Asymmetrical Slasher Series General /assg/

Chainsaw Dry Hump edition
>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

I-is that a dead thread?!:

Other urls found in this thread:

Last Year when.

i want huntress to take care of me!

Anyone else having issues finding lobbies right now?

Me. I've gotten only two lobbies now and both were the highest ping ever.

why does her head look massive and disproportionate

Or he just doesn't care.

2019 at best.

Anna has a big head.

>The Huntress is the worst killer at finding people
What did the frogs mean by this?

She doesn't take care. She chains people to walls and pokes them and then groans like an angry tard when they die of malnutrition and shitting themselves.

but what if i give her my dick to take care of

*russian laughing*

Ill admit I'm not the most experienced survivor yet but, are skills always this inconsistent? Ill do like 40-50% of a gen and not get a single one, suddenly 3 in a row, its weird and stupid.

How is she worse at finding people than anyone without some kind of sensor ability? Wraith, Nurse and Cannibal (until he unlocks his perk) don't really have a way to find survivors either.

She's slow, which means she approaches generators slower, and broadcasts that she is coming from a mile away.

Chained to the wall and poked, can't you read

that's pretty kinky

Yes. Solo and swf are terrible on PS4. Can't get a lobby with friends unless we're the exact same rank and we solo queue into the same match.

On top of being slow, her humming can sometimes drown out more subtle noises and make them harder to pinpoint even with good headphones which is why I run Stridor 3

well lads, it took 200 hours but I've finally met a killer who's absolutely sperged out

I want Bubba to dry hump me!

>leatherface is actually worse than billy, the cheap imitation
what did they mean by this
no, seriously, what the fuck

>People still think Leather's a billy imitation

Must suck to go through life being this stupid.

>Load into a lobby with me being the only prestige person, and one person has a toolbox
>Mori offering

I'm flattered.

glad to see your reading comprehension is in top notch shape, love


They don't do the same shit

Use a Hex and let survivors come to you.

I want to play this game again, but without double xp it seems so boring.

for what purpose


So if I am just being looped forever and shit what do I do?

Play a killer that can't be looped.

Chase someone else and pray they don't know how to loop as well.

Dream Master is pretty retarded (I didn't really like Dream Warrior that much either) but man, when Freddy called the human pizza "soul food..."

it doesnt stack past 1 with purple mist, m8

>thinking survivorsmains are smart enough to know that.

excellent point

Imagine if it did.
>5 Extra thick mist buffs
>Nobody can see anything below waist-level on Killers and neck-level of full-standing survivors

>Freddy turns Deb into a fucking roach
>That ending sequence with all the souls emerging out of Freddy

>That Freddy rap in the credits

Which rap? There's at least 2 Freddy raps

is he going to be ok

This is fascinating to think about, in how Part 4 represents the height of Freddy's popularity. Robert Englund was credited over the film's title, dropping one-liners and goofing around in almost every scene while doing promotional footage in-character.

They somehow romanticized a child molester we were suppose to fear, yet that somehow worked. It makes me wonder had the remake decided to not run the pedophilia quirk into the ground (along with more creative freedom and charm by Jackie Earle) would that be the same outcome?

I'm curious to hear how Wes Craven felt about that point, considering he clearly had an idea in mind for what the character was suppose to be. It's quite the contrast from say, Friday the 13th, where most creative heads were set on killing off the Jason Vorhees character by that point.

The remake is awful for a lot of reasons beyond its depiction of Freddy. He was the least bad thing about it, even if he was nowhere near as good as the original.

>enjoy playing with my friends
>when i play with my friends I consider a safety pip lucky
>playing alone i nearly double pip every game

What does boosted mean?

It means you were carried to your rank by playing with other people and they just won games for you.


Someone else played on your account getting you wins and climbing ranks.

People say this when someone at a high rank does something a lower ranked person would do. As to say they don't belong at the rank they're at and probably got carried there.

It means someone carried you to the rank or place that you are, you aren't good enough to have gotten there yourself.

So it's a unique way of calling somebody a scrub I guess?

Some Meg player called me that cause I fucked up body blocking her against Myers, but nobody on my friends list even plays this game.

Yeah she was just being a faggot who cares.

Is such a thing possible? Pop a few gens, get a few pallet stuns from looping, do a few unhook farms. Boom, you pipped.

I just reached rank 10 for the first time ever as survivor cause I started watching more streams and picking up on ways to better survive, the last time I went hard on them I could barely break rank 13-14 and would depip a lot.

Or maybe the game is just easier for survivors now than ever, I dunno.

It's not a matter of difficulty. It's just easy to get points. You don't even have to survive to pip, just be a suicidal hero who gets a few unhooks and gets a few pallets stuns after you do a generator and a half.

The extremely immersed people shit their pants when they get found and have no spatial awareness, but if someone else can keep the killer distracted they can just get their max objective and leave without interruption. Especially if you're swf, you could end up in ranks even though you can't run or hide.

I miss when rap was fun like this

Unhooks get a psycho amount of points. I've repaired 3 gens, 3, all by myself, then looped a killer for a few minutes and been hooked to death and I didn't pip.

That's 3 gens with multiple great skill checks.
Repairing is balls - If you want points, rescue faggots from hooks and heal and repair a bit whenever.

Reminds me of Halloween H20. Just rewatched that turd and oh my god. Myers is actually okay, but movie is so fucking bad.

I run Bond since I always soloQ as survivor, and faggots try to rub the killer on me, but it's also great to find others working on gens, it's pretty much only worth it with the co-op bonus, but you can get full objective with 2 gens.

I want 1980s slasher gf.

What didn't you like about it user?
I thought both Michael and Laurie were great.

I hope the next killer is either Ghostface or a Ghostface ripoff or something. I want a human killer.
One of the aspects that always made serial killer stories interesting to me was that the antagonist wasn't some otherworldly monster or demon, but that it was a human being with it's own reasoning for their actions.
Kinda bums me out that most of the killers in this game are like, 80% monster.

I'm the opposite, I want a killer that doesn't have a past life as human. I want something like a Swamp Monster. Somebody's pet frog mutates into a monstrosity, or something.

Unless there's a lore reason why that can never happen.

Anyone play F13 on PS4 here? I just bought it and compared to PC only children have mics

Well, you might be in luck.
A rumor is going around that Pennywise might get in at some point because It's owned by the same studio that has the rights to remake Freddy.
But then again, Ghostface was also rumored to get in with the whole 'Actor' controversy, so maybe we both lose.

While Pennywise does count out of a technically, it still wears a "human" facade which isn't what I had in mind. I just want an animal monster thing, a creature from the black lagoon if you will.

The lore doesn't establish anything really, they mostly make answers up on the spot or say "yeah, it's possible this is true". All up to speculation, the Entity made the killers out of individuals that were either a psychotic killing machines (Doc, Anna) or were driven to kill from madness (Wraith, Nurse). A mutant animal can easily go on a massacre, but it's up to your interpretation if the thing really has agency, and the Entity would take interest in it. Maybe if they make it a Frankenstein's pet frog but it's controlled by the creator who works for the Entity now. Or make a Jekyll and Hyde/Werewolf killer that turns into a monster, but that's still human based.

It feels like they want licenced killers to be a complete joke. Especially after freddy.
Myers is probably the best out of three, but LF is also decent at camping.

All I want is be able to use billy's chainsaw as LF so I never have to touch billy again.

Why even get a licenced character if you're gonna make him absolutely garbage and unfun to play as and against?

For fucks sake, Freddy uses hag's model thats how lazy they are.

the programing chapter was interesting

This is from back in the last thread but lol, that nigga who thinks Evolve was a case of nobody playing monster because hunters were too strong, it was literally the exact reverse, the devs jockeyed super hard to be buddies with all the big monster players. But even then and with their extremely cut down team, it was still better balanced than DbD has come to be at most levels, monsters were better but you still won frequently if even a couple people on hunters were halfway competent and working together, which is how it should be for the numbers sided group.

I wanto fuck Horvath.

>the programing chapter was interesting
yeah that was a good nap, I agree

She's .2m/s slower than regular killers, her humming radius is 8m larger than the regular terror radius and, worst of all, her humming is directional. The killer also has a constant humming in their ears.
Huntress is by far the easiest to hide against.

But when she does find someone she can potentially win chases fast. She's Nurse's balanced sister.


>survivors that kills themselves when you go rescue them


>they hate you
>the killer is right there and they don't want to get farmed
>it's a Doc game and they want out
>there's a Mori, and they want to "outplay" it

>outplaying a mori by dying on the hook even though 2 mori deaths means loss for the killer

Dead by daylight is on sale on PS4 should I get it? I like Friday the 13th

Some people take mori-ing as some kind of especially embarassing and personally offensive death, and they feel as long as the killer got denied a mori animation, it's really their win.

so just 4King via mori is a guaranteed salt factory?
i need to try that out for myself later on

Since sadly the mori appears on the offering screen, fuckers will just alt+f4 on the loading screen or disconnect after getting downed a second time. The best saltmine is Tombstoning cocky survivors, since it's not broadcasted and it happens so fast they can't really react, it crushes their spirit, and the stupider ones will accuse you of hacking.

Gotta say, not a fan of the Hair brush on Myers, getting EW3 took a long ass time, and this was with a Claudette letting me fully stalk her at the beginning of the game. I guess I should run it with a flower or memorial.

anything that makes EW3 longer to obtain means you need to gen hopping 100% of the game breaking every single one while stalking, which is quite a pain in the ass

>feel bad for a group of survivors since they suffered a disconnect
>drop the last one with the intend to let him go
>he picks up the suntube his SWF buddy I specifically killed dropped earlier
>I can't let you do that back onto the hook you go buddy

-Whole tombstone
-Play with your food 3
-Fragant tuft of hair
-Ruin 3
-anything else

with this shit you have a pretty good chance of getting a 4k mori

>DbD is unplayable during non-school days
Really makes me think

I had it happen to me in the lower ranks when all of us survivors got killed by Freddy via a pink mori. I wasnt too mad about it since I was the last one killed but holy shit the post chat was full of salt from everyone else.

Moris are secret offerings. Only show to the killer. Just like Shrouds

Michael x Jake

I just remembered they show up unflipped. Forget I said anything.

Is there some sort of up to date guide on how to tweak graphics settings in DBD? Like I'd love to get rid of some blur I see on some maps which I think is depth of field but I don't want to drop to low or medium because that results in insane pop-in as well.

imagine how much better dbd would be if it was made by a developer who knew how to balance or optimize or had servers or actually gave a shit about animations and models or fucking anything

>no workshop for the talented fans who want to create custom skins/animations/sound effects because it would just be flooded with neon pink claudette skins for killers and coal black survivor clothing

>behaviour interactive
boy i wonder

It would still be shit.Dbd problem is the people who play it,not the game

you cannot deny the game is a piece of shit though. I don't just mean balancing issues, but animations are atrocious

Which developer would that be?

New game idea: Halloween

It's a sandbox game with a machine learning AI Michael that dynamically responds to your playstyle.

New game mode idea for DBD:
>Evil Dead
>1 unique character, Ash, versus 4 Killers

Meme in the Hole
Alert Meme
Balanced Meme
Meme Bond
Borrowed Meme
Meme Knowledge
Calm Meme
Dark Meme
Dead Meme
Decisive Meme
Déjà Meme
Iron Meme
Left Meme
No Meme
No Meme Left Behind
Meme of Obsession
Open Meme
Memer's Instinct
Prove Thy Meme
Meme & Quiet
Slippery Meme
Small Meme
Sole Meme
Meme Chill
Meme Burst
This Is Not Meme
Meme the Ante
Meme Evasion
Meme Up!
We'll Meme It
We're Gonna Meme Forever