/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General

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>Patch 4.15

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Make this a butt thread or I'm leaving.

You fucked up the OP you lazy avatarfag piece of shit, Maiden's Rhapsody is over and the current event is the Dragon Quest one.

Leviathan is the one true god.

I liked it better when they were chocobo threads.


post dick pics!

Make this a feet thread or im leaving

How does the Lyse stuff look on a fem highlander?

How does the coat interact with other pants? Anyone got screenies?

Any crazy person wanna gift?

fuck off already faggot

Fat cat is the best minion


Crossover events should have been redone to include orchestrion rolls from the games

show me!


Wanna trade?

Move to Omega, I'm waiting


Hummmm, excuse me??

I've got a house on Balmung so i'll never leave now

How do I stop jumping to conclusions in my head about my relations with people

Mateus Ul dah

expound further on your question

Hail Leviathan brother

Like if someone says one thing that makes me feel bad my thoughts will become a negative spiral

Join twin adders

Our Lord Leviathan requires you to post your butt and your belly on this public imageboard

meowboi drainies

I'm already twin addrers and have been since the start.

cease this



Am bored, what do?




what makes you feel bad?

That does sound fishy.

would you like some cuddles?

>pussied out

Sorry friend i'm a very modestly dressed potato

The ugoira that artist made are pretty good.


me telling someone I only play because I enjoy their company but them telling me that's not a good reason and I should find other reasons to play
It's logical and makes sense but I can't help but feel bad
I would desu

Nobody cares holy shit just start posting the cascadier swimsuit pictures already

Remember to give your eb their daily walkies! And make sure to clean up those pesky brappies!

The luminary tool achievements are kind of obnoxious. Why does it need to ramp up every tier?

Because it's a grind for a reason.

Remind me not to help you shitpost without asking what it is beforehand.

It's okay thr'ug the thread all knows it's just a prank right haha.

I always do :3

A waste of time, is what it is. It's not even difficult. I can just set quicksynth going and then go out to lunch and have it done.

Then do it fag, that shit was outdated before it was even implemented, it's strictly for glamour purposes.


brown Sunboy x redhead Lalagyaru

I'm already doing it. Why do you think I've got time to waste talking to you?

Dead thread.

The thread is SOOOOOO lucky...

When you gonna turn AA on?

ded game



which server do you play on then?

i'd totally send them a dickpic

is this true? I'd send them some nudes then

Man, I thought there'd be at least a couple plots still open on mateus

>friend bought me the game
>feel obligated to pay attention to the story
>have no patience or appreciation for it, even once I'm in the expac
I just wanna play with people and get new armor for my dude

Why can't I transfer to Odin?
It doesn't say it's a congested world

>He fell for the Mateus is dead meme
Shirogane sold out in five minutes.

you can do it!! lot's of cute girls (males) are waiting for you there

I can't, there's no Odin as a destination option

Odin has the cutest characters!


That says nothing about how active mateus is. Just take a look at aome of the wards. I've seen some people own nearly 15 plots alone, its stupid.

cutest fish phil too!

tfw no magnai romance route

i wanna ride and drain this meowboy

no you don't

No one but the Moon fc owns more than 2-3 and that shit happens everywhere. Stop acting like Mateus is the originator of every meme

yeah i do

>transfers to gilgamesh and becomes catboy
Really makes me think.

you don't

How do i level desynthesis? Like what items are best at what level and whatnot.

Nikki "Logleaker" Hikki

purry mewwerboy brikki

There's a guide in one of the pastebins. I think you get the best return from items around 75% success rate?


It's kind of out of date but it'll work for you as someone starting out.

and it has dropped its tripcode for the 9th time, guess the distention needed some support in the thread

How am I supposed to pull the boss and keep aggro as DRK main tank?

I don't know how long I'm supposed to stay in tank stance for and how often I have to aggro combo. Should I aggro combo after switching to dps stance?

I think a lot of openers assume your dps and healer players will help you with enmity skills and there's an expectation of a NIN too. What can I do?

How bad do you have to be to get shamed off Balmung and then Mateus?

There's not much to do in game this patch. You can return to whatever you were doing.

same =w=

what DOES that mean exactly?

what logs did i leak this time

pretty fucking bad, literally the worstest

why stay on Mateus with the epic catboy thirster?

lemme at this purrymewwer

Just use The Blackest Night lmao

>pampers back
>jephy "back"

we're in for fun threads

how many people help you produce all of this suicidal/depressing content? do you do it all yourself?

why are you seeking attention from this general now again? please just go away

He pays me $3/hour to make memes.

Are you ever going to make sense?