/lolg/ League of Legends General
first for winstreaks
also syndra sucks
xth for subjugating another race via impregnation.
Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.
>tfw no qt petite joyful gf
xth for my wife Syndra
I want to put a baby inside Kled!
What have you done in League that you're still ashamed to admit?
why do i see nobody complaining about how fast everything dies now
Im literally assassinating faster than most assassins with ezreal duskblade proc
soraka looks at me the wrong way in botlane and half my hp is gone
are all of you enjoying this and fine with it?
I love my cute and perfect wife, Riven!
went afk because I died in lane once
my team still won somehow
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I mained Riven for 5 months
Too little CS
Other Tryndameres usually split push the whole game so you're competing against a lot of CS
I'm looking for a new champ, Ahri or Corki ? I'd play them mid but I guess I could go bot with corki as well. So, who's better right now?
which champion would you fuck
what skin would they be using
Fix zoe's w so it's not rng
>Get different items based on the rank of the abilities
>Heal level 1
>Ignite barrier level2
>Hextech items
For example
I want to go exploring in Lulu.
Did we actually know who was the poor fuck that got to Aatrox first?
Actually, what do we know about Aatrox besides that he fell from the sky one day?
Xth for my waifus who just happen to be sisters!
we already know, its just riot being fucking retards
>Still use locked camera
I just can't adapt to unlocked
He wants Trynd to grab his handle lto corrupt him.
Xayah, classic.
he's the one that killed tryndamere's tribe and made him a toxic splitpusher that ignores his team
So even if I am a god of duels and get objectives, I'm still A- because I didn't lose time farming the minions?
That's retarded, I'm the reason they surrendered before 20 and somehow that gets me an A-
Ambitious Elf
A lot of art seems to suggest that champs like Jinx and Xayah have bodily piercings.
Do you anons think there is legitimacy to this, or what other champs do you think would also have them?
I can't let my friends know that I fap to League girls.
i just got dced from my game
anyone else
Tango Evelynn
I'm not ashamed of it, but I only like playing cute girl champs.
Whenever I play with my normie friends I have to weave in games with male champs so they don't know I'm a waifushitter
Xayah has body piercings in her model though
Any of the Star Guardians but particularly Sona
Looks like I finally have an excuse to play Sej again.
She has a facial piercing, that's it.
Her body is pierce-free. Please don't spread nasty rumors about my birdfu
I want to dance with Orianna.
>rring project jhin and bandito fiddle
i will find you and i will beat you
>he doesn't like body piercings
I bet you drink skim milk
Why doesn't Annie have a skin that shows off her tummy
I wanna cuddle fug Jinx. My bias is classic but I can work with anything, she's always beautiful.
Riven, drunk fanart-canon hobo skin. Much more appealing than actual-canon wandering swordsw'man Riven.
All the Project skins are garbage and I already have a Fiddle skin. Sue me.
Because no one at Riot is smart enough to realize that would have been a better option than Super Galaxy.
t. Ahri.
>Want to practice and get better since I'm new and shit
>Nervous to solo queue because I know I'll end up fucking up and feed
What do I do
I got boosted 4 seasons in a row to diamond and it frequently took my boyfriend + 2 of his friends to carry me most games. This last season he had to log in as me and boost me that way because he couldn't solo carry me.
Perks of dating a challenger I guess.
MF in the secret agent skin.
are you a cute girl with a fat ass?
if yes i can queue up with you
not even an ass man btw
what, in ranked? just play my dude. game's the same shit on a different day no matter what mode you're playing. chill.
I'm a 23 year old university student with a beard. I apparently have a pretty good butt though
I just want to get better so I can catch up to my friends.
>be csing
>kill balloon minion
>get free tp
>tp bot
>enemy midlaner can't do anything to stop it, can't follow neither
>kill enemy bot lane
>this is somehow balanced
>112 cs
that's why
Sun goddess or Conqueror
But if I was gay probably classic or eternal sword Yi
I'm not even level 30. I'm only level 24. I'm just new to pvp in lane and I want to learn Karma mid / support.
>balloon minion
actually keep playing this fag game
Yeah Ahri...haha...you got me user...
/lolg/! Should I get this?
Not directly in League, but I like hashinshin's streams and videos
>Not Ironscale
cmon son
It's her worst skin but if you want it go ahead.
xth for breast metal waifu
Why that instead of Star Guardian, user.
I'm shit, but I'm not ashamed to admit it so I guess nothing? Not even ashamed to troll my ADC by stealing his creeps or kills when he's shit.
Soraka. Dryad
Miss Fortune. Arcade.
Karma. Sun Goddess or Lotus.
Leona. Defender.
Kayle. Pentakill.
Ashe. Woad.
Vayne. Aristocrat.
>that bit of nipple
Already have it
The other ones are too expensive though...
My nigga. Karma is great. She's deceptively hard to use though. Support or mid?
MF in her SG outfit. I can be a Void monster in this example right?
unless the beard is downstairs I only queue up with cute girls
I havent gone duo since my ex broke up with me
Minion that drops a spell for Zoe to snatch. You can only see it if you play Zoe
Lulu is the spookiest! THE SPOOKIEST!
Pentakill Sona
Bewitching Morgana
Headmistress Fiora
Nurse Akali
French Maid Nidalee
Officers Caitlyn and Vi
Elementalist Lux (Dark, Magma, Ice)
Star Guardian Janna
Star Guardian Soraka
Firecracker Jinx
Classic MF
Blood Moon Diana
You already have ironscale you don't need any other Shyv skins. Just save for another skin
Probably both since she can do that. It just depends on what the team needs. I have quinn for top / adc but quinn is the easiest champion of all time to play.
Karma is taking a bit to get used to though.
I sent a guy a pic of my boobs for pic related
Awww, I'd rather see ur dick
what are the best websites for improving in league?
I want to be a supportsluts bitch.
I want to care for them and clean them after they've been used and abused by their alpha junglers and carries.
I want them to treat my face like a cuntrag
I want them to sit on my face while servicing their superiors
I want to lick their feet while they're getting pounded
I want to be the bitches bitch.
True suffering is knowing that all of her skins are doomed to be shit since they'll be complete overhauls instead of cute costumes.
>tfw lonely on a Friday night even though with family
I want out.
I want to eat ice cream with nami!
can I buy you a skin?
If you want to.
it might get updated if shyv gets a VGU in about a decade
tits or gtfo
Why is this bad? Im only low elo, so i might not see the real benefit.
Someone care to explain?
you better not play her support
I want to ________eat_________ Nami.
how big are your boobers
if theyre smol the guy got scammed
xth for eating nami!
Image search gave me nothing
I wish I could breed Namifag.
This user gets it.
I want Nami's dolphinpussy to milk me until I can't move