This board makes me laugh. With a market like cryptocurrency, it is a guaranteed win. All blockchain tech is crazy undervalued. Get in the cheap coins and receive 1000% gains, everyone is looking for the next one.

Bitbean is capitalizing on that autistic meme beanman, which is re-enforced by the fact that memes drive the cryptomarket. Everyone thought DOGE was a meme, and it really was, but it made me a lot of money, because I realized the internet culture that is currently developing. That was the first coin that made me realize how powerful memes are (and Trump getting elected).

I bought 1 mil BITB at 10 sat, sold at 20. The second pump is coming with this memonic icon beanman. He is the driving force.

If you don't see this trend, you should step out of the cryptomarket, which is literally driven by memes. If you are above 30+ in age, you probably cannot comprehend memes, but they are very real, and they are about to take over. Memes are the actualization of limitless social interaction which the internet has brought us, similar into the way evolution works.

Beanman is a meme, and he is powerful. You can deny this, but you will not make money. Kek is the god of memes and memes are ascending to the driving force of all human interaction. Buy in early and make money.

Literally all it would fucking take is for everyone on this board to make and submit one single BitBean meme, somewhere on the web. Reddit would eat this shit up, they're total faggots over there.

>Beanman is a meme
I have yet to see any evidence of this.

is 10,000 beans enough to become a millionaire?

that was probably the original idea with a small group of ppl in an irc. lets make this retarded beancoin crypto the faggots on biz will eat. then we can dump on them. we're too smart for that here shill

You don't sound very family-oriented. You need to get all of that Kike Cynicism out of your brain and get with the True Aryan's Crypto.

bitbean will hit 40 satoshi this weekend

check the ID, it will tell you.

You haven't been paying attention.

your creator is jew worse than zuckbberg. i saw how he stole the idea off another biz person. this coin is a scam thru n thru

I see a lot of shill images.
None of them are funny and all of them are advertisements, not true memes.

Beanman is nothing more than an artificial imitation of true memes. He is a synthetic meme, with no power.

>t. /u/The_Donald_MAGA

newfag to Veeky Forums here with basically zero knowledge of cryptocurrency. can someone please give me a quick rundown on bitbean/pivx that i keep seeing spammed around here and just cryptocurrency in general? or point me in some direction where i can learn.

im 19 and have managed to save up nearly 10k so i have a little money i could use

Unlike you, I've never posted on Reddit or even made a Reddit account.
I don't even go to /pol/ more than two or three times a month.

The truth is that your Beanman is not a meme, just an advertisement.


Don't put your money in cryptocoins if you are so clueless that you need to ask Veeky Forums to explain them. You will definitely lose it.
I suggest googling the names of coins you're interested in and looking at what comes up. Just keep in mind that most cryptocoins are scams.

>memes drive the cryptomarket.

This is true. The top 19 marketcap cryptos are all memes. Oh wait, they're not. In fact, not a single one in the top 19 is a meme crypto. You sir are retarded.

it's sad. many simply can't comprehend a blockchain technology that mixes traditional family values with good vibes, all at the speed of a bean of light

and it's as Quick as a Mexican Jumping Bean, too

There's a decent amount of volume and I doubt it's Veeky Forums that's behind it

>I know a meme when I see one
>t. MemeExpert

yes, even quicker, thanks to Team Bean. Talk about a speedy stalk sprouting--whew!

My experience with the transaction times has bean flawless.

Its bean a long time since i have seen a crypto that has bean this promising

anybody else ever think about what it would be like to hug beanman IRL?


Mfw bean is mooning rn


Nobeaners btfo

so what? you made a few hundred bucks? maybe a few thousand if you were very lucky? stay small time.