After researching a lot of the so-called terms used by the Right-Wing, I've discovered that a lot of them have their roots in history. Cultural Marxism is derived from Cultural Bolshevism, a Nazi term.
I'm looking to find out the history of these Right-Wing memes, e.g. Communists are destroying the family, liberals want to indoctrinate children etc.
I say all of this despite being a Right-Winger myself but I can't in any way relate to these people because they all seem so pathological.
Here is a funny clip of Richard Nixon essentially being a /pol/tard back in the 1970s:
>I'm looking to find out the history of these Right-Wing memes, e.g. Communists are destroying the family, liberals want to indoctrinate children etc.
Go learn about what life was like in the USSR and the eastern europe satelite states.
hint: it was dogshit.
Parker Harris
I'm not looking so much for what happened in the USSR (I know generally what happened there) but rather, when did the West start exaggerating it among the populace and create cultural phrases or terms which began to pass on generation to generation.
Christian Wright
>communists form an oppressive government >people describe the oppression >left wingers are more obsessed with the language used to describe the oppression than the oppression itself
Modern leftism in a nutshell. Please kys. People had every right to worry about communism, because communism was fucking garbage.
Justin Morris
>so-called term What the fuck? This is where I stopped reading, you can disagree with terms all you want but they're not "so-called terms", that's just retarded. Lefties call everyone reactionry fascists, that's a term they use. It's not a "so-called term", what a stupid fucking idiot you are.
Carter Morris
>implying it's a conspiracy McCarthy was proven right.
Ian Butler
>the last six roman emperors were fags Nicholas II was gay?
Andrew Roberts
It goes even further back than that, to intercontinental socialism and (probably) the French Revolution. At first liberals said "fuck the monarchy, they don't help us" so the monarchy fought back. Then leftists/Socialists said "fuck the state, they don't help us," so the state appeased them through social welfare policies, then they said "fuck the capitalists, they don't help us" and you got stuff like communism and later the anti-Red reaction.
And just anecdotally you can see it today: Marginalized groups want to continue their (backward to outsiders) way of life, while the state wants to bring them into what it sees as a more correct modernity. So while the government tries to teach evolution and sex education and that fossil fuels are destroying the environment, Jim Smith, the Baptist coal miner with 6 kids from West Virginia, sees a malicious, careless institution that wants to marginalize him further.
John Edwards
Again, I'm not asking about the time period then, I'm talking about how those ideas have transgressed to today in an exaggerated fashion to describe people. Why are you getting so mad? Calm down there, buddy.
Camden White
>grandma lived in imperial hungary >then eventually lived through communism in hungary >eventually moved to US >get cancer every time I see some faggot like OP imply communism was good
I wish people could talk to people who actually had to live through communism so they could understand why we hated it so much
Cameron Peterson
The first red scare was what started it all.
Charles Campbell
B-b-but you don't understand! It wasn't REAL communism, comrade.
Ryan Scott
That isn't true and you know it.
Jayden Nelson
>Triggered? You're misusing English, you fucking ESL nigger.
Isaac Flores
Are you all suffering from reading disabilities?
I quite clearly stated I'm a right-winger, I'm very much against Communism and never once implied it was good. I'm looking for a history of the derogatory terms used against Communism.
What's it like being brain-dead? You're proving my point, retards.
Jackson Perry
Evan Moore
>be me freshman year of college >doing some dumb blowoff geography elective >we start talking about communism >class is like 1/4th full of those literal smelly fedora types who don't shower and always jack off communism >bring my grandmother in to speak about how it actually was
The good news is some of them I think actually learned and stopped being retarded so I think I at least did some good
Josiah Russell
Somebody's triggered
Lucas Moore
>all these buttblasted conservative retardos who can't even read an opening post correctly
if only you'd gone to a public school funded by the government
Brody Diaz
Yes I am trigert
Juan Evans
Read the thread next time, retard.
You suffer from literal autism.
Evan Perry
It is true. You should pick up some of John Earl Haynes books. For the record, he's the head archivist of American political history at the Library of Congress. He cross-referenced the people McCarthy named with the Venona Decrypts and the Gorsky Memo. Turns out over half of them were implicated enough to be labeled security risks with 9 of them so commonly referenced in Venona that were they still alive they would be dead to rights. McCarthy may have been a drunk and a stolen valor dweeb, but the son of a bitch could spot commies from a mile away.
Landon Fisher
Communism, leaving economics aside, is about forcing equality. People are not equal. That's what /pol/ means when they say Cultural Marxism. The word's origin doesn't matter, the meaning speaks for itself. Affirmative action is Marxism. Civil rights intimidation laws are Marxism. hate crime laws (if you look at how disproportionately they're used) are Marxism. Artificially propping up people to make them "equal" is inherently a communist idea.
>but "all men are created equal" And by that they meant men, and only certain men. Humans aren't equal, but that's not really a question for Veeky Forums. Now, do you have anything besides a shitty Youtube video and some arguments about semantics? Probably not.
Dominic Hill
>you live on a planet with people who drank this much of the Kool-Aid
Quite frightening to be honest. Just glad there aren't many of them in positions of power.
Liam Evans
Why are you discussing Communism?
Did any of you read the OP?
Kill yourselves.
Mason Ramirez
Not an argument :)
Brandon Cook
>I'm looking to find out the history of these Right-Wing memes, e.g. Communists are destroying the family, liberals want to indoctrinate children etc. Because any deviation on the standard leads to much worse degradation of society. What is the standard? One man, one woman, three kids and a dog. No cats, cats are Judeo-communist subversion tools intended to promote fractured hierarchy in the family unit. That was a joke, by the way. You don't have to find it funny, I'm just proving us nazis can do it. The domesticstion of the cat is actually one of the finest achievements of the White man, up there with gunpowder and guns.
You see, in the early 20th century they told us "women should have the vote", that they were people and it was their right, so they got it. Then they told us women were equalmin everything and that men should stay at home, and they got it. Then they told us men can love men too, and they got it. Then they told us marriage was outdated and that men should marry men, and they got it. Then they told us men could be women and vice versa, and they got it. Now we're giving 3 year olds puberty blockers as if that's normal and acceptable and a great step for progress. What's next? Are people going to become animals? Are people going to have sex with animals? This twisted, depraved, degenerate path we've been led on, what's coming after this?
And it's always the same people supporting this. The communists. The Jews. The conservatives have held on as hard as possible to some semblance of normality but the left and the Jews want to pull us further and further into this tidepool of corrupted society, destroying the very fabric of our existence.
Honestly, if you showed someone from 100 years ago what we've become they'd be sickened by us, and if you were to show us what will be done to us in 100 years you would be sickened.
Jayden Adams
The alt right isn't conservative and in fact considers conservatives cucks. Shows how much you know.
Carter Sanchez
Who said I was talking about the alt-right? The alt-right are fucking memers. Their spokesperson is a gay Jew.
Justin Morales
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should people be allowed to pursue their own happiness in ways that I PERSONALLY FIND REPUGNANT
tl;dr'ed it for you, hopefully I'll save a few phoneposters some time
AND BY THE WAY, people who lived a long time ago with different values would REALLY DISLIKE what we are doing, and that matters for some reason
Sebastian Lewis
Not a single constructive post in all of this thread that understood my OP post in the slightest.
Jaxson Nguyen
>Milo >alt right Top lel. Do you get your news from Buzzfeed?
Camden Sullivan
Society isn't sustainable in it's current model, the birth rate is already below 2.1 in every western country, you can't deny this. Do you honestly think giving puberty blockers to 3 year olds so they can have their genitalia mutilated later on in life is "progress"? If so, what benefits does it offer society?
He himself claims to be.
Liam Gonzalez
normal humans don't give a shit about what pondscum rises to the top of the alt-right, so cut him some slack
Easton Smith
Another thread ruined by /pol/tards.
Brandon Parker
He outright denied it. "I'm not a member of the Alt Right" - his own words.
Nathan Gomez
Cultural marxism describes applying marxist principles to evaluate and regulate institutions based on race and gender demographics. Its a real thing that is increasingly popular, who the fuck cares about the origins of the term
Samuel Perez
>you >normal human
Don't flatter yourself.
Owen Ortiz
You are setting up a convenient strawman because you have nothing else. Literally %0.000001 of children are even involved in this issue.
In the UK, for instance, >The Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust said referrals over the period included 47 children aged five or under, and two children just three years old. >The trust, the UK’s only centre specialising in gender issues in under 18s said that in total, the number of under 11s referred to the unit has risen from 19 in 2009-10 to 77 in 2014-15.
And there's no reason to think that those numbers are wildly different in the US.
That doesn't look like the collapse of Western society to me, fucko. The birth rate is so low because of women educating themselves about pregnancy and contraception. If you want more children, incentivize families to have them, don't take away poor people's condoms and contraceptive education.
Julian Howard
Eh no, it's a retarded /pol/ conspiracy that members of the frankfurt school who were predominantly communist formulated a plot to bring down western society by destroying the family and introducing communist ideas into every sector of life and education
the key word is 'conspiracy', /pol/tards like yourself actually believe adorno etc conspired to do this and have been planning it behind some closed doors without a single piece of evidence and you call communists insane
Jack Murphy
The cat domesticated itself and the ancient Anatolians weren't anything you would recognize as white.
Brandon Richardson
I hear retards like yourself keep painting it like a conspiracy theory, but Ive never heard anyone actually use it to imply a conspiracy is going on.
Luke Campbell
something something Jews, Youtube link, you must be a Jew, cuck, Marxist, etc.
there I just saved everyone a lot of trouble, no need to thank me
Thomas Carter
Nice try, retard. Until you provide evidence of it, it's a conspiracy.
No one is denying that Marxists have interests in society or influence public/social opinion.
/pol/tards like yourself claim it originated in the frankfurt school which is literally retarded seeing as they were all openly communist and hegelian thinkers.
Have you even read Marx or Hegel? I say this as a keen Adam Smith supporter btw so no ad hom attacks, thanks!
Levi Price
The first tine I read the term cultural marxism was in Breivik's manifesto.
Michael Thompson
The term has been around a lot longer than /pol/, and while I think there isnt a marxist conspiracy going on, theres absolutley an increase in neo marxism on campuses. It shares a lot of the same values as social justice rhetoric.
Austin Brown
Yeah as literally a Nazi term
Elijah Long
>/pol/tards like yourself claim it originated in the frankfurt What the fuck are you talking about? Im not a /pol/tard and I dont give two shits about the frankfurt school. Yes Ive read Marx, his evaluation of power structures in economics is exactly how sjws evaluate institutions.
Also, the burden of proof doesnt lay on me to prove its not a conspiracy, it lays on you to prove it is a conspiracy. Thats how burden of proof works
Alexander Jenkins
The burden of proof is on you to prove it is a conspiracy, retard, since you are claiming this is all planned.
Ayden Roberts
It all started in 19th century after the French Revolution and it's as old as the ideas it criticizes.
James Sanchez
Elijah Williams
Note to Marxists: Adam Smith is a shitty obsolete economist that came to the same conclusions as Marx, often even using the same methodology if we don't count dialectics obviously. Complete with LTV and materialistic social determimism. Marx has just written the next chapter, he is to Smith like New Testament is to the Old Testament.
So it's kind of high time for you dumbasses to realize that Smith isn't some holy prophet of capitalism, majority of modern "capitalists" either ignore or outright loathe Smith and by false flagging as an Adam Smith fanboy you only out yourself as a fucking Marxisf. Have a nice day.
James Collins
Cultural Bolshevism has nothing to do with cultural marxism
Aaron Russell
I literally said its not a conspiracy. Holy shit learn to read you fucking idiot.
>claiming a group of shadowy marxists are infiltrating society is not a conspiracy
retard or just stupid?
Alexander Wood
Katyn massacre of Veeky Forums when?
Juan Miller
>Adam Smith is a shitty obsolete economist that came to the same conclusions as Marx,
Lucas Murphy
>claiming a group of shadowy marxists are infiltrating society is not a conspiracy How fucking dumb are you? Where in the fuck did i claim anything even close to this? Are you being tricked by your own strawman?
Joshua Nguyen
There's only one strawman in here and that's the man with all the birds on his head
Gabriel Lopez
If you think >Cultural marxism describes applying marxist principles to evaluate and regulate institutions based on race and gender demographics. Its a real thing that is increasingly popular, who the fuck cares about the origins of the term
is the same as
>a group of shadowy marxists are infiltrating society
Then you are simply fucking retarded. You have an actual learning disability and need psychological examination. Do society a favor and just fucking kys
Aiden Allen
>Smith: Capitalism is a form of natural material human progress, it's much better than feudalism and has done much good to mankind >Marx: Capitalism is a form of natural material human progress, it's much better than feudalism and has done much good to mankind, HOWEVER it's also very shitty and contradictory in many aspects so the next step is socialism
There's a reason why Spengler said that Marx, despite himself being from Germany, wrote from an Anglo-Saxon perspective and not German one, complete with the mutual class hatred and other typically British things treated as universal human axioms. It's because Marx was a Smithian retard.
Nathaniel King
>Gives two different examples >Claims they both came to the same 'conclusions' >Literally states Marx's 'conclusion' as one different to Smith's
Really makes you think
James Ramirez
It's just the next chapter like I said, Marx doesn't invalidate anything in Smith, he just continues and updates his work.
Gavin Ross
>both came to the same 'conclusions' >gives different 'conclusions'
Really makes you think
Chase Jones
>Communists are destroying the family, liberals want to indoctrinate children Well, I mean, to be fair, those are not entirely untrue statements.
Bentley Ramirez
You're factually an idiot.
Ryder Rivera
>implying russia was the second rome when will this meme die
Christian Cook
>"You're factually an idiot." >"Adam Smith is a shitty obsolete economist that came to the same conclusions as Marx" >Smith: Capitalism is a form of natural material human progress, it's much better than feudalism and has done much good to mankind >Marx: Capitalism is a form of natural material human progress, it's much better than feudalism and has done much good to mankind, HOWEVER
Really makes you think and rubs the noggin, firing all its neurons
Lucas Gomez
This. Smith and Marx are both whiggish.
Jeremiah Ramirez
>Aristotle was a homo >So was Socrates I honestly didn't know that. Wasn't Aristotle married?