Would a secular pan Arab republic (Read: not necessarily democracy) bring peace to the region?
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>would a dead meme work?
No, they tried that a couple times and it didn't work.
Pan-Arabism has never been tried.
>syria and egypt are every arab country
what'd work best is either not going there or killing everybody who disagrees with you being there, whichever one suits your interests more.
>It failed with two countries so it will surely work with a dozen of them
It's a dead meme for a reason.
>two cavemen couldn't make fire so surely no one else could be able to lmao
What school did you get your doctorate at you fucking retarded public school drop out
>Arabs are retarded cavemen
I don't disagree, that's a big part of why it won't work.
Wouldn't work, even if the government was secular, the people aren't.
And they won't get along.
Bedouin nomads in Arabia won't get along with Iranians, aren't Arab as well.
No one will get along with Omanis.
Expect a bunch of rebels wanting to break off, and a few genocides as well.
You want to put together people from different religions that have been killing each other since Muhammad died.
For it to work you'd have to get them all to convert to a specific branch of Islam and hope they don't decide to change, because even if it's only like 1000 that decide to make a new branch, they are getting killed.
Look at the Arab leaders that tried to implement secularity, never worked.
"There will never be peace in Europe"
"China will never be a world power"
"The UK wont leave the EU"
"Trump will never get elected"
A Pan-Arab state that isn't Islamic would and will never work.
The biggest thing is getting rid of the Wahhabism meme, and getting the US to stop overthrowing secular leaders.
Is there peace in Europe?
Didn't part of Ukraine just get occupied by Russia? Aren't the Poles sperging out because of Trump's comments on NATO?
Experts did say China was on its way to world power, India too.
UK and Trump are media and opinion, elections can go either way, sometimes.
Arabs don't get along, never have.
This is utter nonsense, Europe started two world wars and changed the face of the world, then made the European union. Saying a pan Arabic union is impossible is a little stupid.
Compared to what it was? Yes Europe is quite peaceful.
"experts" also shat on China 100 years ago.
What about those polls by the same "experts" that stated Trump would lose to Hillary by 200 delegrates or whatever the fuck they are called.
Arabs got along in the past, and they will get along in the future, just need a real big war to squash our beefs. We'll get secular, with Trump in power, it'll be better.
When have Arabs gotten along?
All Arabs, not just a group that would fight another group.
Yes, because 100 years ago China was a warlord ridden shithole in perpetual war getting it's shit kicked in by everyone that got near.
Arabs started out as a bunch of savages that nobody cared enough to conquer, in comes Muhammad who subjugated them, converted them to Islam and unleashed them to the world, he dies and everyone starts fighting each other about how to go around things. That fight is still going on.
When have Americans ever gotten along? They always seem to be divided too.
Politics are complicated, and people are complicated, generalizations are stupid because the "X never get along" can apply to many cultures.
Everyone started out as a bunch of savages, literally almost every uncivilized culture became civilized after conquering a civilized culture.
We'll see where the Arab world is 100 years from now. My generation hate 2 things, their leaders, and Islamic Terror. As far as I know, thanks to the internet Arabs from all over the world are now talking to each other, getting to know each other, and so on. My best friend is Lebanese, my uncle is Moroccan, I'm from Oman. My generation is motivated to improve our peoples.
"the Arab nation is behind the other nations socially, economically and politically. Its youth are therefore obliged to dedicate their lives to awakening it from this backwardness, and they must consider what will lead to its progress, so that it will attain the meaning of life and preserve is natural rights" - Al-fatat
fuck u
Are you muslim? Why do so many of your generation join shit like ISIS then?
Americans don't kill and behead each other. Bedouin nomads still do and the House of Saud just continues to make things worse.
Do you think a pan Arabic state can work, with what you got as a neighbor (Saudi Arabia)?
Arabs aren't bad people, but they have a bad history and there are many that don't like different things.
It would take something like a Caliph to hold them together.
how the fuck am I supposed to know, I'm Ibadi, ISIS are sunni. probably because ISIS offers good medical care? If anything I'd consider myself non-practising muslim, like many of my friends I just partake in the festivities and go to mosque once a week.
Go ask someone that supports isis why they join ISIS
no they shoot at each other with guns and pay people to ram planes into their buildings for giggly shits.
A pan-Arab state will work, Arabs are coming close to each other every second. Saudis do make it worse, hopefully change can happen there without american influence
If the country is
Persians, Jews and Berbers would never let themselves assimilate in this monoculture country it would be like the Ottomans
>A first difficulty of the Arab movement was to say who the Arabs were. Being a manufactured people, their name had been changing in sense slowly year by year. Once it meant an Arabian. There was a country called Arabia; but this was nothing to the point.
Don't forget the issues with Syria and the very strict policies of some of the African countries, like Sudan.
Pan-Arabism has failed before and no one has tried to address the cause and just tried a different way.
>Are you muslim? Why do so many of your generation join shit like ISIS then?
What? Most of us don't and the guys who do are condemned.
>Arabs aren't bad people,
arab are just naturally bad people who cant go one afternoon without starting an argument with someone. its why theyre always at war, they are just bad, divisive people.
berbers have worked well with arabs before, and jews can assmiliate into any culture given time.
Persians/Kurds yeah, but there is a solution for that culture
t. Nasser
Ibadi is a meme religion desu
guess predicting long term futures are pretty fucking hard.
India was slated to be much better by 2020
>inb4 superpower
Why would the Americans and the British want a rational country in the middle east that controls the "gold", oil, of the 20th and 21st century?
This would mean the the Americans/British would lose their influence/power/money.
Would secular colonial rule bring peace to the region?
Well there's much reasons why religions was bestowed on Arabs.
>Likes to kill their own daughters just because "i want muh stronk boys"
>Compulsive liar
>Like to kill or triying to make others to kill each other
>Greedy as fuck
God damn, they'll become an absolute race of evil if those religions don't slap them back on their senses. Well, before they becomes righterous ass-rapist at least.
it would be one of the few first steps to do so, however that map is pretty fucking bad for the borders it should rightfully have
morrocco, tunisia, algeria, and libya can debatebly be non arab. Sudan is literally Kafirisville and why the fuck is mauretania involved when they are mandes who assimilated the arabs that came?
Also the fuck is with that persian clay being in the borders? The only way this could happen at all is if persia's border is respected with outright certainty.
The big part of this is we need to get Amerifats to realise Baathists are for the most part the good guys, and that the biggest obstacle is tha Saudi and Wahhabi gentry in arabia.
If secular Arab nationalism wasn't so associated with socialism, it could work, the same way Turkish nationalism worked pretty well.
But if the first thing you do after establishing your republic is nationalizing everything, persecuting both big business and small merchants, then you basically throw this important class in Muslim countries in the arms of Islamists.
>why would America want to give up control of the Panama Canal? Wouldn't that mean giving up control of shipping/commerce/money?
No because "Arab" is an invented identity that no one in the region gives a shit about other than the educated literati who were jealous of European nationalism.
Ideas never dies, especially those that propose unity.
Well, the Non-Aligned movement brought peace to the region, that is, before her leading members was dismembered.
>berbers have worked well with arabs before
Never have
>and jews can assmiliate into any culture given time.
Same way they assimilated everywhere else eh? aka not at all
>Baathists are for the most part the good guys
>People who want to build their super state on the ashes of millions of non arabs's dead bodies
>all these artificial countries are non viable because the britbongs and the French drew borders with no respect for the various ethnicities and religious sects inhabiting them
>let's pile them together into a huge monstrosity that will exacerbate the problem 10x that will do the trick
Only sub Saharan and middle eastern countries had their borders drawn through the sand
North african countries have had a national history far before them becoming colonies
Lebanon, Egypt and some other cunts have existed since before there was something called the UK or France
>Persians/Kurds yeah, but there is a solution for that culture
You mean genociding them, right? Go back to your desert and stay there.
>that Jordan
instead of Palestinians vs. Jews you'd have Bedouins vs. Palestinians vs. Jews
It could, if it was modeled like the US, with states and etc. the current borders would have to be removed and redrawn based on provinces to create appropriate states
The thing is, you need a generation of founding fathers, and for that you need an enlightenment movement
Let's say the current Middle East is at roughly 1650 Christianity. They still need a long time
>This is your brain on /pol/
>secular pan Arab republic (Read: not necessarily democracy) bring peace
Religion is not the problem in the MENA. It's the symptom.
Stop believing the overly simplistic liberal narrative of religion = outcomes.
But this pan-Arab meme will cause massive friction and conflict with the non-arabs in this region
>Caring about other people
>Expecting people who raped and enslaved large swaths of territory
>Forcibly converted millions by the threat of death
>Treated the natives of the areas they conquered like second class citizens and took them as slaves even after they converted
To "care"
What you're suggesting is 100% against arab culture
Many is an exaggeration. Propaganda, memes, empty promises by IS recruiters, for some its a beta uprising, religious illiteracy, Saudi funded scholarship, Middle East politics, corruption in Muslim governments and lack of a legitimate caliphate(for the first time in history)
real reasonable!
It failed because Nasser didn't want to let the Syrians share any power, and the state's legitimacy failed after war with Israel didn't work out well.
It's a nice idea, but it won't happen in our lifetimes. There's two huge problems in the way:
1. Tribal and sectarian differences between Arabs
2. Plutocrats who use the ideology as a vehicle for their corruption/nepotism (see Saddam, Assad, etc.)
Just look at Syria, a single secular Arab republic can't stay united, let alone a federation of republics.
Mauritania isn't entirely black, there are a lot of ethnic Arabs and Arabized Berbers.
No, because even if the underlying Arab nationalism can withstand Islam (which it can't like this thread is discussing) it might not be able to survive western intervention in the name of human rights and forced sanctions. Any nation that really pushes nationalism to resolve ethnic conflict with have a hard time with the west.