stay poor you stupid autist
watch, the second I invest in this shit it gets dumped by assholes like you.
No Ethereum. Gotta wait like a day for the BTC to transfer. This site is SHIT.
Don't worry user you're going to make it too.
Ethereum is already being worked on being added.
>Shows BTC balance I transferred.
>Can't buy anything
losing my patience.
how long did you wait for the btc deposit? literally a day?
>goto wallet
>transfer btc from stake to exchange
i had to wait like an hour
how do you all even have crypto you cant even even
Okay now I can't buy the max, this is laggy as shit and just as bad as bittrex. This shit better turn out good in a month.
I have to whip out a calculator to determine how much I can buy. What a SHIT system. I want to MAX BUY goddamnit.
like an hour
No, you just don't know how to use it.
You fucking retarded newfaggot.
just a friendly reminder posw has a 500$ withdraw limit per day with 2500$ id verified. I bought into the ico made a lot of money but am stuck withdrawing pittance per day. These fuckers are holding whales hostage.
This is your warning.
No shit, moron
They're barely just off the ground and already gaining serious traction, just give it a little time and you'll be able to pull out 20k or more at a crack.
Why didn't you shill it? I'm checking the ICO prices and it went up 14,000% since. WHAT THE FUCK. How did I miss this shit? Oh right, the election. Enjoy your newfound wealth.
They would be stupid not to...this is not a pump and dump and they are doing a lot to ensure that value remains
And it's literally on their front page not like they are trying to hide it.
okay thanks. only sunk in a few hundred dollars. please crash it so I can buy them cheap
That's old news, faggot
They've upped the limit to $2500 without an ID. #getrektpoorfag
This faggot is blatantly wrong, all you need to do is enable 2FA for $2500 withdrawal limit
The 24hr withdrawal limit is still at $500 for me.
$2500 is nothing you moronic fucks. Each second they hold onto is potential to lose millions. You daft fucks can't smell the scam.
Enable two-factor authentication
Cope harder faggot. This is no different than any other crypto exchange out there except you actually get a share of the profits
and exchanges that allow you to deposit as much as you want, trade as much as you want, but stop you withdrawing your money are a joke.
Just enabled it, still at $500. Should I just give it some time or is there something wrong?
they literally built a """working"""" exchange site in a few months. So yeah, it's kind of shit but I have to give them credit. Way better progress than bitgay.
Still waiting on the dumps to happen though.
They're actively updating the withdrawal limits daily. It's an in-development site.
This is how shitcoiners cope