I heard ya'll business folks like instagram accounts?
Well, I have one with over 200k followers, up for sale.
I heard ya'll business folks like instagram accounts?
Well, I have one with over 200k followers, up for sale.
for $10 dollars sure
Post THE BEAN on it
Low number of followers but it's a start. Posting pic related will help up your follower count and let you sell it for even more.
Im mean for the bean.
Keep the bean pristine.
Will you take $3.50?
upping the bid price to 20 dollars
what's the @?
I'll pay $50 TODAY!!!
What's the @
LOL this shit is worth an easy 5 figures
whats the @?
no point in spouting shit if you cant provide some proof
not without the name it isnt
Are the followers real or bots?
bots guarateed
u serious ?? where could i sell mine ? have 50k but its growing steadlly could hit 100k soon
I'll buy - how is $50??
Is a twitter with 15k followers worth anything? Real people, built over 4 years.
They banned Sam Hyde, last guy I like on twitter, so I have no reason to be on there any more.
yeah thats awesome how is $50?
So one day someone else will be making the tweets but the followers will have no idea the owner changed? How can you treat your loyal followers like this? They look up to you and seek out your wisdom.
It's more of a news service for the anti-left, anyone can run it.
I'm too spergy for memeing and still got lots of 1k+ RT tweets, has potential for people who love social media.
It is worthless.
t. Cuck that has a twitter with 1million followers
most of them are arabfags. I can't even market products to them
if it is worthless, i give you $50 for it please
implying the followers will match up with what you want to post or sell. i have an account with 95% less followers than your 200k in the demographic i want and bet its orders of magnitude more valuable. (sorry for redditposting but really, # of followers mean nothing)
It's worth about a good $100 given that it's all set up.