Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous: >32 quartz from the stream

>EoR IV: Salem
>Bond bonus for casters
>Event longer than Babylonia
>Mystery themed singularity
>Time-locked main quests
Prologue to Chapter 3 at November 29th.
Chapter 4-6 at December 1st.
Chapter 7 till the end is at December 3rd.

CM: youtube.com/watch?v=F7d2uvHvakA

>Salem Rate-up: Nov 29 - Dec 13
Caster of Okeanos: 29-1, 4-5, 6-7, 10-11, 12-13
Nezha: 29-1, 2-3, 6-7, 8-9, 12-13

>Monthly items: Chains of the Fool, Poison Sting, Hero Proof.


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebins

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:



Use this thread and report the other two falseflagging threads that made before bump limit.

Strongest avenger


3 new threads it's over, just end our suffering already

If medb raped you while your servantfu watched would you cry

try harder next time you inbred faggot

>all this shitposting

Is this the prize for the few comfy threads we had?

>t. buttblasted lizfag

bully sexually

Just wait till the next part in just 2 hours

I hope she will become a servant.

reminds me of Cool2's flat characters.

You mean 4 hours?

Oka is a god.

>the only loli I am interested in so far
>won't be playable

Its 10pm in japan right now and part 2 opens at midnight so no, not 4 hours

When we will get the rest of them?

I still have hope. Shimosa had two story unlocks too.

>two katanas
why doesn't she dual wield

I'm confused about Circe. Is she Medea's senpai or Medea's teacher?


dual wielding is for idiots

>Yog manages to fuck her so hard her ovaries produced two eggs
It's not fair bros

I'm not American. I just happen to be stupid.

Senpai. Hecate was their teacher.

>Introduce Lavinia
>Don't do anything special to make her appearance especially "Waifu-like"

How does TM keep getting away with this?

If the servants that we brought to Salem can't transform into their spirit form, does that mean the singularity itself is already in a spirit realm a.k.a dream realm?

Medea's senpai that she used as her example for how a witch should act

Shut up


I'm guessing that the darkness enveloping the town is one giant spell of sorts that acts conceptually. Other than that, I don't know what you mean by dream realm because it can be observed from the outside.

I wish I was Yog-Sothoth desu

Thats already two.And there probably more to come later.

This girl is made for domestic violence. She's really turning me on

Nah, Yog just fucks the ovaries themselves.

Abigail is not a story unlock though. They're just keeping her a secret for the mystery.

Doumo, virtual saber class, Musashi-desu.


Still loses to UNRIVALED

Salem is not gonna be fun for newfriends

Thanks Kino

I hope we fight QT Albino so she is confirmed as a Servant. She will probably take up the new biggest Literal Who spot, but I still want her.

Abigail could also a Limited.

S2 when?

>Wait one year for Abigail's order
>Salem released
>Interest diverts to Lavinia

>The first of the knights to lose.
Even in other games memelot manages to shame himself.

if Azalea moves to NA, does that mean I can post /yyy/ images without having nerds tell me they love me

She already confirmed servant and the only way to make her spoiler stay secret,story locked is the only way.
Unless you expecting 3 gachas for Salem.

>implying he wasn't the one getting fucked

>So Tituba is obviously not Tituba, she'd be a literal footnote in history with no legitimate chance to be a servant, where as the Queen of Sheba would make plenty of sense.
>As for Abigail not being Abigail, it's definitely possible, she's not a hugely famous individual on her own, although the the events she caused could certainly give her enough fame/mystery/legend to perhaps qualify as an Assassin or Avenger servant if something interesting was going on. That said who else could be playing her role? Now that's an interesting question. Young White females with some kind of history involving witch craft, once again that probably qualifies for Assassin/Avenger/Caster?
>A few names pop into my head, Anastasia Romanov is possible. Morgan Le Fay Lily would be hilarious and make a bit of sense, but I'll throw out the craziest plot twist of them all now with the full assumption I am actually wrong: Altrouge Brunestud. She's got the look, she's got some kind of weird personality issue, she would be a suitable finale villain for this arc and would merit the secrecy including the secrecy involving her class. Also if they mean to transition into some Tsukihime material for chapter two it would make sense to start into it relatively soon.
>Anyways, probably wishful thinking, and Abigail playing Abigail as a sort of "untwist" actually still makes the most sense, especially if Doman and a demon pillar end up as the primary villains.

Abigail might actually not be Abigail but someone else just like how Carter might not be himself but Lovecraft

Reminder that we've only fought people who were executed.

I love you Azalea!

this post is stupid and reeks of reddit

That’s fine. Everyone is probably going to suffer and die, so it should be expected. I expect by the turning point only Guda, Abigail, and maybe one or two of our Servants at most will be alive.

no one cares, user.

How many hours until the next segment

I'm guessing that Lovecraft trapped them inside his story/book/play. That's why they can't go into spirit form because the rule of the world is different. That's why every single opening of the chapter so far start with something like pic related. That also explain the term 'play within play' introduced by DW.

1 2/3rds

1 hour and 40 minutes

She could be a limited. Raikou and Shuten shared the story locked gacha in Shimosa.

I hope she becomes rollable.

>she didn't skip leg days


How comes Carter knows so much about ghouls?

1 hour 40 minutes.

THE most underrated Fate music.

I want to ichaicha with Mashu.

Cute butt cheeks.

>blue overalls
>green eyes
>has autistic fans

This is what's going to happen.
>oh shit the lolis name is hidden it's totally going to be a tweest
>Abigail Williams
>oh shit the lolis class is hidden it's totally going to be a tweest
>hahaha the ruse was you were expecting a ruse

He is a character from Lovecraft so take a guess

truly /ourguy/

The way it starts off makes me cum desu

>already has more fanart then Parvati
*breathes in*

no wonder you never see actual sakurafags post any more, they've probably killed themselves

Which one tried to fucking kill himself?

It's good. It's really good. Why does Emiya get all the good music while Gilgamesh is left with subpar shit? It's really not fair.

Lovecraft is garbage and you should feel bad for liking this chapter.

s-surely they wouldn't put 3 casters in the order's gacha, r-right guys?

Hey, /fgog/. What are your honest thoughts on this potato knight?
>tfw Gawainfag since Extra came out.
Stopped checking his tag in pixiv nowadays since fujos started shipping him with Gudao and Lancelot

I'm fans of that kind of genre, so I like it.

dumb gorilla faggot that I burned for trying to cuck Lip from me

fgo needs a reconquista order

Fuck off, reddit

>surprise Shiki gacha dropping
Did they ever do something like this? It' almost the 1st in Japan.

I wanna make Lavinia a single mother!

>check for karna art
>see some of the shit fujos do

Christ. Why is amputation even a fetish?

Gilgamesh got Cosmic Air in CCC and that shit was awesome. Fuck you bro


>cosmic air and king of heroes

Shit character
Shit face

the KoH remix in babylon was dope

I likes him when he's on your side.


Amputation isn't a fetish only fujos have, user. Besides, loads of fujos were upset at that YoI thing, so it's not that common, either.

Too late here, buddy
t. Yogurt

>cosmic air
No. Just no. It has a nice menacing tone, but that's it. It's the exact opposite of a good, catchy and memorable soundtrack.

>King of Heroes
>tfw you realize the real reason the Jetfag starts shit is because Gil stole his acronym

In one word describe how impregnating Lavinia would feel like.

If I was Yog, I would make 8 more kids