Has paedophilia/hebophilia and other weird fetishes (like feet) always been popular among those in power?
Pic unrelated
Has paedophilia/hebophilia and other weird fetishes (like feet) always been popular among those in power?
Do you have any evidence of this beyond Veeky Forums meme conspiracy theories?
Rolf Harris, Jimmy Saville, examples are endless.
I'm wondering if it's a trend in history.
Jeffery Epstein & friends.
There's really a lot of information about elites doing these kind of things it's not even hidden, just ask Corey Feldman.
many such cases like this
>Pic unrelated
I see what you did there.
>Veeky Forums meme conspiracy theories
Pedowood Internet Defense Force GTFO
The majority of child rapists aren't pedos but people abusing their position of power.
Well with the combination of Trump and Bannon as his advisor, I'd give it 2 years and pedophilia will start becoming mainstream and legal in 4-6 years.
So a few examples?
Do you honestly think pedophilia is more prvalent among the famous?
You do realise it would be far more dangerous for them, right? Seeing as they are constantly photographed and their enemies could use it against them.
Pedophilia is far more common among poor people, most sexual assault occurs with people the victim knows. Are you saying a raped victim of a famous pedophile wouldn't make huge buck by revealing this fact?
People like you just assume this stuff because it gives you reason to try to overturn the 'elite' yet you never provide evidence or look at statistics.
>evidence provided via my ass
>So a few examples?
You asked for evidence
It's actually safer for those in power, because, well because they're in power. They can use their power and manipulate it to easily silence victims who come forward (there were numerous reports of Jimmy Saville's behaviour before his death that were quickly ignored).
>You do realise it would be far more dangerous for them, right?
Not when they have leverage over the authorities.
>Pedophilia is far more common among poor people
No, being caught as a pedophile is more common among poor people.
>it is my duty as internet protector of the elites to defend them against ANY accusations of pedophilia
I know I know, science and burgers don't mix well.
>>Pedophilia is far more common among poor people
>No, being caught as a pedophile is more common among poor people.
Retard. How else would you prove someone is a pedophile without catching them?
Thanks for admitting you are just speculating!
>accusing me of defending pedos
No different to SJWs shouting 'racist!'
>far more common among poor people
bs, equally prevalent through all classes
also pedophilia is a sexual atraction like homosexuality. The act of raping a child something different. Not all gays rape people, neither do all pedros
>Retard. How else would you prove someone is a pedophile without catching them?
By looking at the overwhelming evidence that indicates that there are a huge amount of paedophile rings among the higher ups?
Between the Catholic Church, The Boy Scouts of America and the BBC with Jimmy Saville, are you going to seriously ignore the completely public record of institutionalized pedophilia?
>>Retard. How else would you prove someone is a pedophile without catching them?
we aren't trying to prove any specific person is a pedophile. child celebrities like Corey Feldman have opened up about pedophile rings being a serious problem in Hollywood and are still too scared to name names.
Pedophilia isn't a fetish, it's a disorder.
Anyone complaining this much about shit in the public record already is either a shill or a pedo.
I don't see how it's disorder, just seems like a sexual preference.
It's just a sexual preference but with a heavy social consequence.
You do realise that isn't evidence, right?
You do realise that until someone is put through a court of law with an independent jury then you can or cannot be convicted of a crime, right?
Thank fuck we have a legal system so that retards like yourselves don't go around lynching people because of a theory you read on the internet or because of varied individual cases.
>sexual preference
...for having sex with humans that can't legally or logically give consent.
...which is rape.
Nice try, again, no different to SJWs who shout 'racist'
You do know how common a rape fetish is don't you?
>You do realise that isn't evidence, right?
>the Catholic Church, The Boy Scouts of America and the BBC with Jimmy Saville
Not to mention Corey Feldman, Aishia and everybody the fuck else coming out about Pedwood.
You're right. Facts are not evidence.
>You do know how common a rape fetish is don't you?
Oh well OK then. You convinced me. Pedophilia is awesome.
Dude, maybe get your most basic psychiatric nomenclature right and come back when you know what paraphilias actually are. The burger level of your assumptions is embarassing.
No, what you are doing is very pathological.
You are taking varied cases which occurred over a varied period of time with entirely unrelated individuals, mashing them together and then you using this as somehow being evidence that the 'elite' is filled with pedos.
Step back and realise how dogmatic you are, buddy.
>Oh well OK then. You convinced me. Pedophilia is awesome.
Not an argument.
Why is having a fetish for one rape worse than having a fetish for another rape?
What do you mean hollywood is bad?!
Why don't you ignore these 'facts' and watch some movies? I hear there's plenty of new stuff in the cinema, for cheap prices!
imagine seeing overwhelming evidence that pedophile rings exist and just shrugging it off because it hasn't gone to court, you're a sick dude
>heh just another day well spent making sure that nobody discusses pedophile rings in hollywood. only poor people are pedophiles because they get convicted. I'm the good guy in this discussion.
>Why is having a fetish for one rape worse than having a fetish for another rape?
It's not. They're both fucking sick.
You are on the internet defending rape and pedophilia.
Go look in the fucking mirror and try not to kill yourself.
kek you're not providing any arguments
why is it sick?
No motherfucker.
You're the one on the fucking internet defending pedophiles.
Provide evidence that isn't circumstantial, thanks.
>asking a stranger on the internet to explain to you why rape and pedophilia is sick
Yeah yeah, maybe one day you'll grow up and realise how important the law and evidence is, dumb fuck.
not an argument
not arguing with a rapist pedophile
>the evidence has to be in law
>the law that is ran by those engaging in the child sex rings
PIDF please go
>>the Catholic Church, The Boy Scouts of America and the BBC with Jimmy Saville
>Not to mention Corey Feldman, Aishia and everybody the fuck else coming out about Pedwood.
Step back and realise how pathological you are being, buddy.
I haven't raped anyone and I'm not attracted to prepubescents tho
do you acknowledge that elites, due to status and leverage, could conceal evidence or protect themselves from investigation?
not arguing with a retard who needs to be convinced of the fact that rape and pedophilia is morally and ethically wrong
So three examples over a period of decades with entirely unrelated individuals proves that there's mass spread pedophilia in the elite today which you have yet to provide evidence for?
Wow. Really makes you think.
That isn't evidence, buddy.
Nice try.
Damn that global conspiracy of pedos! It's too bad their daily meetings on how to pervert every single public office are done by ghosts that nobody can see and there is no evidence of!
Blast that exceedingly sneaky and totally existant shadowy cabal of 'the elite'.
Your fucking retarded ass wouldn't believe it anyway, even if it was jammed down your fucking throat, and all your stupid ass has to do is go look and read and learn.
You've already wasted enough of my time.
Don't you have a child to go rape?
In case you didn't know, Veeky Forums is overrun with pedophiles.
They show up in all these threads trying to furiously shoot all this shit down as quickly as they can.
You're right, it was a question; a question you seem unwilling to answer because you know it's a hole in your argument.
No, because you're going to try to lead me down the path of pathological thinking which is;
>You agree people with wealth and power are more able to hide their crimes right?
>You must agree then that it is more likely that wealthy people could hide their pedophilia, right?
>Aha! See! surely if you compare it to poor who are caught, the wealthy must do it more since they have more power to hide it
NO, no because that isn't evidence in and of itself, retard. When will this get through to you?
You type like some dumb poor foreigner. You won't get any more replies from me.
Just be thankful that if you're ever accused of a crime that there is a legal process and not a mob of retards like you putting you in a cage against your will.
>the wealthy must do it more
No, the argument is that the wealthy do it just as much but don't get caught as often because they have the power to hide it more easily
You're a fucking piece of shit on purpose for no good reason and you know you are.
Now go fuck yourself instead of a child for a change.
And honestly this all seems so silly, you seem to be suggesting that your financial status determines whether you're a sexual predator or not
OP this thread is a complete mess thanks to the Veeky Forums Pedophile Internet Defense Force.
Good job kiddie diddlers!
Which you have yet to provide non-circumstantial evidence for.
Still no evidence.
What is it you want to have presented? Go to a library and find books on paraphilia research.
The equal distribution through all social strata is common knowledge, user.
Hebephilia is natural. Those in power are the only ones who can act on it without legal repercussions.