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Reminder that if you can't solo normal ToS you should KYS
foar the alliance hehe >:3 Edition
Are DK's still shit?
Warcraft 4 set in an alternate universe where the events of WoW never happened when?
dks are boring, rogues are fun
I don't know how I didn't notice it before but monk's tos set really lets you wear cute cat ears
DK's are very good performers atm, probably the 2nd or 3rd best melee.
Rogues kinda underperform atm and are usually useful just for mechanics.
You can play whatever you want, unless you're trying to raid top 100.
If you enjoy both equally, I personally like DK more.
I've had more fun with a DK than I have any other class in the game. Even if they're not the best the best the best they play pretty straight to their lore. (i.e. tireless killing machines that'll punch a motherfucker so hard he'll freeze to death)
>swapped my shift at work so I could raid last night
>off today
>girlfriend sits on the sofa giving me looks all night and asking if I'm coming to bed yet
>tells me it's fine if I need to play my game last week when I explained my plans when I swapped my shifts
>keeps asking
>explain to her again if I can raid and get curve this week I'm probably just going to unsub for a year until BFA so I'm going to be playing a lot to ensure I'm there for the kill
>clear benefit to her in just letting me finish the game, deferred gratification really
>still gets visibly annoyed
If this relationship isn't the one I have for the rest of my life I will probably just never date again. I really miss single life sometimes. I just think how much money I'd have in my savings if I never cared about growing up and having a family one day.
I have 13 level 110s. I've played rogue since vanilla and DKs been my main since Cata.
I made a fury warrior and haven't looked back. Also a warlock because warlock are the only fun ranged class.
here's your (You)
>literal nigger who caused a Legion invasion
>underage king unqualified for ruling
>traitor furry using the Alliance as a personal revenge tool
Nice "heroes"
any cute female pandas around?
makes u think
I was actually kind of shocked by how easy Argus was on heroic. Heroic is a trivial difficulty by nature, but a decent number of things could easily wipe or kill you on KJ if you played poorly.
My group pretty much zerged through the instance with no explanation, so we had just a couple wipes on Kin'Garoth, Coven and Aggramar. Argus was a one shot without even discussion of the strategy.
Makes me wonder what they'll have to do on mythic to make him nontrivial.
whats more fun to heal as a monk or a shaman also what has sexier transmogs for armors that you can actually use and be effective?
arms feels like CLUNKY ASS SHIT
How can I get a nightelf Girlfriend that loves cats?
those are some big khazar milkers
post you're characters
Get a cat first, she will find you herself.
Through Worgen knot - Unity
You're playing Illidan?
Why is Genn so based?
Seriously talk with her, man. I had to do the same with my girlfriend, and I had to explain that it's my hobby. It's what I enjoy doing. I go out, I do stuff she likes, so she's gotta let me do my thing too.
If she gets on your ass about it after that, she's not willing to compromise on something simple that you enjoy. Ain't worth it.
How do his braids work? Does he have to rebraid every time he shapeshifts? What about clothes?
>arms feels like CLUNKY ASS SHIT
try slow and overly simplistic
It's already extremely cheap
Wouldn't hurt, but this isn't where arms gets its AoE in the first place.
Lol if MS was free and slam was off the GCD you'd just macro slam to CS and MS and spam them over and over again. Grats, you made arms into a brainless two button spec outside of execute and AoE.
What arms needs is for FR to be best every tier along with a buff to AA rage gen so it can have much higher APM and way more nuanced gameplay.
I have smouldering heart, eye of twisting nether and pristine prototype-Drake scale girdle on my wow shaman but I mm not sure which combo I should be using with ascendancy
Remember that time Grom Dinduscream ignored Thrall's orders and attacked the Gilnean forces lead by Jaina in the Barrens??
it's like Animorphs, he shapeshifts into his clothes
Would WoW even be WoW without aff being comically overpowered compared to literally every other spec in the game?
You must be doing something wrong if you aren't drowning in rage to spam mortal strike every single time it's off cooldown desu
All bosses is a comical thing to look at
>remember that time some guy disobeying his leader did things to those other guys disobeying their leader
Likely though, Worgen's ties to druidism (it's origin being the Wolf Form shapeshift which was super illegal amongst druids since they got stuck in it as Worgen), it works the same way as druid shapeshifting.
Dunno how that works, but I would guess either the physical forms are kept in the Emerald Dream until they shift into it, they're magically special since they invoke the power of the Wild Gods, or they simply have their forms' exact physical makeup stored in their subconscious memory.
but how do I get one?
looking at all bosses to rate dps ability is pretty dumb
that said though, without much need for immunities, I think warlocks are looking really strong this tier with coven looking like a super hard fight, their dps potential in argus p2, and p3 argus balls, and how they don't really need much external healing from healers
Ret paladins are so disgusting and shitty, I laugh at anyone who plays that trash spec.
What do you guys think the new remade female worgen is going to look like?
Guys, which tank spec is the most braindead? Bear?
I don't think it ever drops below top 1/3 and it's even more ridiculously broken on one of the two remotely difficult fights in heroic. And spoiler alert: aff performed even better on mythic than it did on heroic for the last two tiers.
Everything druids do is braindead, but since they're blizzard favorite class they also never get nerfed and get to be the best at everything.
How the fuck do I make enough gold for a token, being a fresh 110 850 ilvl??????
You don't
Feral generally isn't desu.
I started to play again. Stopped in March this year.
Ahhhh and it's such a pain to get into it again.
Anyone knows if the windbindings for outlaw artifact got their drop chances buffed?
>tfw playing arcane mage and outlaw rogue
nothing as fun as playing underdog specs
Join a guild, get promoted to leader, steal gold from g-bank
are we still getting a balance patch? can outlaw be saved?
poop gnome lewds in case that guy was looking for them. i'll fix/draw more later or something. I need to be in bed
>Join a guild, get promoted to leader, disband the guild*
>cant draw dicks
Female irl?
I'd be interested to know what happens when everyone has tier.
Don't know if afflock's tier is shit or not
Haven't drawn any in a while. Out of practice
I just came back and I don't even remember what the hell I was doing. Never unlocked flying in Legion and shit's a pain
I thought this is mainspec now?
+show me transmog for rogue
>never get nerfed
>resto has been wildly swapping back and forth between super overcomplicated and braindead since cata beta
>resto has been at complicated, but in a way that stops bads from realizing they fucking suck at the spec this whole xpac, and has taken nerfs literally every raid tier this xpac
really bloggins the noggin
I'll give you that bear is braindead, but they've also been nerfed every tier too
feral was not braindead, but people always complain that they played a complicated spec but didn't do more dmg because they hate fun or something, so blizz made it braindead and is now preparing to make survival retard friendly too because retards are too dumb to just admit they'd be better off dropping way of the mok'nathal
and chickens tier buff maximization is really the only thing not braindead, but that's so minimal it's overriden by just getting good orneth's rng
>returning for the first time since cata
>decide to level a mage
>playing arcane in dungeons because shit dies too fast for fire to get crit streaks and frost is whatever
>arcane blast critting for 5.5k at level 40 when the bosses have roughly 35-40k health
what is this
why is low level content so fucked
why does my heirloom staff give 80 into at this level when actual drops give like +20
I don't remember looms being this dumb before
Did someone say poop gnome?
Have they updated Un'goro Crater at all
t h i c c
That's from Gilneas, not Un'goro.
No idea about mainspec but it's certainly more fun than assassination, pic related is my leveling mog
>falling for the relationship meme
we know levelling is fucked mate
that's why they are introduce scaling soon™
Stat squish (we're getting another one) and looms being retardo high for their level
1-90 is absolutely absurd, starts getting more sensible after that
dude, it's been like this pretty consistently since 4.0
they gave everyone those big spec abilities at level 10 combined with wrath heirlooms and making every spec/class relevant instead of useless and it all fell apart
this is honestly nothing new
leveling hs just been a retarded slope of powercreep and small changes that blew it up since wrath
it's even funnier in pvp where ambush literally 1-shots people until the 40s bracket
>elevator in antorus now crushes people standing under it
It's going to be scary to ever try to do low level dungeons with tanking doesn't exist and dps just run around like retards if they dial it back from how bad it is right now.
the best part is it turns them into meat like from the knife set toy instead of an actual corpse
>tfw playing Havoc DH
>tfw doing decent damage with only a few button presses and generally being a walking meme
Heh, nothin personnel kids. Enjoy your 20 step rotations
Oh. Well either way Un'goro should've gotten spiked by Sargeras. Fel dinos was a missed opportunity on Blizzard's part
honestly, the most braindead is probably brew, but bear is pretty damn close, but they at least have frenzied regen maximization
brew was considered hard when they were shit at the start of the xpac, then they got their traits, tier and haste up with a small rework (mostly targetted at making the spec more friendly to shitters who were bad at blackout combo) and became about as tanky as bears (if not tankier after the ursol nerf)
bears and dk's are still the preferred tanks though because of 1min cd 40 yard stampeding roar (who thought this was a good idea lol) and grips
if magic damage is more of a concern in this instance (or if tank mobility is more relevant), brews might be more popular in high end guilds
>ungoro gets spiked
>entire zone is obliterated, no dinos
>silithus gets spiked
>proximity energy radiating off Sarg's sword mutants dinos into fel stuff
you really have no imagination, user
it's 5am. i'm tired
someone give me a quick rundown on afflock's rotation. I feel like I'm fucking it up somewhere, but it's hard to tell with how important ilvl is
The stat squish is literally 90% of the reason that heirlooms are retarded. Makes "small" gains in power end up being like twice as much as you'd normally get.
what the fuck happens to the legion now that their big daddy is imprisoned? does the fel corruption just leave them? do they all just die at once? do the illidari ironically become the last living users of fel magic?
>tfw playing Unholy
>have been playing Unholy since Cata when DK became my main class
>tfw get shit at the start of an expansion for underperforming
>tfw get shit at the end being FOTM
Can't even be a walking meme anymore.
Unholy is comfy to play, i like the hybrid ranged/melee aspect of it.
we've seen number tweaks, so maybe
I'm not expecting major changes though. Probably locks dropping back down to garbage tier like they do at the start of every xpac until we get through some tiers
Frost here, get on my memespec level pleb
>Can an inherently flawed spec be "saved"
demons existed before Sargeras, they're not going to all disappear just because he's trapped in gay baby jail
the Legion is basically finished since its entire command structure was ganked by the heroes of Azeroth
>Lgbt guild advertisement on twitter
>Looks interesting
>36 110 members
>literally only 4 play male characters
Godamnit, i dont want to be surrounded by women ewww
unholy DPS sucks big fucking dick
There's no more Legion, the remaining demons are just aimless hobos now
>tfw afflock
I know that feeling
>Do argus on 3 acharacters
>Nothing even from bous rolls
>Legendray trinket dropped for someone each time
Why does this keep happening to me
Yeah nah cunt.
I'm consistently topping the dps charts in my guilds raid, and mythic+
You just don't know how to play it, or have shit gear/leggos.
>32 trannies and 4 gays
>Anime pic
>Complaining about arms being clunky
Lmao Yoko just uninstall the fucking game already, best dps in and my ass