Can some history buff please explain to me:
1. The ways how Hitler was right
2. The ways how Hitler was wrong
Can some history buff please explain to me:
1. The ways how Hitler was right
2. The ways how Hitler was wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
1. He had one confirmed kill during WWII
2. He had one confirmed kill during WWII
1. The Jews were a pestilence on Europe and the world and needed to be stopped at all costs.
2. The Italians were a worthy ally, descended from the Romans and militarily capable.
1. Fascism and ethnic cleansing
2. Too many wars with too many nations
Hitler put his country into a war that they lost and killed himself. Which part of that sounds right?
Did wrong:
He frightened off a lot of his country's best and brightest, killed a lot of the rest, attacked Britain, lost, declared war on the United States, attacked Russia, got his army stuck in Russia in the winter, refused to listen to his generals, divided his army, attacked a militarily nonessential target, got a huge chunk of his army stuck in the militarily nonessential target, and from there it was a pretty direct line to losing the war and killing himself.
Oh yeah, and he straight-up murdered millions of people.
Did right:
He told France to take their Treaty of Versailles and shove it, which was a pretty good move, I guess.
>attacked Britain
Que? Britain attacked Germany. Unless you count the invasion of Poland as an indirect attack on Brittain.
Well, obviously Britain declared war on Germany. I'm referring specifically to the Battle of Britain, and not so much the fact that he attacked (I'm aware he'd have preferred to avoid it if he could have) as to the fact that he /attacked and lost./
1. Fascism
2. Invading Russia and fighting a war on two fronts
1. Trying to preserve his people and their culture.
2. Genocide and a series of unbelievably stupid strategic decisions.
>unbelievably stupid strategic decisions
I think he got tricked by how successful his rise to power was and it made him believe he could do anything, which in turn gave him the idea he should personally direct his military based on his own gut decisions instead of just letting his generals manage things.
Except no one tricked him. It was all his own fucking ego. He was a charismatic guy, and a good civil leader, but he should have left the military affairs to his generals.
>his people and their culture
I hate this moronic meme. Nazi culture wasn't some glorious old German culture. It was a pleb, simplified and vulgar version of it. This fucking idiot wanted to burn all books that disagreed with his vision of history or German spirit. How is this preserving culture?
Nazis' "culture" was completely worthless. They were like retarded teenagers jerking off to cool heroes and myths and ignoring or even destroying everything else.
> The German people hissed whenever domestic films were played at the theater instead of foreign films because the state-run film industry was so fucking boring.
>I'm referring specifically to the Battle of Britain
That was the natural result of war, as well as escalation of retaliation. It's not as if the Brits didn't attack Germany as well. What, was Hitler supposed to sit on his ass without doing anything while his cities were being bombed? A dictator can hardly afford to look weak.
1. things i like
2. things i dont like
>dismiss the entire notion of Austrian music as distinct from German
Well that dismissal would be correct, seeing as Austrians are German. If he'd said "dismiss the entire notion of Austrian music as distinct from other German music" his sentence would be correct.
>Just imagine... if you listened to music that wasn't [x] you would be shot in the back of the head
That sounds pretty comfy as long as I get to be in power and decide which two or three musical artists everyone has to listen to. If everyone was forced to listen to nothing but boards of canada and macross 82-99 we'd have colonized half of the milky way by now.
>1. The ways how Hitler was right
Saying Germany was bullied by other nations.
>2. The ways how Hitler was wrong
Thinking he could stop other nations from bullying Germany by bullying them back.
>Austrians are German
Austrians were Celts and already romanized by the first century BCE. Germans were largely Nordic and were never romanized.
He never claim anything that we can evaluate as right or wrong.
It was all propaganda.
>Saying Germany was bullied by other nations.
He was full of shit.
The treaty of Versailles was a joke. The other nations, especially Britain, feared Germany. Even afterwards they created the European Union just to minimize the influence of Germany. And when Germany essentially started leading the EU, Britain decided to leave it.
>Germans were largely Nordic
That isn't true. Northern Germans have high Nordic admixture, but Germans on the whole aren't particularly Nordic.
This post is retarded
Schoenberg's music is complete garbage, it wasn't a revival of the classicals, it was a corruption of the classicals
Seriously go listen to it, he makes his music bad on purpose. His music was basically the equivalent of the "modern art" where people glue a dildo to a canvas
Oh and I also forgot to mention, 12 tone is cancer and was created Schoenberg. If you actually learn about Schoenberg, basically he is butthurt that the germans hate jews so he sets out to make all of his music emo as fuck(for the time)
The entire point of 12 tone was that every note would be played but all the notes were equal. No note was more important than the other, and it didn't even matter what order the notes were played in. You could play them willy fucking nilly and "dude all the notes were equal it didnt even matter what order lmao"
This was basically an extension of the oldest jew ruse in the book, "everyone is equal" that lets them gain power, sound familiar?
12 tone is literally cultural marxism in music form, you have """"equality""" and what is essentially race mixing with notes
It sounds autistic as fuck, but if you go full autismo and actually learn about schoenberg, you can see why the NSDAP banned his shit
>this is what nazis believe
Completely stupid
Jesus, I just went and listened to Schoenberg, and you weren't kidding.
What is this garbage? I can't imagine someone actually listening to this trash and enjoying it.
>especially Britain
Already shows how little you know. Please educate yourself.
I fully agree.
Every piece of music should only be allowed to consist of one note: the most superior note: G, as in Germania.
Everything else is degenerate note mixing, which is as degenerate as race mixing.
Sieg Heil!
what a terrible argument
>German expressionism
>Doesn't even listen to a 12-tone work
That's from Schoenberg's Strauss wannabe phase, you don't even know how pleb you are.
post your bait somewhere else
>1. The ways how Hitler was right
He killed himself.
>2. The ways how Hitler was wrong
Everything else
Does anyone have that "Look what time it is, time to ruin europe" image?
just google images "destroy europe"
he was right to everything
he did nothing wrong
But he lost.
He put ideology before than strategy
There is literally nothing wrong with Evangelion OST
He managed to shoot the guy that killed him though.
Absolutely retarded. Also, Mahler is complete degenerate shit almost as much as late Schöenberg. Too bad his only masterpiece is Pelleas und Melisande.
1. Pretty much all of the National Socialist domestic policy
2. Getting too involved in military matters despite not having military experience even at the level of a corporal
Perhaps the Nazis were too conservative musically, but Schoenberg, a revival of classical music? The man's ideas were ANTI-musical.