Did slaveholders in America really think their system could last forever?

Did slaveholders in America really think their system could last forever?

Did capitalists in America really think their system could last forever?

My man

Lol commiefags couldn't even get a system going for a century.

>muh inherent contradictions

Lol prepare to be irrelevant poors for the next 1000 years faggots.

Only a few decades prior to the US Civil War, some of the Northern states still had slaves. The only reason they got rid of their slaves is because they became fully industrialized and didn't need slaves anymore. Had the US Civil War not occurred, industrialization would have eventually spread to the South and they would no longer need slaves either.

The whole point of the Civil War was for the North to decimate the Southern economy, because it was making more money than they were, and the slavery issue was just a very convenient excuse.

What would the North gain by destroying the South economy? Did they do it out of spite? I thought the United States were United.

Why wouldn't they? Slavery has been the norm in human history for much longer than it hasn't. Hell slaves still exist today in Africa and the middle East.

Because they were competitors. Southern cotton vs. Northern wool, etc.

>Lol commiefags couldn't even get a system going for a century.
Its not like some guy named Hitler started a thing that wasted 20 million of the population, impoverished the rest and destroyed the industry.
Its not like USSR had to pull its ass inside out to compete with imperial Murika to prevent their nuclear domination of the world. It's not like NATO and Israeli cunts sabotaged every attempt Eastern nations made at creating a communist union. Its not like China is still going strong.

He's wrong. The war happened because in Kansas and Missouri slaveholders were overturning election results they didn't like. This lead to civil war beginning in 1859 and 1860.

The North only went to war with the south when it became apparent the South would destroy democracy to save slavery.

Lol brah forced labour exists on ever continent. Trying to do the "but you lynch neegros" routine gets old.


did anyone anywhere really think anything would last forever?

Lol communist china sucks broh. Go live there becuase I promise you won't like it. And I'm not talking hong kong which was capitalist forever, I mean go live in COMMUNISM LEGIT china. You will hate it.

Yeah but ohpee's question is good, did they really think slavery could last?
I think even Ottomans outlawed it before America, and we're talking about a Christian republic based on ideas of freedom and liberty.

Except the Soviet Union had its best days after WWII and collapsed thereafter on its own.

Why not? They believed in the bible and the bible patriarchs had slaves. It must have seemed to them like something natural that had been going on since the dawn of mankind and that would likely go on until the end of days.

Why didn't they just allow the slaves some holidays and the opportunity to buy themselves out of slavery, like the romans did?

the absolute madman

That's where slavery in America was different. It was based upon dehumanizing the slaves via racism. Even Romans didn't really discriminate when it came to slaves. Slaves could be any race honestly.

and slaves could be any job/role instead of just mindless labour.

Hong Kong is pretty shit desu.

ahh yes, the classic "it would have worked if only x, didn't get in our way/co-operated/compromised/laid down and died" excuse socialists always come up with.

If communism is so great, then why can't it overcome the difficulties of reality?

No system lasts forever, you don't need to be a communist to accept that capitalism will run its due.

Very funny to see capitalist ITT think they are the exception

Capitalistic Western Europe was also destroyed in WW2, only it didn't emerge as world super powers afterwards, and had to become NATO's buttslaves, your point phammy?

That doesn't even make sense.