/rgt/- Robinhood General Thread

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- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com

> How is it free?
"People" invest your settled funds when you're not using them, just like banks.

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, why?
Robinhood graphs are shit and only show you an average, not true real-time prices. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
Real brokers, like TDAmeritrade's thinkorswim. Otherwise you should be using tradingview.com, stockcharts.com, finviz.com, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

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Today's meme stock is BIRB

meme stocks of 4/19/17
cvm - shows up on stocktwits trying to moonmission
APVO - product hitting shelves soon
NMM - lots of talk about moon mission
sngx - interesting chart
OPK - lot of stocktwits talk, potential acquisition of RXII
DCTH - another penny stock at 6 cents right now "buy under 7"
MACK - in under 3.20 "Anytime before 5/13" Special dividend of about a $1 per share on 5/26
NADL - "Moving, get in now!"
AMRS - potential numbers in 2 weeks

Something's missing

>APVO - product hitting shelves soon
>NMM - lots of talk about moon mission
>sngx - interesting chart
>OPK - lot of stocktwits talk, potential acquisition

NMM has the most near term potential. Although i'm hoping for cvm andromeda mission

Why the fuck are you guys trading stocks? Is it the 1980s?

Get on board the cryptotrading wagon and become a millionaire.

I currently have a TD account. Are there any advantages to RobinHood over TD besides free trades?


Perhaps it's the one stock that will actually do well?

hey, if MACK's gonna have that sweet dividend at the end of may, but the stock tumbles from 3 to 1 or something, I don't think that's really worth it, guys.

Where's retarded pepe been lately? Everyone is shilling the same meme stocks that don't seem to be doing anything. RNN, NMM, MACK, PIP etc.
Does anyone have something that isn't a biotech or pennystock that they're looking at?

OPK and KTOS are on the watchlist

Anyone here have GNMX ?


I want to believe, but that trend ...

I know user, it's hurts. I can't pretend that it's doing well, but it has some great potential. All the big players in the unmanned systems industry have these big, loud, propeller-driven drones yet KTOS is the only one working on small, quiet, jet-propulsion drones and that's pretty cutting edge. I'm probably gonna start a small position again in a few days.

What's everyone's opinion about sdow? Shorting the market in general?

>my nigga

Anyone else pick up GNMX?

I'm in 200 shares @ 1.80

This. I made 250k from tumblr dogs coin. Not quite a millionaire but I'm getting there

In at 1.81 my man

Is SDRL supposed to move with NADL?

Thoughts on swinging NUGT today? The ETF has been taking a fucking pounding the past few days.


What are the plays for today?

Keep an eye on IMNP up 75% in premarket


IDXG up over 14% in premarket

I'm thinking NUGT is a good pick. It just doesn't make any god damn sense that its lost so much value the past few days.

What about jnug?

Yeah I see it gapped. Any news on it? No premarket volume yet

Who here /NURO/ for them earnings?

It's basically the same shit, but I just watch NUGT since Veeky Forums is always shilling JDST and JNUG.

1.73 pt = 2
what are your pt's
i'm a little worried about the movement from yesterday.

Watch INmp for the gap up, just signed a big deal and current market cap is 15m

been holding AEZS since March. Despite Phase 3 trial 4/31, no movement of stock price since March. Weird.


Entry point?

Good call, lot of premarket volume too

Gonna wait until after the bell to buy

Thanks I bought a scanner

What's your price target?

Are you the guy from last thread that got in on warrior?

Hard to say by looking at daily chart. Just watch chart and your level 2 to see a strategic low long or high short

Honestly no idea my dude

Not sure how much the contract means because look at NADL

Yeah not the chatroom just the scanner. Buddy got it, I'm just using it

I'm day trading rn

Same, but no scanner.

You using RH or Suretrader? Good luck, I'll be watchin IMNP at the gate for a big sell and bounce back

What's the one that's super fast? I have 25k so it doesn't matter the broker

That was it, too much resistance at $5

Yeah I got in and out. Broke even.

Homeboy was setting up his suretrader account so I didn't want to buy without seeing l2 data

>calling yourself homeboy
dumb nigger

I was talking about my friend you fucking nonce

>acting like you have friends.

lol jk bromandude

What's happening with nmm and rnn

It's another red episode with an especially shitty performance from NMM
Daily reminder that NMM is a scam

NMM- manipulation by shorts
RNN- i think announced reverse split
NADL- could go over 3 here shortly

>has a long position on a stock
>talks shit on long position

you are a special kind of stupid aren't you?

made $2 on my first trade. hopefully i can work my way up from there lmao

NMM is starting to piss me off it's been like 2 weeks now and it barely ever closes in the green

I'm just gonna trade ETFs today

I bought 300 shares of MACK but then I remembered that stock prices always fall after dividends are paid out.
This company has been trading in a range for months and isn't profitable. Where's the meme?

I can't believe you guys bought NMM this early in the year

do your dd

you people are retarded

Anyone got any good dividend stocks?

Data coming out tomorrow at 5:30pm

I did. That's how I know it's an unprofitable company that trades in a range. I just forgot how dividends work because I never hold through them.
This company is going to break below its range after the dividend pays out, so why's it a meme?

Holy shit somebody stop the madman

Nadl, that is

Today's looking pretty good

Too late to jump on?

buying on a rise like this is super risky

Yep! When did you get in?

Debating. I am not gonna hop in but I also said that at 2.40 :(

Why is NADL running today? their contract was finalized a week ago wasn't it?

Have you seen the size of that dividend? This stock would have to drop 30% for you to lose money after the dividend.

NADL! im so happy i held

I'm shorting that fucker if it hits 3

FIZZ is up 100% since January because one of their brands of fizzy water has been getting very popular and they're trying to get it distributed nationally. Brands are a kind of meme, which means FIZZ is a literal meme stock.

Damn, not shortable

If the market cap is anywhere near reflective of their worth, we'd be fighting over a $10 stock

That's exactly what's going to happen, though. Stocks always drop after a dividend.

NADL is kill.


Who else ARTX? I'm gonna get out if it hits 3.25 tired of holding stable stocks like this there is no excitement

Just shorted IMNP again at .83

not 30% you dumb nigger. At most it will drop 10% and thats a very liberal estimate. The stock has been solidly trading at 3 dollars for months before they announced this dividend.

Whatever, you still have a month to sell and I doubt the price will go down before the date.

Yeah, such is the way of things

why do faggots come in here and short? go make your own fucking thread about stock trading

lol wtf. I short and I long based on charts and momentum. Learn to fucking trade, kid.

This is the ROBINHOOD thread

>I don't understand how dividends work
There's no such thing as a free lunch.
Best case is that it will run up just before the deadline and can be sold then.

Oh cool, that must mean that there is no info for general trading to be found on this board. Mmmmmmmm look at that drop in IMNP. Enjoy your freeware cellphone kiddie platform

i trade for living you faggot. what im saying is if you are going to short stock go short stock that isn't mentioned here. this is a robinhood thread for bulls we are supposed to be on a team not against each other.

Don't respond to every angsty kid here

Made a good bit off of NADL today. Sold too early but profits are profits

Bitch nigga you realize that executing a short is a BUY? Which helps your upward momentum? Must not be much of a living if you are doing it from fucking robinhood.

NADL is flying damn!!!

>this is a robinhood thread for bulls we are supposed to be on a team not against each other.
I'm phone paying so you'll just have to pretend I posted a disappointed frog.

Yeah I'm gonna hop in the next dip once I'm out of IMNP

>this is my first time trading
You have no idea how dividends work do you?


I can't do this shit. I guess I'm permapoor. I can not look at this snit losing money.

shorting the ask then whacking the bid doesn't help a stock

how about you go make a thread about shorting. then also make a thread about going long.
this thread should be for longs ONLY im not against shorting at all, im all for shorting, im just against faggots coming into robinhood general JUST to short.

Tomorrow? Not today?

Not sure what a good PT is, did set a stop loss at $1.70 though