Why pederasty was so widespread? It existed in Europe, Asia...

Why pederasty was so widespread? It existed in Europe, Asia, Middle East everyone was fucking shotas but suddenly stopped. Why?

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>in Europe, Asia, Middle East everyone was fucking shotas but suddenly stopped. Why?
Christianity and Islam.

In pre industrial times children were simply an investment. A tool that can help the parents survive and make money.

After industrial revolution children rights developed as parents could survive by working and also provide for kids. Children become something of a pet, a liability after that. That's why people have few kids recent

Pederasty has been looked down on since before the industrial revolution you fucking brainlet

Christian morals.

Bc Boipussy is a+.

>suddenly stopped

Maternal mortality rates went down. With more women around, horny men didn't need to fuck little boys.

We have to keep in mind that the Homosexual Identity that we see today in society didn't really exist until the 1850s+. Sure you had men who exclusively fucked men, but they were more seen to be men who chose to indulge in the act of sodomy rather than be gay.

In the past, it was not overly bad to be seen as a sodomite, as long as you were the active partner who did the fucking rather than the receiving. To be a receiver meant you were passive. To be passive meant you were a woman. In a world where women were seen to have the most undesirable traits, no one wanted to be shamed into being a woman.

However, young boys had an interesting intermediary period in their lives where they weren't seen quite as men or women just yet and could be fucked without being seen as a shameful passive partner.

It's still prevalent, they just call them homosexuals now.

Are you trying to justify your own deviant urges with these threads about how common pedros are?
Get help.

Goodness no of course not I'm not a pedophile I'm a rapist.

I find it quite weird to how in many societies boys were much more valued as lovers than girls.

Even today in Afghanistan having a pretty boy as a lover is considered a status symbol

It's rarity. There are less traps that can look like 7/10 women than there are 10/10 women.

Are they really fucking the kids?

Generally because most societies are patriarchal ergo what the guys want- sort of just happens.

Its not that it stopped it just went Underground.

That's his child

If it's one of "those" children.

I didn't want to imply that that particular soldier is fucking that particular boy, the caption just said that the soldier picked up some random kid.
Yes they are, just look up bacha bazi on Youtube, lots of videos of boys dressed up as girls dancing for men


Total depravity of mankind.

Yeah I watched that documentary, really powerful. Just goes to show that the US did jack shit for this country.

>Left wing interpretations of history

>the Homosexual Identity that we see today in society didn't really exist until the 1850s+
>(((Left-wing interpretation of history)))

If anything, it's the opposite. It's the Left that argues that homosexually is an inborn, obligate condition that has always existed.

its because americans are christian gavurs that are hated
also because their objective wasn't fixing the country, just removing specific groups from there

the turks are in there and are doing some good. afghans seem to like the turks and work with them due to them being fellow muslims and ottoman-past but i doubt that will change anything in the country

"In the past, it was not overly bad to be seen as a sodomite"

Overgeneralizing yo, people were castrated, executed, and exiled for being gay across Europe and the Mid East. for centuries. It varies between period and location of course but it appears people had a strong sense of sexual identity

Do not confuse American liberalism and leftism.

>something doesn't exist until it's defined

Again with this meme. What makes this retarded generalization so appealing? Does it make you less guilty when you fap to traps?

>stopped pederasty
good one

>also because their objective wasn't fixing the country, just removing specific groups from there

Nah, they pretended that the whole reason why they were stuck there for years was so they can improve the situation for civilians. With opium production increases, literacy decreasing and malnourishment in children being 50%, they didn't do a very good job.

And they didn't really remove the Taliban. Trust me, now that they're gone it's only a matter of time before they regain power, they're already strong in Kunduz.

Islam stopped jahiliyyah.

I wonder why the world used to love so much buttsexing 12 years old boys but not having sex with 12 years old girls. At least it's not gay?
I don't know, maybe dicking pubescent girls was the norm, thus nothing special

>people were castrated, executed, and exiled for being gay across Europe and the Mid East. for centuries
[citation needed]

>but it appears people had a strong sense of sexual identity

[citation needed]

Abrahamic religion and Islamo-Christian Imperialism.

Hardly a section of the globe has not been met by the strong grasp of the cult of Abraham's God.

Abrahamism has been the primary force in this world against pederasty, with notable exceptions in lands where Paganism holds on.

No, it's the truth.

I wonder this too

That's one handsome sandnigger

>the afghans are the happiest with the indians who work there due to cultural reasons and the fact that several afghans escaped to india after 1992.
>somehow whenever afghanistan is mentioned, no one knows about it. Its either the US, it's allies or CHYNA.
So is this a success of Indian Foreign policy or what?

>The adolescent boys who are groomed for sexual relationships with older men are bought — or, in some instances, kidnapped — from their families and thrust into a world which strips them of their masculine identity. These boys are often made to dress as females, wear makeup, and dance for parties of men. They are expected to engage in sexual acts with much older suitors, often remaining a man’s or group’s sexual underling for a protracted period.

>Afghanistan's mujahideen warlords, who fought off the Soviet invasion and instigated a civil war in the 1980s, regularly engaged in acts of paedophilia. Keeping one or more “chai boys,” as these male conscripts are called, for personal servitude and sexual pleasure became a symbol of power and social status.

>Bacha bazi, which has been around for decades, was almost wiped out under the Taliban, but made a resurgence after the war

>When the former mujahideen commanders ascended to power in 2001 after the Taliban's ouster, they brought with them a rekindled culture of bacha bazi. Today, many of these empowered warlords serve in important positions, as governors, line ministers, police chiefs and military commanders.

>Boys were raped, kidnapped and trafficked as sexual predators regained their positions of regional power. As rule of law mechanisms and general order returned to the Afghan countryside, bacha bazi became a normalized, structured practice in many areas.


“At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” the Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley Sr., recalled his son telling him before he was shot to death at the base in 2012. He urged his son to tell his superiors. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.”


what the fuck? who would be compelled to open ms paint and make this picture?

>"They have figured out the biggest weakness of police forces -- bacha bazi," he told AFP

>Taliban use 'honey trap' boys to kill Afghan police

>"bacha bereesh" – or boys without beards – widely become objects of lustful attraction for powerful police commanders.
>Boys have also spurred a deadly rivalry between policemen, with officials reporting incidents such as a public gunfight this year between two commanders in Gezab district as one of them angrily accused the other of "stealing" his bacha.

>'If you force me to abandon my boy lover, I will also abandon the checkpoint'.

>But the tactic appears more deep rooted in Uruzgan, where the boys are widely flaunted as a totem of affluence, with some officials openly displaying cellphone images to AFP of their "handsome bachas".
>"Commanders prowl neighbourhoods for young boys. We are scared of dressing up our children or buying new clothes that will make them attractive," said Nader Khan, a tribal elder


>"I was married to a woman 20 years ago, she left me because of my boy," he said. "I was playing with my boy every night and was away from home, eventually my wife decided to leave me. I am happy with my decision, because I am used to sleeping and entertaining with my young boy."


If you were a boy would you let him diddle you?

Also watch this:

It explains everything happening in the world with the focus around Afghanistan and why it's so fundamentally damaged from years of external manipulation.
It also explains the roots and spread of Wahhabism as well as how simplified our world view is and why - most importantly how politicians in the West have given up their power to financial institutions and that politicians no longer have the ability to shape the world.
This and HyperNormalisation (Most recent documentary released 2 months ago) are among the most eye-opening documentaries I have ever watched.

Thanks Obama

No, faggot, it was never "widespread", it has been, and always will be, a crime perpetrated by genetic defects that should be culled from the herd.

From Michael Rocke's "Forbidden Friendships"

>By Rocke's reckoning homosexuality really was pervasive in Florence. In the small city of just 40,000 people, he estimates that 17,000 men were incriminated on charges of "sodomy" during the 70 year existence of the Office of the Night. That amounts, he points out, to nearly half the male population of the city during two generations. Whether Rocke's population estimates are accurate or not, such a prevalence for allegations of sodomy is remarkable and would appear to implicate a substantial minority of the male population over two generations. And that estimate no doubt misses others who did not come to judicial notice.

>These facts produced a large population of young, unrooted, sexually vigorous males in a city where many women were sheltered by their families or otherwise inaccessible. This led many men to engage in sex with other males. Unsurprisingly, most of those accused of sodomy, or who voluntarily confessed, were younger than 35 or unmarried older men.

pls join our Veeky Forums cards against humanity game

>Many of these "sodomitical" relationships were apparently tolerated and even encouraged by parents and relatives who saw that they could gain protection and political advancement from a son's well-placed lover. In addition, since older lovers customarily gave their partners gifts or money from time to time, families often welcomed the financial gain.

>Just a few years later on August 31, 1512, a group of 30 young aristocrats charged into City Hall, forcing a senior justice official to resign and demanding that the council revoke the sentences of all those who had been exiled or deprived of office for sodomy. (Remarkably, after a palace coup by the Medici family two weeks later, those demands were actually acceded to.)