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>General Resources:
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The future is female
New Troll, here.
Reminder that this is the best example of a human versus orc we've ever gotten in WoW
ITT alliance cucks argue that humans are superior warriors to orcs and tauren
Reminder to reroll Void Elf
am i still cool?
Post your UI, losers
if i get a lego for spec X specific and change my loot specs does it mean i will get a lego for spec Y really fasst?
They are.
What staff is this?
I bet she has the absolute juiciest futa cock.
Anything on the ptr about what Genn's up to?
But they are.
Orcs would be nothing without goblins and other allies.
Yeah cant settle with having the best mages in Khadgar and Jaina
Must have the absolute greatest warriors too
>muh technique
You may not like it but this is what peak healslut performance looks like
k bye
Warcraft race official race tier list
God tier:
>Zandalari trolls
>Stromgarde humans
Did nothing wrong tier
>Tauren (Regular, highmountain, Taunka)
>Dwarfs(Ironforge, Wildhammer, Frostborn)
>Kul’ tiras
Decent tier
>Pandaren (Huojin)
>Humans (Stormwind)
Keep fucking up tier
>Amani trolls
>Dark iron dwarfs
>Orcs (regular)
>Goblins (all)
Knife ear tier
>Elves (High, Blood, Void, Night, Nightborn)
Meme tier
>Pandaren (Tushui, Regular)
Did everything wrong tier
This is your High Chieftain for the night.
>implying they aren't
Blizzard should have made Pandaren ally with Horde because of their spirtualism, and Alliance because of their tendency towards order, and then on top of that given them both the agenda to enforce peace as much as possible from within the factions.
This action versus reaction non-sense is bullshit, and Aysa and Ji should be replaced by stronger leaders looking to enforce their beliefs within the faction.
would you rather level 1-100 or buy a boost?
>muh muscle and shouting
have a Lum for payment
>model viewer screenshot of obtainable items
I don't get the obsession with Tabard of the Lightbringer. It doesn't match the transmogs people put it in.
Big guy
>Be Alliance player
>Forced to fight Lasan Skyhorn because of Blizz fuckery
I-I'm sorry. This is just the w-way it has to b-be.
>muh technique
>MG got worse, RP-wise
I swear to god the number of military guilds is just staggering.
>bar RP
This is fun every once and a while but it gets so fucking old because it's commonly all people want to ever do.
booom headshot
>All of these fembelfs talking about how hot Baines new model is
W-what does it mean lads?
oh hey its that vaporwave girl
>Danielle not on this list
I want to use Tyrande's ass as a pillow.
Probably going absolutely fucking ballistic now that he's de-facto leader of the Alliance forces while Anduin cries about wanting peace
>me orc smashy
>matching is only = mono-color set-up
fucking kill yourself, the light blue and silver obviously compliment the gold quite well
Fuck Draenor.
Stop being mad you're not on the list Icycrits
here's an alternative: a noose applied to your neck
Bar RP is fine, but I usually go for more surreal stuff- exploring ruins, digging through the past, and weird run-ins that make the world seem more lively.
>Blizzard doesn't know what the fuck to do with her
>Shit anyone have ideas?
>Give her sharingan eyes and make her intangible like that chick from x-men but make it more shadowy like that one move Reaper has/ Oh and fuck the lore we can't have her banshee soul leaving her body unprotected so she can just shift between both forms at will and she can crush peoples hearts in their chests when she moves through them. Oh and also have her bellow "For the Horde!" like a pregnant cow going into labor
>I think we just found Metzen's replacement. Good job kid!
>>All of these fembelfs talking about how hot Baines new model is
Also, Baine's always been a beefcake.
But it doesn't, the gold is too gritty to match the pastel colors of the tabard
He looks old, how old is he now?
Literally who?
ya u
Actually loled at the picture
Seriously though, an orc would beat 3 humans, and a tauren would beat 10
This is a major reason why the horde exists and the sooner you accept it the better
>It's time we give up on facts and start using emotions to make important decisions
>t. Average Horde player that lies and says he plays both faction as if that will mask his loktar ogar faggotry
>*push to talk*
>*pushes to talk again*
>"sup players"
Stop shitposting
>but I usually go for more surreal stuff- exploring ruins, digging through the past, and weird run-ins that make the world seem more lively.
That's my jam. It's a big, open world filled with stuff to see and build stories off of. Bar RP's fine but when it's the only RP people do regularly it just gets boring.
If they're naked yeah but not with equipment.
Muscles don't stop you from getting stabbed.
The wow forums
Helped me get into raiding, I'll always be grateful for it.
Was the most fun poster in the thread.
Convinced me to roll Female Pandaren on every character I make forever.
>everyone else
No memories other than recognizing names.
It's half covered by the armor. The blue is a harsh contrast to the gold.
>all my horde characters are blood elves save for shaman and druid
>all my alliance characters will be void elves
cant fucking wait
>tfw no feminine faces for male characters
>Literally cannot come up with another point so reuses the same one
The absolute state of horde lorelets
>en pug for lego/ap
>some retard saying "this group shud do m tos, we can totally do it"
>some other tard from one of those huge multi-team guilds says "too soon bro too soon i still have mythic KJ PTSD"
>look him up
>his team is 7/9M
>call him on it
>"isn't your team 7/9M though?"
>he shuts up and says nothing for the rest of the raid
>Bar rp
Literally what is this? First time I've heard of it.
what do you mean soon? pandas can be paladins right now just look at me
what's the name of the armour set?
full mithril
Just people hanging out in taverns and inns RPing.
I think one of the more fun story arcs I did recently was a "goblin island resort" where everything from bathrooms to food were locked behind gold coin slot-style microtransactions.
As the day went on, the prices got jacked up and he began to threaten the guests with 'required showcases.' It was awesome.
I'd so play my Paladin if it were a Pandaren.
Funerary Plate of the Chosen Dead.
That is the Mythic version, which is only obtainable from the [The Chosen] achievement.
>the elevator in Antorus crushes players
Very funny, blizzard.
>MoP wasn't the best expansion
What the fuck is wrong with brainlets?
How about you compliment my dick
>redditors and forsaken shits unironically think this scene was "epic"
>meanwhile Anduin, who doesn't even like fighting, smashes some troll scrub into the ground before rallying everyone under the holy light
lmao eat Sylvanas you objectively evil bitch
Does anyone here have experience with eye problems when raiding? I play healer and i realized few days ago that my left eye get tired really fast, it's probably because i have to focus on raid frames, which are on the left side. Would moving them to middle-bottom work?
Every single important blood elf character is either red haired or blonde, like their official colors. Why the fuck are there so many black haired belf players?
>At the hour of her third death, she will usher in our coming.
>Alleria Windrunner: Indeed. Sometimes I feel that I have already died twice.
>Alleria almost corrupted the sunwell in the nightborne intro scenrio
fucking voidfags eat shit.
>his health doesn't start with 5
Argh leveling is such a pain in the ass. Just got to BC dungeons and running the same shit over and over is murder.
Post an actual fucking link, I'm not wading through autism.
>people think nathanos new model means a new allied race and not sylvanas dying
Oh silly normalfags
It's just sitting around in a bar and having low-key, chill interactions with other characters. A common trend is that this is the downtime between off-screen/unseen adventures, but it commonly devolves into nigh soap opera-esque drama between characters or opportunities to build character of said characters.
It's very casual, and it's low demand of having to GM anything at all makes it appealing for many RPers. Again, I've nothing against it, I even enjoy it, but it makes RPing with people outside of a bar environment really hard.
Horde-side RP sounds way more fun. That's the kind of stuff I'd like to see. I had one pretty fun experience on MG on my novice mage; random guy sent me on a quest near Stormwind -- entered a cave and had to fight off kobolds and bandits. Was fun because he GM'd the whole thing and provided a fun challenge for a mage whose talents including lighting torches and casting haste on themselves.
But that was understandably a lot of work. I was kind of surprised this random stranger just did all of it.
i find myself looking at my screen lazy-eyed lately actually
not sure what to make of it
/wowg/ locks im coming back from from the end of emerald nightmare which lock spec should i play
Best nelf face/hair colour ? I want to make acute slut rogue
I don't normally have time for -huge- events these days, but whenever I get to have events like that, I'm stoked. That's what makes the simple adventures seem epic.
>blood elves
Affliction is the best spec in Antorus. Many of the fights support multi-dotting without it being padding.
Ok so what reps will i need to max out for BfA?
I have Nightfallen Exalted and Highmountain Revered on an Alliance character. Will that unlock the requirements for Horde?
God I wish that were me