Finally got enough time to dick around with Geese.
2,f1,qcb4, Wall Splat, 2, f1, qcb4 is like 73 guaranteed damage with no meter. 93, if you're lucky and get the OTG grab.
1, qcb1 is an interesting natural combo. Not sure the use of it.
also, I don't remember df4 being in the movelist
Jose Clark
i'm hyped.
Jayden Stewart
>1, qcb1 is an interesting natural combo. Not sure the use of it. It's one of his i10 punishers
Jayden Myers
my issue is the same with everyone. I get stuck up in jabs and can never press anything. I try to sidestep but still get stuffed. I'm very beginner level obviously.
Cooper Long
Geese is fun but it just doesnt feel right
Nolan Torres
just keep playing, and keep practicing
Hudson Stewart
Tekken isn't a game where someone can tell you what to do to always beat something. It's a game made of very specific situations. Get more comfortable with the system, USE PRACTICE MODE and lab things that you're having difficulties with. Explore the system, basically.
Gavin Mitchell
You still have to half circle back, even if the input is lenient. I play on stick so my issue with it is not that it's a hard input (might be for pad or KB players tho), it's that inputting all those commands is slow and I don't know when to use the move.
Ian Evans
oh and f4 has some insane fucking reach and pushes the other guy back a bit
and you sway back a bit when you press 1+2. Gotta test that out
Parker Myers
Speed is not an issue when the whole point of the move is to buffer it inside another one. Cuckbox user here. Personally I do 2 half circles because doing half circles is extremely quick on hitbox: f,d,b f,d,b 1+2 and I'm done
Aiden Martin
So now that he's been out a couple days, what are your thoughts on Geese so far?
Kayden Bailey
Fun to play, fun to lab. For me atleast.
Michael Walker
He follows a different system than other characters, that's why he came off as being weak at first. I think he's plenty strong in the hands of someone who labbed him well. I especially like how his cancels are useful even on block, as they lead to a 50/50
Chase Lewis
He won that set though didn't he? I first saw it on a rage compilation and his win count seemed to be going up despite him getting progressively angrier.
Logan Thompson
> He did lose a couple. Mostly the promo matches.
Daniel Robinson
Yes but he lost his promo match and his dignity
Levi Kelly
73 is pretty meh on the wall though, but with Meter it goes to good to fucking amazing.
Also should I just resign myself to a loss in an infinite stage?
Mason Rodriguez
Why is TMM so fucking garbage with Heihachi?
Brody Campbell
What the fuck is the use for Geese's Df34?
Angel Ross
does this general like ARIS
Aaron Reed
>Also should I just resign myself to a loss in an infinite stage? Just turtle like a madman. Geese has a really good backdash
Benjamin Cook
fish for the 2 follow up at the wall by spamming the 3 follow up that's +1 on block.
Charles Johnson
Honestly, Infinite stage means you just have to fight longer rounds. The ultimate goal of every round isn't winning, Its not losing.
Blake Ramirez
He made a lot of really good guides and has helped me immensely. On top of that he's a lot more entertaining than the average streamer and also comes off as a fairly intelligent person, unlike TheMainManSWAY.
That said, he's absolutely trash at this game
Justin Williams
>Genbu >Trash
Samuel Gutierrez
TMM would body everyone in /tekgen/.
Dylan Moore
>comes off as a fairly intelligent person, unlike TheMainManSWAY
And the TheMainMan is law student, while Aris is a fat stoner Hagrid cosplayer. really makes you think
Liam Russell
>ignoring that he's been playing tekken since fucking forever
Nathan Perry
Just wanted to say thanks to the user who said I should give shaheen a try when I asked whether is should main paul or dragunov. He's fun as fuck and I've actually been winning online :^)
Parker Hill
man this game is infuriating
Elijah Wilson
>the TheMainMan is law student He started recently and he's in his 30s. He also throws a tantrum when he's losing and refuses to lab characters.
Levi Parker
Still good
Lincoln Morgan
So what?
Benjamin Reed
How fast is akumas shoryuken?
Hudson Clark
So the point was he's trash
Gavin Lopez
>Genbu >Trash
Jack Wright
Well, after months of owning this game, I've finally won my first online match. I still feel very very uncomfortable online, and there's that whole army of fucking Steves in my shit trench low stats zone that I can't get by, but one couldn't block / parry lows. I finally got one..
Eli Brooks
Thomas Russell
>his DJ ranked sessions >good
Easton Wilson
Are you saying he should be higher? He said himself he's rusty and that he's mostly playing for fun
Christopher Brooks
Learn how the game works, not how to win easily.
Levi Moore
are you for real? it took you this long to beat some beginner/kyu shitter? have you just never gone online or what? i'm pretty sure you could win a few games in kyu easily by mashing
Ian Sanchez
On infinite stages you still have qcb1+2 mixups
Julian Gomez
I think I'm gonna pick up Paul, but with one exception. No deathfist/demoman unless it's in a combo. I'll be the most honest player ever.
Joseph Adams
>Geese has a Jin F4 that also launches on CH
Found my sub character
Owen Perez
i hope this post is a joke lol
Ayden Russell
Deathfist is a great whiff punisher though
Colton Sanders
use deathfist as a whiff punish
Grayson Evans
>Lars optimal playstyle is turtling like a bitch while fishing with df1, throwing out ff1+2 and looking for sidestep f1+2 while occasionally throwing out a db4 or orbital >i can feel the rage when people fight me sorry bro, this character is gimped as fuck and this is the only way to win
Carter Bell
You mean 4, not f4 right?
Jason Jenkins
That wasn't an easy win at all, I just got lucky and outranged him with spam of lows. I'm reading and such, but nothing's really adding up. Plus I can't do combos like every-fucking-body else if I can't get a hit in.
>First get game >Run the fuck over by Tekken Veterans smurfing and/or fighting to get out of shitter zone >Try it again >Not competent or comfortable enough with a character to win. Blocking is invincibility >Depressed that I couldn't pick up the character I really wanted to learn since I'm way too fucking stupid for that many inputs for basic measures. Admit defeat. I seldom bother going online since I'd be getting my ass opened too hard to even process the damn game, let alone learn. Despite watching videos and reading, it's not adding up to measures taken versus real people.
Anthony Morales
How can one character be so fun to use, almost all of his moves feel satisfying as af to land. this character is sick bruvs
Michael Anderson
Geese's 1+2 would be good move to use at the wall if it wasn't fucking -9
Mason Fisher
Im just picking up the game if you want someone to play with
If you're NA
Thomas Torres
Oh, forgot to mention. I'm really bad and one of those beginner shitters. Oops.
Ian Young
Does he say DIE FOREVER in any of his moves?
Jeremiah Taylor
>raging storm can punish safe moves and doesn't have tiny range like yoshi flash man this character is so fun
Jose Collins
i agree with this guy im a brand new player and I reached blue ranks in one afternoon, having never played fighters before in my life. you're doing something very wrong
Ryan Lewis
i really don't understand. i bought this game close to launch, and without knowing how to play at all, i got to 1st dan by basically mashing
Aaron Rodriguez
the Tekken 7 online community is nicer than any other fighting game I've played. on PS4 at least. why is that?
Owen Carter
fuck you
Colton Ward
Any goose bnbs?
Jaxson Young
hey man that's not nice
Jaxon Fisher
Tekken players unironically have a higher IQ average
Aiden Jackson
I know what it's like, especially when you have new players who get to yellow in a week. Just go at your own pace. :)
Easton Ramirez
>yo guys what goin on >this character has this move *misses input* >gonna be honest bruvs i dont play this character >this move is sick *colludes with teammate* >this character is sick >thanks for watching like and subscribe bruvs peace
Landon Young
gigas or bob probably
Robert Myers
>mfw when I've been playing teasure battle for 2 days straight with jin in order to get his alternate costumes >mfw when I've reach seiryu with him and still haven't gotten it
Isaiah Murphy
Is Akuma just a setplay gimmick character? Whenever I face an Akuma it seems like they don't give a shit what I'm doing. They just run a flowchart of mixups. Are these guys just bad or is that Akuma?
Kayden Sullivan
Ayden Thompson
just pick kat and turbo 4 over night for 2-3 nights and you'll unlock everything at 2000 matches