Up skilling

Guys I lurk here every day for about 10 minutes reading the pointless shit you people post about memecoins.
Lets get a thread going with actual substance.

Post your job or the job you want and we can all discuss ways to get these jobs. I'm not talking about telling people to just apply, If you have insight into what it takes to get that job throw some links out etc.

Dream job
>Federal Police
Current job
>Security guard

To gain further skills and make myself more employable Ive started learning a new language and have started a diploma in the relevant field.

Anyone have some other ideas?

Pretty much paid to shitpost and fuckoff. My dream job is investing until i can retire while maintaining my lifestyle and growing my welth above inflation.

Kill me

>Current job
Actuarial Analyst with nothing to do. I'm bored as hell and shitpost on Veeky Forums all day while eating pizza.

>current job
GIS specialist at a commercial real estate company

>dream job
Probably working over at DigitalGlobe and do work with satellite imagery

Dream job
> Crypto billionaire
Current job
> Crypto millionaire

Current job: Mcdonalds clerk
Future job: high school english teacher

Oh wait im down skilling lolrekt

Current: financial data analyst
Dream: musician

Current: Telco Account management
Dream: Passive income collecting turbo NEET

Current: Hospitality worker
Dream: Passive income collecting turbo biznigger

*I already finished my affiliate marketing site, now I just need to advertise it. If I see it's semi successful, I'll start a second one (already have the idea set up)
*Have, what I think is a good idea and possible competitior to the top dating apps but need capital to hire a good app coder and ui designer

Actual job
>Amazon warehouse worker
Dream job
>computer coder
Ways to get there?
I've been learning different languages on my off days and plan to enroll either this fall or next spring

Current job
> Business analyst
Dream job
> Investing in small businesses and installing proper management and processes

Saving up shekels, gaining experience, expanding my network and talking with business owners. Maybe someday I can create a tiny fund to fulfill this dream


God, i used to fill orders for those cucks. Run 900 miles a day. Fucking hell.

I just want enough money to retire in moderate comfiness. Then i'll figure out what to do with the rest of my life.

Idk, I like it bro. It's a good way to get exercise. The bad part is I'm a manlet (5'4) but am the 3rd best scanner out of 50ish associates. I work the line and can move with ease and make small talk as the time goes by

current job: tutor
Dream Job:equity management or cfo of a start up. it would be nice to make it there

current job: software engineer
dream job: no job
on the way there friends.

Currently studying Geology

Anyone have any ideas about getting a job in quite a specialised and competitive industry? My networking is going good, but nothing is coming up really.

Any tips for ?
I really want to get a head start and create a small portfolio on GitHub

Trainer at a gym

Asset management/ financial advisor

One year left in uni

Current job: info sec specialist

Dream job: crypto implementation expert in fintech (once I make my millions in the crypto markets, of course)

Fuckin DITTO!

make a couple accounts, make one account for all your little projects and school work and shit, make one professional one for bigger projects that you want to show off. no hiring manager is gonna have time to look at your github if you have a million little scattershot things in there.

>current job
Instructional Designer
>dream job
This is it. I get to make cool design shit while at the same time helping people learn how to be bad asses at their jobs. Just recently started at a new company, and am helping build it. I'm in at the ground level and I get to do things how I want with an awesome likeminded team. $70k salary, $10k signing bonus. Took me about 10 years to reach this point, but debt free and my net worth is now just shy of 500k.

Current job: kitchen steward at a hospital
Dream job: retired on passive income after a 15 year career as an affiliate marketer

What languages do you recommend? I know HTML CSS+ and a little python with ROR

do you already know how to code? if not, do that first. just write anything you think you can figure out and post to your github. my github doesnt have anything special in it, but it definitely helps you get hired in the bay area

Mind sharing it? I need some inspiration and guidance desu

I develop $20k+ websites with HTML, CSS, JS, and Ruby on Rails.

If you don’t know javascript, learn javascript.

Can I see the site? And I'll get to it tomorrow

The finance people and accountants at my firm are mostly fit, even an ex personal trainer there. Looks and regular gym muscles will defs increase your chances when going through interviews.

>Dream job
SENS Research Foundation or something similar, working on anti-aging research. (I.E. Immortality)

>Current job
Biochemistry ungrad who is also self-learning Biopython.

>my job can be done by pajeets

worthless in the long run dude

teleolurian, also my gmail. feel free to reach out

> current job
Insurance underwriter
> Dream job
Analyst on wall Street

Moving to Canada in a month, from third world. Leaving a comfy job, have received no job offers or interview calls. Don't know what to do but I've decided to take this plunge.



Any advice on how to get a Secret Clearance?

>Target Job
Doing anything for DoD contractors in the middle east making 5x as much as stateside jobs.

yep, that is me

I don't think it's hard from what I've heard. As long as you're not a fuckup or have ties to muslim brotherhood or some shit, I'd imagine it's a cakewalk.
You just have to jump through the hoops and paperwork.

good god
Is that some creepy crawly dating webscraper? O .O

nah it's dynamic db connections from the old days of rails

Current Job:

Dream Job:
>Software Engineer

Right now, I am playing the role of "jr. operations manager" by going to other people who work in my plant, and getting the scoop on shit that makes their job a suckfest. I like the idea of automating excel data entry, it disgusts me. I flail with code using notepad during cycle times.

Since I exist in a corporation, I am adamant about building my reputation as a model employee by showing up on time, making my boss look good and subtlety flaunting my existing tech skills when the opportunity presents itself.
I don't know if playing the game will work out over time. I just wanna get paid for the shit i'm passionate about!

As someone who develops everything from massive analytical LOB systems to dirty one off CRUD screens, JavaScript is absolutely trash and needs to be replaced in the next ten years. It's just so unapologetically shit not even a million frameworks and transpilers could save it.
Anyone getting into programming is unironically better off learning Java/C# or any of the actually good interpreted languages like Python or Ruby. Learning any of these will give you actual fundamental skills as a programmer. Starting with C++ is for autists and starting with JavaScript is just as bad for your career as starting with VB6. You'll never get out of your pigeon hole of low paid webdev.

Whatever you do, don't write a lovecraftian Excel macro to automate business functions. It'll be guaranteed to make the future maintainer consider tracking you down and breaking your fingers so you can never do such a thing again.
By all means, use the macro recorder to aid workflows, but please for the love of codd don't touch that VB tab.

GUYS PLEASE I NEED TO KNOW YOUR OPINION. I will lurk for replies long after this is posted.

if push came to shove and you hate both options I was going to say which would you do

1. Work in a supermarket as a fat 22 year old as a check out chick (cashier for Americans I'm Aussie)

2. Construction site worker going from site to site as in like work through a construction agency were you effectively are a janitor.

Stability and tedium or sporadic work placement as a fill in person.

first one if more money

Current Job:

It helpdesk making 40k euroopees working 40 hours a week and it's killing me inside.

Dream job:

I don't even know any more I wanted to be a musician / entertainer usually my friends think my stuff is hilarious but more realistically speaking I just want a job where I can come up with creative out of the box solutions for problems since that's kind of my thing. I learn languages pretty easy as well.
But since I climbed out of the hell that's a broken family and drug addiction I don't want to risk too much of my current lifestyle... Help me break this cycle biz.

40k a month

CEO or any of the chiefs - what path does one generally take to get there? I once asked the CFO of one of our largest companies how he got there and he just reeled off a list of other massive companies he'd run. It just seems like they were always chiefs and just get traded between businesses.

Political and Competitive Intelligence Analyst/ Physical Security Design Specialist

About to finish my special snowflake but HIGHLY marketable degree in the next 2 months and already have my first Comp. Intel. consulting gig for local Mom & Pop place with a collegue.

Im treating this as an internship/learning experience since Ive had to work my way through school in the summertime and havent gotten a proper internship.

The physical security and intelligence work I'm qualified to do gives me a connection base to grow from, but my goal is to focus on competitive and market since that's where the money is right now.
Im still looking for long term employment/ a place to truly hone my tradecraft.

Any advice, Veeky Forums?

>getting a secret clearance

Intel grad here, my advice is to start the process 6 month earlier than you plan to start working. For the really fun shit, you'll want to pursue a TS clearance as well, which can take upwards of a year in some cases.
If you have the skills and contacts in the overseas contracting industry, I highly suggest you start applying immediately, since they wont waste time on an SF-86 unless they think you're up to the job in the first place, since the process is stupid expensive.

Tldr: apply as soon as possible, dont have any sketchy shit on your record, and if you make it to the polygraph, stay calm because your ass already has the job.

researcher, 1600 $
not complaining, it gives free housing and I don't have to pay tax.
I wish I owned a smart farm tho.

Be willing to travel.

I had a buddy who went to Chile to gain experience to go with his geo degree

I just want to work from home

You job hop, work hard and make sure you keep looking for the better opportunity.

Networking helps, but really it's about keeping your eye out for the next best thing, and making it clear when you're hired that your goal is promotion, whatever it takes, and then you follow through on your assignments.

To add to this, if you are 5 years in and haven't been promoted twice, you need to find a different company to work for.

If you're smart about your career, and make it a priority, you can hit exec management by the time you are 35 or so, and then depending on the company, you'll have probably 2-3 years to prove you can do the job. But be warned, management is a lot of baby sitting, and mid level is a grind to be sure. You really have to want it to male it to the top.

All of this assumes that you're competent at your job, communicate effectively, network well, and your career is priority 1, whatever field you choose. You get a little slack on the competency if you ate exceptional in some other area, and play to that strength, but no one makes it to the top without great people skills and some level of executive presence/"looking the part".

>Investing in small businesses and installing proper management and processes
That sounds really nice actually.

>Instructional Designer
Fuark, that also sounds good.

current job: IT director (analytics specialty)
dream job: chef

Current: eCommerce store owner/operator.
Dream: seasoned meme-estate investor.