting.
no just play alistar
I don't know what to do.
I want to win and i've been playing support for years. I get countless compliments on my engages and saves and proper positioning but I can't carry alone.
Alistar doesn't bonk people with a big shield though. I'm not doing ranked or anything yet, I'm not even level 30. I'm just wondering if he would be a good pick.
>no doom slayer champion
uhhh... guys?
Yeah she's your "wife"....and everyone else's!
Man, I bet that realization hurts more than her ultimate!