>Roguelike Servers: roguenex.us/ (CDDA, angband, PCB) angband.live/ (Angband and variants, including PCB) hardfought.org/ (Nethack and variants, including slex)
Fork over the amulet or you're gonna get it, user. I'm giving you to the count of three.
Jonathan Baker
Ohayou gozaimasu, /rlg/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are lucky! Full moon tonight.
Nolan Martinez
third for lava orcs
Lucas Stewart
what is your favorite thing about nethack?
Bentley Martinez
>he hasn't ascended a Chaos Knight Paragon of Order
Thomas Hill
>die a lot >figure out why you die >play a better game if over half were either rng or bullshit deaths >git gudder if the majority were my fault done
Luis Adams
orctown and sokoban
Thomas Butler
Imagining my character and what the adventure looks like in my head
That's also why I don't like other roguelikes like DCSS
Hudson Garcia
i never die in adom. in everything other it's always some stupid rng
Benjamin Lee
do you always smith yourself 100pv to avoid getting hurt by fire giants because you were telling me to do that earlier
Bentley Stewart
but you can just kill them with missiles!
Camden Turner
Do you have a big enough supply of giant slayers to kill those fat walls of hp before they reach melee range for the entirety of the tower of flames? I feel like you'd run out of ammo far before that
Joseph Carter
you don't need slaying
Nicholas Perry
Just dip a stack of regular arrows in poison. Works just as well.
Xavier Rivera
never used poison lol. except there was one time in my very first game where i was playing as assassin
Connor Kelly
It's *the* way to kill the ACW.
Wyatt Cruz
regular ammo works well if you have the find weakness skill as ranged attacks do anywhere from x2 - x5 damage on crits unlike melee attacks
Juan Gomez
>don't use slaying which crits guarneteed, espeically not at range >use find weakness instead
Julian Edwards
>a question on whether you need slaying ammo >not about using it over regular ammunition >better go full retard in my post
Luis Scott
>Yermak is staying up all night, winning game after game of DCSS
Is he autism?
Charles Campbell
what server?
Brandon Richardson
Christian Peterson
i thought it gives only some damage(non-significant) over time. is there are other effects? or damage is significant?
Xavier Martinez
Zachary Thomas
>yermak has played 3496 games, between 2010-06-07 11:25:07 and 2017-12-02 09:19:11, won 406 (11.6%), high score 67274917, total score 5547332042, total turns 49975518, play-time/day 2:16:17, total time 258d+23:01:33.
Caleb Butler
>you will never spend 258 days playing Stone Soup so you will be the top player
Jordan Sanchez
PAGE 10 BEGONE *waves holy symbol*
Ryder Lewis
You only need one month to be the top player.
Dominic Nelson
Prove it.
Nolan Jenkins
>zxc has played 108 games, between 2014-03-17 07:04:13 and 2016-04-08 12:06:39, won 74 (68.5%), high score 29511489, total score 159799728, total turns 7127168, play-time/day 1:00:48, total time 31d+20:04:37.
Kevin Young
literally 1 int
James Thompson
>not even top 10 >high score below 30 million
Try again
Ian Carter
so close and yet so far :( it's +9 elec with bonuses
Henry Hernandez
You're almost out of doom.
Aiden Green
so DOOM doesn't instakill you. that's good. way too close of a call though, also had to burn through fears and hastes to get here :/
Jackson Miller
>middle of vault >low health >DOOM(0)
Aaron Rivera
I have been trying to ascend as a naga of not-Chei for half a year now, /rlg/. How do I actually do it?
Tyler Cox
ah poop vault is so annoying, I've only made once past it in hellcrawl
Jayden Nguyen
try going faaster
John Howard
lmao just cast haste
Landon Jenkins
I've just read the changelog for hellcrawl and it sounds positively horrendous. Who would subject himself to this torture? You take everything that makes crawl bareable and you remove it. Just play .15.
Aaron Lewis
Has anyone tried the variant of Elona Custom by Amy of the well known, and well regard roguelike called Slash'EM Extended?
Nathaniel Martin
died from getting para'd to shit from the orb of eyes. while I was trying to lure them out and kill them 1 by 1. it's fun user, you should just give it a try
Connor Bennett
Probably not, because it's currently difficult to install. Once I get around to it, I'll provide patched .exe binaries for those who want to play. :)
Josiah Roberts
I'd have to read over the changelog extensively before even beginning to consider it.
Also, since SLEX was mentioned: I've not completed this particular dungeon level ever. Shall I try it with this char? (y/y)
Ryan Gray
>joke monster bit rude
Benjamin Nguyen
Have you tried gargling clorox?
Isaiah Moore
Well, the joke is that she looks like her name was Fanny, but isn't actually called Fanny.
Eli Garcia
Not a very funny joke.
Kevin Roberts
If you want a real joke you should take a glance at her game.
Juan Cruz
Remember this one?
Isaiah Morales
are you trying to make me reply to you while posting your meme game I already told you to go ascend in front of a moving train
Evan Rodriguez
Wasn't haste removed from the game though?
Levi Martinez
>playing a version where haste is removed you know what I'm gonna say.
Jason Martin
So I should play a version where a blatantly overpowered spell is available and mindlessly spam it to win? Solid advice.
Luke Collins
No, you shouldn't play crawl at all. God user, you're so dumb.
Lincoln Campbell
But crawl IS the game for dumb people like me, elitist baby.
Ian Roberts
no, you should go play in traffic instead. It's non-modal, it's got permadeath (thankfully) and it's like rogue because after the first car you wish you had never tried it.
Joseph Ortiz
Dear user that likes to play zyborgs, you sniped me with a bones file that causes segfaults!!! Whenever I try to move around on this level now, it crashes! Next time please don't die with a lit lightsaber in hand!
Julian Martin
If life was a roguelike, it would be the shittiest one.
Jeremiah Green
Fixed the crash. Now it's time for a duel! Amy the Filthy Harlot versus Mister 14 Conduct Convict! Place your bets!
John Jenkins
you're playing slashem so you already lost
Aaron Turner
Also, dude, you destroyed the altar! Now I can't BUC test my stuff! At least I grabbed all the nice loot you left in the bag you dropped in the temple.
Evan Myers
So many dicks.
Joshua Smith
Recommend me some roguelikes that I can simply play in my loonix terminal. I like ascii graphics, but I hate ascii tiles that I've seen a few games do.
So far the games I've compiled are ADOM, and Sil.
Josiah Garcia
Carter Rogers
Who is this bitch
Ayden Reed
This “bitch” is a friendly reminder that there is somethimg better in this world besides roguelikes
Christian Nguyen
I was talking about the girl
Josiah Moore
>somethimg better in this world besides roguelikes Dying, underage girls or trains?
that person is the saddest human being in existence
By the way dude I comment roguelikes with every blue moon, I'll throw you a mail if I feel like playing roguelikes tonight
Jace Gonzalez
He probably sounds like that because of the medication.
Liam Wilson
And the Autism. Okay.
Connor Stewart
were you thinking of any game in particular have you been mumoing
Nathaniel Wood
I don't know. What is mumoing?
Mason Rivera
are you the guy I played mumo with the last time if not why the heck are you responding
Jason Morales
I don't know what mumo is. I'm somewhat confused by this situation. I'm just someone who likes video games.
Oliver Allen
Oh I see how it is The second part of this post was not for you it was for you guessed it the dude I comment roguelikes with every blue moon
Lucas Smith
Blake Bennett
Who is this bitch
James Peterson
>finish the chapter 1 dungeon >no anorithil escort great game, tomefags
Lucas Kelly
Colorful interface screws
Justin Ortiz
Why are you doing this to yourself? Is playing not fun roguewannabes not pain enough for you? Why do you hurt yourself user?
Landon Cook
>user That's the slex dev. AKA the only player of slex.
Please ignore her, the more attention you give her the more likely she is to post.
Adrian Fisher
How do I search skeletons in SilQ??? Literally nothing works. Is it not implemented despite being in the changelog?
Noah Allen
, literally , like you open chests
Kayden Lopez
I open chests with "o" though, literally never used , Thanks
Samuel Cox
Never even thought you could open chests with o I guess we both learned something today
Cooper Watson
Slexposting > reposting same old reaction images that only you post
Mason Baker
Pathologically false.
Matthew Ramirez
Dumb furry/webcomic/ponyposter
Gavin Young
This is your fault ponyfag, you played slex and now amy feels entitled to post even more frequently.
Jonathan Cruz
I take full responsibility for that disgusting wretch reappearing in our quiet general. I am sorry.
I simply wanted to show everyone what a trainwreck slex was so they would never play it.
Of course, some user thought it'd be funny to actually make it the OP and entitle her to even more fame.
David Perry
I mean I'm partially serious I did actually want to play slex because of the novelty factor but the stupidness of the thing hit me in the face like a freight train on a loli quietly sitting and hoping to die.
Who even fucking makes interface screw traps permanent and makes ALTARS DISAPPEAR IF YOU SACRIFICE TOO MANY MONSTERS OR ID TOO MANY ITEMS THAT IS BEYOND STUPID