Questions about Hyrule edition
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
Questions about Hyrule edition
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
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Analysing the height of the Gerudo according to Traysi
I am going to marry Riju!
God tier
>an overworld like BotW’s but with greater enemy variety
>indestructible weapons that are hard to attain like clearing a region
>collectibles like heart pieces and I suppose stamina pieces no Korok seeds. Inventory space should be earned or bought
>food should be weaker and elixirs should require glass bottles and need to be made by someone other than Link
>big and intricate dungeons with a good mix of combat and puzzles
>you’re free to play in any order within each part of the game so with the first third you can play the first whatever number dungeons in any order and the same applies once you unlock the second part
>a detailed story taking place in the present
>Every race gets the same attention which is a lot
>Romance quests like Peatrice with multiple girls from multiple races
>more items bring the hookshot back
>have a good Gerudo voe
>full open-world overworld.
>several, in fact, accessible via themed gates.
>standalone dungeons in the style of the original games.
>most of the best items across the series, boosted up if they were underwhelming in the original (Sanic-tier spinner, anyone?)
>upgrades for most items, most weapons and all armors.
>double up on collectibles, delet spirit orbs in favor of heart pieces and stamina vessels.
>caves, ranging from hole in the wall, to hole in the ground, to hole in the cave, all the way to hole in the well.
>mini main quests relating to the different races, ex. Kokiri-Korok civil war.
>overarching plot about Hylia fucking up and causing timeline convergence somehow, the Triforce falls to alt-timeline Ganon's hands.
>companions with proper AI.
>last battle involves Link, Zelda and Ganondorf tearing down Ganon enough that he can be sealed.
If that 'Zzzz..' wasn't there I'd think he'd robbed or killed her
Guess I've seen too many hentais, I'd guess he'd fucked her senseless.
Who is this person I never got past TP's design choices and Wolf Link sections
One of the literal who's from the bar
Best Great Fairy and why is it Hyrule Warriors high poly version of them
You're not allowed to post a best from Hyrule Warriors, that's just cheating because every character looks better in that game
Hyrule Warriors 2 when?
So what would Nabooru and Tweinrova have looked in their style considering they pretty hot in their original games
I make it BotW but cyberpunk
Why do they wear so much makeup?
>those nails inside your ass
Make up = beautiful in Zelda devs minds. Gerudo are supposed to beautiful and they all wear make up. On top of that Mipha is the only or one of the only Zora who wears makeup and I gather she's supposed to beautiful
Rather strange then that Zelda seems to wear no make up
literally the same game as botw but the dogs can fetch
>Gerudo warriors raid your town, taking every man with them by force
>except you
Someone needs to breed with Hylian women to produce more men for the next raid. Imagine all the Hylian women you would bang because you'd be the only man in the village. You'd better become a good warrior, farmer, black smith, carpenter etc because all of those skills will be gone as those would be men's jobs in the kind of setting Hyrule is
That's so perfect and everything I want that I know it'll never happen.
>Return of Ganondorf
>Link, Ganondorf and Zelda working together
Stop breaking my heart user, I want this so much
>worried that the gerudo will come back for you, the women take charge instead, doing all the jobs themselves and protecting the last man they have
They'd wonder what the Gerudo know that they don't in leaving you behind
>they make you look as much like a girl as possible
to protect you, of course
That's pointless. The Gerudo can smell a man from a mile away
Then what does that say about Link in BotW
Hylians don't know that, they think they're doing you a favor.
Ganondorf is a villain. People need to stop trying to reform him. The best thing they can do is have another Gerudo voe and have him be a good guy. They can even give him the triforce of power to show that the pieces are neutral neither good or evil. Even better would be having Ganon not be the villain in that game also don't name him any variant of Ganondorf like all those shitty fics
not if we mix together every perfume in town
the stench of durian must be interfering with their senses
What does that say about Villa? Link has the excuse of being a kid to them but Villa is a full grown man. Low test?
not with that beard.
Permanent 5 O'Clock shadow isn't a beard.
Please tell me there is some ingame cook book or at least notekeeping system. I just walked 3 times across hetano village because I kept forgetting the Mushroom Risotto Recipe.
Of course there isn't one. What game do you think you're playing
A game with an Item and Monster Encyclopedia?
Expecting any aspect of this game to be complete surely the missing hearts or stamina sections should have clued you in
I have 4 hearts. What's incomplete about it?
Do you guys think the time and effort needed to obtain heart containers is the same as previous games?
Not really. I think if you found heart/stamina pieces instead of Korok seeds and they were also rewards for quests then they might be hard but being rewards for completing 120 shrines and beating 4 dungeons isn't much of an ask
There's an out-of-game notekeeping system called pencil and paper, whippersnapper
If you've already made the thing and have it in your inventory, there's a recipe option/button I think you can hit which brings up a box with all the ingredients that went into it. Only for things in your inventory though.
The Gerudo look like something out of an Araki manga
Write it down scrub
Surely we'll hear DLC news now that it's December, right?
Who said jack about reforming? It's a shaky alliance, the moment Ganon's out of the picture Ganondorf's gonna try for a coup now while Zelda's weakened from the sealing process.
The true final battle is a sword duel against King of Thieves Ganondorf.
I looked that upped and what do you know it's a JoJo reference
I wish Buliara was more popular
are you having a stroke?
She's supposed to be the greatest fighter among the Gerudo in recent history and is implied to be the daughter of the former leader of the Gerudo armed forces but all we ever see from her is her standing beside the throne. She needs to have a routine where she moves around the city and talks about herself in order to build up her character and make us like her more
when will Riju defy Buliara and start to define her own leadership style and leaving her mark on Gerudo history
When she hits puberty and starts her rebellious streak
Well she's already started puberty. Are you suggesting her first attempt at Naboris was a taste of things to come
okay people i need help and i need it desperately
i have 25 days until I get to play OOT3D and MM3D. I've never played them in my life and have limited myself to only 10 minutes of gameplay so that I'm still surprised when I play them.
What can I do to sate my evergrowing lust for OOT/MM? I'm playing through OOT now but I'm worried it's gonna burn me out and make me not enjoy OOt3D as much
I watched walkthroughs of other Zelda games
It's only going to get worse from there
it's just making me want it more AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I want SS HD on the Switch.
Is she going to personally lead the attack to clear the Yiga out of Karusa Valley and sneak out of the city to see how the commoners live and interact with voe in Kara Kara
He wants the game with accurate motion controls not just improved framerate and graphics
It bugs me that people call it naked Link when he is clearly not naked. I know there's never going to be a mod that replicates fully the experience of streaking through all of Hyrule. What can I do to fill this hole?
Mipha is more naked
Controls always worked fine before.
He's right though
I've heard people say and seen multiple videos show it isn't true 1 to 1
From what I hear Skyrim has sword, shield and bow motion controls so that might be gearing up for SS HD
>what can I do to fill this hole?
I'm such a child
She'll disguise herself as a servant girl and buy hydromelons but won't know how to open them because she never does it herself
Interesting, haven't seen that one before. After checking the inscriptions in the palace it seemed like they just repeated the same few everywhere.
>naked Link and naked Zelda go on naked trek through the country
This is what I really want. It'd be like Blue Lagoon: The Game.
Only thing I know from JoJo is fabulous poses and Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora
Nintendo probably hasn't thought up a good history of what happened between the defeat of Ganondorf/Rise of Ganon and BotW as far as the Gerudo are concerned so they just have a lot of ego stroking
In a future game we might see sculpture of Gerudo heroes like the Gorn have their Mt Rushmore or inscriptions like the Zora tablets. The Sven Heroines should have been something other than the sages Gerudofied IMO
>The Sven Heroines should have been something other than the sages Gerudofied IMO
I can imagine her being flustered when some drunken voe makes a pass at her considering the only voe she interacted with showed no interest
The Sveen Heroines represent the 7 Sages but they're all women and all have Gerudo noses hence being Gerudofied
look up malon porn.
She is wearing a belt.
that's weird
They made the right choice.
Can't they read their own alphabet then?
Most languages don't last 1000 years, let along 10000.
Also the pillar says
>The whole thing was just a billboards for cosmetics.
It's just easier to carve, the masons were lazy
Wait... so were the text and statues carved at different times? Doesn't make much sense.