League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best couple edition
prev eyosongive.us


xth for my wife Syndra

>tfw no qt petite gf

Best guy!
Santa Draven soon!

Why did mata go duskblade second on mf? I thought she wanted cleaver

Buy keys, goy

Is this real?

why can't i find this game fun anymore?

this is kind of the whole f2p model though. you have to balance giving out free stuff, getting player commitment, and actually making money. i don't fault riot for it and i don't need to meme about rubbing-hands-together etc. but it's up to them and in their own best interest to actually, you know, balance the different aspect so they can keep on retaining player and making money.

i don't know if you've been playing recently (like this week), but they converted some of the xp in fwotd to be. so if you're 3 or 30 short you'd be getting it over a few days of fwotd. (and if you're 300 short you'd be playing enough games over several days to level up).

they will be having bonus ip weekend, it'll just be called bonus xp weekend. i expect the next one will be a short time after the new season starts.

also just play on euw. who in their right mind would play on shitty unpopulated servers?

yes and they had increasing cost (and limited quantity, too)


xth for just carry harder

erm, a correction, it's actually 50 be per fwotd, so 3 or 30 short would just be one game.

hello league of legend
how i play against sion
he scream, slow and q for 5 seconds
he is like kitteh if i try to hit minion

>that build and keystone

Any Diana players her know any super Sekret Build strategies?

Like GLP-800 instead of ROA or like Aftershock + Zhonyas/Abyssal/Banshee ?

>literally no ad to support crit bulid

git gud silver surfer

>goes crit then build 3X attack speed Items


Learn the difference between Crit Yi and On-Hit Yi

That was enemy team jungle Yi and my team jungle Kog...

>letting this yi win

kill yourself

Glp, void staff, banshee, zhonyas, stoneplate

We got to late game but kog and our meme brand support with no sightstone or any kind of vision control what so ever, he didnt even use the trinket, were uncarriable.

give more free skins that doesnt impact gameplay make champs way harder to get specially for newer player
isnt this kinda p2w-ish

>Get S
I fucking hate playing adcs. It doesn't matter how fed I get if an assassin exists in the other side.

pls ban these tards

>open chest
>receive despair emote

this is so ironic

if they're gonna put these things in chests can they at least remove the 7 day restriction on earning chests? I'd be drowning in them if not for that

Did riot even consider the message they were sending making the infection/corruption archer a faggot?

>create new account and deiced not to be toxic from the beginning
>still honor lvl 2 at lvl 28

>gets corrupted
>likes cock now
Just like my chinese erotic comics

Electrocute or Aftershock?

When will they learn?

you dont you either use anti tank bruiser like fiora play champs to outscale late game or play passive champs that help your team like shen or malphit etc sion is kinda strong with buff after buff

I was more thinking that Riot are calling gays aids infested.

And they need to rename Varus W to Poz loads.
His ult to Infectious Ejaculate.

>Honor 2
How is that shit possible? You don't play with your IRL friends like most people do?

learn what?

>go 8/0/2

More like did they even consider the message they were sending by making the now only canon gay couple get chased down by noxians, then thrown into a blender and murdered.

champs aren't harder to get. they are (barely) slightly easier to get now than before.

and we meme about this all the time, but champs in lol are designed/restrained/balanced around the fact that not everyone has all champs, so there are less hard-counters-lose-at-champ-select and you're able to win with just about anything. compare the pub winrates of champs in lol and in dota and it's night and day.

and if you're one of those poor souls trying to braum jungle or play ad annie or whatever, then you're just bringing it upon yourself.

Shitty CS then

>IRL friends

>ornn banned again

he's gonna be one of those champs that rarely see play because he's banned all the time

It's hard to CS when we're farming champions like minions and scoring objectives.


>NuSwain would act like Senator Armstrong
Would it be fine?

I don't think the game's population or popularity dying, but yeah, I do agree that Riot's overarching modus operandi has definitely taken a turn for the worse this year.

Riot's starting to go full jew with the new BE and XP changes, the 1350 rp skins (that are especially given out to biased champion favorites time and time again) and the needless MMO-like collect-athon grind that they're applyin to missions and other game aspects like masteries, honor leveling, basic leveling, etc. All of it reeks Tencent's shitty Chink corporate influence.

As for champions, yeah, I agree with you on this as well. They've really taken a turn for the worse, especially when season 6 gave us so many high-quality, unique champions that didn't feel like fan bait. Instead, nearly all of season 7's champions felt like forced, by-the-books fanbait, with the only exceptions being Camille and Ornn. Rakan and Kayn/Rhaast manage to get somewhat of a pass since they have refreshing, fun kits and there's some actual depth to them beneath their initial lore and first impressions. Xayah was a fun kit wasted on character with a terrible design, voice and personality. Zoe is the worst offender by far and it disgusts me that Riot would stoop low enough to make a completely tasteless and blatant lolicon-baiting champ with equality terrible lore, voicework, characterization and personality. Not even bringing her game balance nightmare into this. Should've honestly never existed.

As for the new gay stuff with Varus - I'd actually like it if Riot didn't delete another champion via lore retcons (one of the only confirmed straight family men in League at that.) If they had the fucking brains to apply it to a new champion then it wouldn't bother me or all of the other people who were pissed off about this giant, random retcon. But champion retcons took a giant nosedive in the latter half of this year and it's getting the point where people are losing interest in the lore because of it.

what if i have most low cost champs and i wanted to main yasuo for example and i keep getting 3 nunu chards every lvl up capsule since there is no cap to how much you RNG luck sucks

when the EFF are we getting our necromancer loli

I got honor 4 by then, are you just totally silent and stick to farming all game or what

So got this for flamming some garbage frenchies, how many months do I have to play to remove this shit?

You don't seem like a good person to me.

we just got the first loli since annie, i wouldnt hold your breath

Demon loli first.

Retconning shit backstories from characters with no personality is way better than making a new champ

It's like using a new toilet every time you shit instead of just flushing

flamming frenchies should should give you more honor riot plz

gib some mid lane tips

but what if zoe is just the beginning of a new wave of lolis. it's only a matter of time

Why couldn't Yi and Wukong have been made gay.

>Retconning shit backstories from characters with no personality is way better than making a new champ
for real, there's already other "i lost muh wife" heroes like lucien


>are you just totally silent and stick to farming all game or what
no i am trying to help me team every time calling them retards

do you not get first win of the day bonus at level 8? when does it unlock?

Anyone else hopelessly bad at this game? I've been playing on and off since season 4 and i still do horrible and have trouble playing champs like kat and taliyah/ All of my friends go better but im still average


Don't play high mechanical champs if you feel like you lack skill.


I love you Jhinfag. You nail it every time.

Reminder this Jhinfag is female and superior to all of you

Alright, which champion will be reworked in to a lesbian?

Also, how THICC will the female Darkin be?

Lucian's guns are actually his two gay sons.

KT sometimes look like a super team.

There's so many champs with potential gay that people wouldn't mind nearly as much as goddamn AIDS archer of dead wife and child.

Wukong and Yi, Graves and TF, Taric, Heimerdinger.
All of them could have been made gay without changing anything about their characters, but instead they rewrite a character from the ground up just to make him a faggot who's actually offensive as hell to most people who think about it especially to gays.

Except his old lore was well-rounded by pre-retcon standards and fit the whole revenge and retribution theme better.

Instead they could've made him a more interesting character by expanding on his backstory, his family and etc, but they didn't. Out of all the male champions with no confirmed sexuality, children or families - ((they)) chose one of the few champions who actually had that as the victim of the reton. It's a tasteless thing for Riot to do and I'd hate to sound like some /pol/tar or tumblrina here, but it came off as forced straight erasure. If you're willing to spend the money to make a music video for it, then you might as well spend the extra money to make a new champion to tell your story, rather than trying to fix something that isn't broken.

Was it ever a doubt? Although I see Leona, Diana, Kayle and Morg too.

Vi and cait will be lesbos. Female Darkin is gonna be a lithe whip wielder, not thicc at all

Yordle buffs when.

>Tfw played Poppy into Trynd and shitstomped him.
>Every other game I play her I get raped over and over because it'll be a ranged champ 90% of the time.


If we're being technical Varus isn't gay, but his body is made up of two dead gays. Not sure that Darkin have sexuality, although his reference to his 'sister' indicates sexual characteristics at the least.

Why the fuck is that game still alive.

>inb4 Varus is seeking out the female to repopulate the Darkin and he won't be able to get it up because two thirds of his mind is gay.

Don't pick her blind and it's a good pick versus other tanks/melee's


I've only ever seen Syndra paired off with Zed so if this was the case it would be out of left-field. Irelia too.

I really hope the female Darkin is some way out there weapon like the bone-wheel shields from Dark Souls or something.

Diana and Leona should def become canon lesbos

Waifus and Husbandos. Almost like League.

why do people want to cuck pantheon so much

>its a "twitch feeds the shit out of his lane but gets 3 items and kills your entire team in the time it takes to cast spells" episode

i don't know who you were linking to because your link is broken, but it doesn't matter how much your rng sucks. you always get minimum 810+ (average 940) be. whether you get it in the form of 9 nunus or a couple of xin zhaos or one yasuo it doesn't make a difference. only the disenchantable value matters.


and they were here first change lucian story

There are no cast times in league.
React faster

>implying panth doesn't smash both anyway because he's that sexy

Pantheon is basically a Spehss Muhreen in my mind, essentially a chemically (divinely) neutered war machine. Realistically though I only see them confirming Diana as lesbian as she was intended to be but I doubt they'd actually make Leona reciprocate mostly because that'd involve them finishing a plot line.

Did you DC?
Or did you bitch out like your previous blog posts seems to suggest

that is objectively wrong you fucking retard

i think zoe is cute and fun to play.

Giving a bit free shit helped a bit namely skill slots and also this

no, just standing in the base

he cucked first

>junglers that start topside

I just don't understand why they couldn't one or of the more obvious champions that have already received LGBT suspicions and theorizing over the years.

Seriously, you've had people wondering about Graves and TF's relationship that felt especially gay after reading Burning Tides, Vi and Caitlyn's relationship with their cop dynamic and pet names, the whole situation with Diana and Leona with Iron Stylus later confirming that Diana's was(is?) practically going to be lesbian, Kayn's weird obsession with Zed, and then of course there's fucking Taric with his whole implied pan deal going on. But once again they didn't touch on any of the champions that people actually speculated about or even wanted to be gay or whatever - in typical Riot lore fashion, they gave us something that nobody suspected or asked for, because it was never fucking there in the first place.

Cast times would delay your spell being cast.
Travel time is how quickly your spell moves towards the opponent.
Channels are not "cast times"

Travel time=/=cast time