How many beans are you harvesting?
How many beans are you harvesting?
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ive been sproutin hella hard
How do you begin sprouting? I have like 50 beans that the fountain gave me.
The 6 hours required for the sprouting to begin are long gone, but everything sits still.
Nigga its gonna take you like year: to sprout with 60 beans.
Stop being poor
I can't my dude, I'm stuck all day at home because I gotta take care of my grandma, we aren't that wealthy so we can't hire someone to do that, hence my lack of job. I do something on line but it can barely cover part of the bills, so stopping being poor isn't something in sight, that's why I'm trying with bitb.
10 million
Not kidding
1.5 million
Sold some at the top of the last pump, holding on for long term gains
Currently a mil. Gonna buy more soon.
Holy shit.
I'm here scraping the bottom of the barrel at barely 50k and you all are millionaires.
If only I had that money.
Just bought around 187k
Does bitbean have any advantages over Bitcoin or Ether?
Or does it run on memes?
It runs on Advanced Meme Tech, no other coin has it.
High POS coin. Supposedly for vegans but havent seen proof of it.
no the dev clearly stated that he consumes bacon on the daily bro!
Damn sick gains brah.
bitbean is way faster, and will stay that way
Bit bean has advanced Memewit and it's tied closely to the volatility of meme magic
And that bean is a cute! Cute!
Dont mix /a/ memes with a fucking beam
a fucking beam
Then what is the objective of this? I bought in cuz of the memes and doge coins is still worth 40x this so im in for the long run.
Does anyone has some spare beans? I'm struggling a lot to get started, and I can't afford to spend too much money. I really don't want to miss this train.
I started doing this with only 25 dollars and made a lot off of when crown, pinkcoin, and a couple other coins pumped.
make fun of my tiny beanis
There's still time to buy more. Still at a pretty low price.
bless my gains with other coins so I can acquire more beans
I want 5 mil
10 mil I'd be happy with for a long time
none, I'm not autistic
>being rich is autistic
Bitbean is possibly the most practical coin we've seen so far in cryptocurrency. It actually has a market and many many selling points, definitely the most useful coin yet and super undervalued
What is your strategy as far as keeping your coins in exchanges or wallets? What do you use? Are you paranoid?
you cucks can ALWAYS buy my bitbean for 9999 sat.
How do I sync my wallet?
I sent myself 50$ worth of bean before it was synced
Is it all lost now?
come to the chat. they will help you..
also, no they will get there when you sync
no it's just not updated on your wallet (it's behind on the blockchain, like being flipped back in the calendar) you can always check your address' balance on the explorer
i use poswallet myself for the offline harvesting because my internet is shitty and my electricity utility is known to fuck with me because Im a miner
Poswallet allows sprouting?